How many records Thriller 25 sold?

here is the news how many thriller is sold

THRILLER 25 SELLS OVER 2 MILLION have listed the biggest selling albums of 2008 and Michael’s classic ‘Thriller’ album, which was updated to include remixes with some of today’s hottest artists, and a DVD of some of Michael’s most memorable performances, has entered this list at number 2, with sales over two million.

Thriller 25 was released in early February this year and has already sold a total of 2,098,400 copies worldwide.

Thriller 25 is the number 2 top selling album of 2008, beaten only by Jack Johnson's Sleep Through The Static.

This is certainly a wonderful achievement for a 25 year old album.

We offer our congratulations to everyone involved.
Thriller 25 sells another 25,000 copies worldwide this week taking the total sales to 1,977,000
that's alot i'm going out tomorrow to my music store call sunriserecord store they're having sale on they have thriller 25 cd on sale for 30% off so tmorrow i'm going to get them i know, i know i alright have it but is good deal on sale so what :yes: :clap: :heart:
I thought you would like this:


Jack Johnson Sleep Through The Static 2.276.000
Michael Jackson Thriller (25th Anniversary Reissue) 1.977.000
Madonna Hard Candy 1.878.000
Duffy Rockferry 1.822.000
Mariah Carey E=MC2 1.526.000
Soundtrack Juno 1.005.000
Lenny Kravitz It's Time For A Love Revolution 939.000
R.E.M. Accelerate 931.000
Usher Here I Stand 844.000
Janet Jackson Discipline 629.000
If a re-re release of a 25 year old album can do this well, just imagine how well a brand new album is gonna do
I'd like to know who is buying it? That's kinda unbelievable figure for a 25 years old album.. 2 million copies in 3,5 months, or something like that! Huh..

dont forget its not the first re-release for thriller a few years ago we had the specials editions and dont forget that thriller is an album that exists always in the stores and sell every year thous of copies...thriller25 is doing great by itself and only no promotion no videos nothig and manage to sell over 2 millions in a few months and continue to sell...

My guess is that it's a mixture of fans (casual and diehards), closet fans who slunk out of the woodwork for a piece of history, and altho some may not want to admit it, Kanye fans, Akon fans, Will.I.Am fans and Fergie fans. Those people bought it to have a piece of their fave artists. MJ fans often buy things with just fragments of MJ in them, the fans of those artists probably do the same...and did. The best thing about it is that those fans finally had a chance to experience Michael, whereas before they may not have been interested. The fact that Number Ones shot up the chart along with T25 means those newbies liked what they heard and wanted more MJ. Yay!

I know some fans hated the idea and still loathe it that Akon and Fergie are on T25, but the fact remains, their appearance on the CD hasn't hurt it. Now, that's not to say MJ "needed" them. That's not what I'm saying before the "MJ doesn't NEEEEED :chichi: anybody clan" jump on me. :fear: It just seems as if Michael wanted to reach a wider audience and, like it or not, he was successful in doing that. Remember, T25 is a re-re-release. This one obviously made more of a difference than the others.

Now those newbies have been prepped for the main event. :shifty: