how many of you are the only child in your family

I'm alone, don't have any brothers or sisters, but I like it. It's not a problem for me. I have never wanted a brother or sister. Maybe because I already used to this situation. I like to be alone, in my own world. :)
I'm alone, don't have any brothers or sisters, but I like it. It's not a problem for me. I have never wanted a brother or sister. Maybe because I already used to this situation. I like to be alone, in my own world. :)

do you really mean that or do you just tell that to yourself? cause i do somtimes but don't mean it. how old are you and are you a female?
do you really mean that or do you just tell that to yourself? cause i do somtimes but don't mean it. how old are you and are you a female?

I really mean it. I used to say that I don't have the experience how it would be to have a brother or a sister so it doesn't hurt that I haven't got any. I'm a female and 32.
im an only child and i hate it. i wish i had at least one sibling. i live with my parents unfortunately and they drive me crazy. if i had a brother or a sister i'd have someone to turn to and find support.
Ágnes said:
me too....well it does not sucks, but i always wished to have a big brother :)
Sorry that I'm posting here because I'm not the only child but I have always wished a big brother, too.

*goes away* :lurkingtroll:
I'm the only child and when I was a kid I always wanted a sister or a brother.
I considered my two first cousins as my sister and brother but ofcourse it wasn't the same as having a sibling because we'd see each other only during holidays.
I have two half brothers. One of them I've met once (at our father's funeral, not the best place to get to know someone) and the other one I met a few years ago and we've met a few times after that. I asked him to find me a car when I needed one. He works with cars.
We have a very small family.
5 older brothers 1 younger sister.....only 3 of my brothers are my blood brothers, the other 2 brothers and younger sister are not blood related to me but are blood siblings from the same mother who I have known since I was a baby.....but my mother adopted them when things started getting rough in their family, 2 of them live together (the brother and sister) while the other brother lives with us still:yes:(yeah it's a little confusing lol)
im an only child and i hate it. i wish i had at least one sibling. i live with my parents unfortunately and they drive me crazy. if i had a brother or a sister i'd have someone to turn to and find support.

yeah i know what you mean.
I always wanted an older brother or sister that I could relate to and someone that could watch my back much as I would theirs. As a kid I really wanted one especially. But then I started to be fine with being an only child. Today though, I would go right back to saying I wish I had a sibling, young or old.
I am an only child. My mom could have had more kids, but had miscarriages early on (within weeks of finding out she was PG). They never tried again as my dad got a vascecomy. (spelling)

I kinda liked it...except when I got in trouble. I mean, you can only blame the cats so many times for
Just my sister and I. I am the oldest. Both of us are MJ/Jackson 5 fans!
I am and I like it just fine. I've never wanted siblings, I'm quite happy by myself. In fact, when I was younger, I'd go to friends' houses and see how their brothers and/or sisters were either annoying or mean and I'd think, "Wow, I am so glad I'm an only child!"

Besides, when you're an only child, you get better birthday and Christmas presents. More money to spend than if there's more than one kid. :D
I'm an only :( I've always wanted a brother or sister b/c I felt lonely as a kid especially after school since no other kids lived on my street at the time. I get a little jealous when my friends talk about being aunts and uncles. I hope the man I eventually marry has siblings so I can be an aunt to someone.
Yeah I'm an only child :( it's really lonely and I haven't had a great upbringing either which has only made it harder
im an only child and its okay, but ive always felt like i was meant to have siblings.. which is coincidental because i recently found out that my mom had 2 abortions. i should have a 25 year old and 4 year old brother or sister.
I am.
I have two half brothers (who have different mom's) from my dads side but I never lived with them and I met the elder brother some years ago after he phoned me and the younger brother I met at my dad's funeral.
me and my brother don't have any kind of relationship, at the most it will be something like "hi/bye" and that's a lot
I also have a half brother but he virtually denies my I feel like an only child
I am an only child. My mom could have had more kids, but had miscarriages early on (within weeks of finding out she was PG). They never tried again as my dad got a vascecomy. (spelling)

I kinda liked it...except when I got in trouble. I mean, you can only blame the cats so many times for

LMFAO at the last part.
I am and I like it just fine. I've never wanted siblings, I'm quite happy by myself. In fact, when I was younger, I'd go to friends' houses and see how their brothers and/or sisters were either annoying or mean and I'd think, "Wow, I am so glad I'm an only child!"

Besides, when you're an only child, you get better birthday and Christmas presents. More money to spend than if there's more than one kid. :D

that's true.
I'm an only :( I've always wanted a brother or sister b/c I felt lonely as a kid especially after school since no other kids lived on my street at the time. I get a little jealous when my friends talk about being aunts and uncles. I hope the man I eventually marry has siblings so I can be an aunt to someone.

thank god you're here. i was starting to think it was just me who didn't like it. i'd really like to know what it's like to have a big family. when i see people enjoy holidays with 30+ people while it's just me and my mom i feel sick. i also would like to marry into a big family. i don't want my kids to have to play uno against themselves....and lose.