How many of you are childlike like MJ?

I can be very childlike..........I used to be the only mother outside playing with the kids lol. The other mothers thought i was crazy!!
But I just rollerscated with all the children in the street and gave dinnerparties for all the kids in the middle of the street and they loved it!!!
I let them all colour my house with chalk, so that's just a tiny bit of fun lol
Omg the person who started this topic LOL ya..jk. But I love talking of this side of MJ. Iam childlike not cause I don't to grow up but because iam this way and never outgrew the fun stuff of life. MJ was like that.. He was a man but had a childlike heart. He was a BIG kid. I can relate to him. I see fun in things that people my age 29 don't see. Iam going on 30 next month but I feel like a 13 year old trap in a mans body LOL. I keep up with what todays kids watch cause I feel youthful inside and that's how am. But other adults will never understad me cause
My childlike personality.
I am 26 but I am a child at heart. Not only does it make me look and feel young but I feel good about myself. I am an adult and act like one but when I am alone or with children, I laugh and watch cartoons with them. I just drew SpongeBob Square Pants earlier this week!

"ohhh who lives in a Pineapple under the tree? spongebob square pants!"
Its good to be childlike...never let go of that side of your personality..its what makes like fun. SEEING things thur the eyes of a child...i see things diff then other people my age.
I also tend to be childlike at times. And I am 29 years old now. So what that I am. I love playing video and computer games like any of the Sims, Sim City, and Final Fantasy games. And watch cartoons and stuff. I also kind of like playing with my little 3 year old nephew toys. I kind of can't help it.
I think I'm childlike in the way I see the world, and refuse to move away from. I like to still keep some magic in the world. For example, a conversation between me and a friend.
Me:"I love the moon"
Friend: "Me too"
Me: "One time I was lost, so I followed the moon back."
Friend: "Don't be daft, I can tell you now that......"
Me: "Don't bore me with your scientific explanations. I hate science. It kills all the magic. It's good to leave some magic in the world, especially thee days."
Friend: "I suppose you believe in fairies too"
Me: "Of course"
I'm very childlike. I rarely watch dramas. I basically like to watch cartoons. My favorite movie is a children's cartoon, Care Bears 2(I consider myself to be grumpy bear). I laugh at silly things and I do silly and spontaneous things. I love playing Nancy Drew mystery adventure games and video games in general.
Very much so, but I'm 15 so I guess it's only natural...
I'll probably always be like this, though. :)
I am! That's why I totally get Michael! It's like we shared the same heart :)
I can be very childlike..........I used to be the only mother outside playing with the kids lol. The other mothers thought i was crazy!!
But I just rollerscated with all the children in the street and gave dinnerparties for all the kids in the middle of the street and they loved it!!!
I let them all colour my house with chalk, so that's just a tiny bit of fun lol

Wow! That is the coolest thing i've ever heard! This is how i've always seen myself when I become a mother; playing with her children, letting them have fun and be a kid, but of course drawing the line and not spoiling them. But just being apart of their lives as much as possible! I love this.

I am extremely childlike in the manner that I had a GREAT childhood. I feel extremely lucky to enjoy some of the simplest pleasures as a kid like playing on a swing-set in our backyard, drinking from the water hose, playing in the sprinkler, making up imaginary games with my brother and friends for hours outside. I hardly did much else in the summer except be outside or watch movies.

I love spending as much time around my 12 yr old sister as much as possible!

Being childlike is my escape from the real world problems. I honestly miss being a kid sometimes. Maybe this is because i'm on the doorstep of finding a real job within a year, living on my own, paying real bills, and dealing with a boss...yikes!!
For a 37 year old woman, I love swinging on swings when I get the chance, love the fair esp the farris wheel, (have to be choosy of my rides b/c of motion sickeness) am always trying to save mice from being eaten from my black cat Sabrina...I use rubber gloves to catch them I love playing pranks on people..silly stuff, I tend to get silly at work...poking my co-workers in the ribs to make them laugh, if I'm doing dishes at work and happen to run into some cold gravy or'll be smeared all over my hands...and then probably on the next person to stand beside, I love looking at the stars, best way to do it is laying on the grass, jsut the light hearted things in life.

My heart goes out to Michael. I only wish he had more time to enjoy what some of us take for granted growing up.
i'm child like too, I am the one who spend most of the time with children when they are around and they like me.I think thats one of the MJ's influence on me and I like that. by the way I'm 28. My other MJ fans are also childlike and all of us love children.
not only childlike; but sensitive, compassionate, shy, creative. I always wondered that too.
I don't know if I'm childlike but I do love alot of kid things, I have alot of the classic disney movies, one of my favorite movies since I was a child is Pinocchio. I also love Aladin and The Lion King, I even have a Mickey Mouse toy on my dresser. My sister and brother joke about my interest in things like that, not in a mean way though.
yes , i embrace my childlike side toooooo :pth: :)
I'm childlike, although most would simply describe me as immature. I've never had any desire to be friends with children, though. Shunned by the cruel adult world, I stick to the company of dogs instead. Much safer!
I'm childlike, although most would simply describe me as immature. I've never had any desire to be friends with children, though. Shunned by the cruel adult world, I stick to the company of dogs instead. Much safer!

dogs ? ooooh ~not when they might get snappy n 'bite yer bum mate! :mello:
lol only joking :yes:
lovely doggies :wub: love em too
nice post .

great thread here :huggy:
I'm the most childlike girl on earth!
I'm 21 years old, and i love toys , Barbies..
I love cartoons very much, Walt Disney World..
I still dream to be Ariel, sleeping beauty,
but most of all i want to be Tinkerbell from Peter Pan!
and I know I am!
I am Michael's little Tinkerbell...
I know we will meet in Neverland!
I'm the most childlike girl on earth!
I'm 21 years old, and i love toys , Barbies..
I love cartoons very much, Walt Disney World..
I still dream to be Ariel, sleeping beauty,
but most of all i want to be Tinkerbell from Peter Pan!
and I know I am!
I am Michael's little Tinkerbell...
I know we will meet in Neverland!

It's like we're the same:) I'm 21, collect Transformers, comics, and watch to much Tv and animation. It doesn't help that I'm in school to be an animator. I will never grow up completely and that is partially thanks to MJ.
I'm 21, I can be childlike at times I guess. I love the magic of disney so much. I enjoy simple things, one evening a few months ago I was strolling through a park with friends and decided to get on the swing and swing soo high..I forgot how great it feels...and then lying on the roundabout looking at the clouds and spinning around...I need to visit a park again!

I was in Blackpool the other day - haven't been for ages. I loved the tackyness of it! The archade games, the rides, the lights, the stalls, the CANDYFLOSS!

There seems to be a few 21 year olds on this thread!
I'm the most childlike girl on earth!
I'm 21 years old, and i love toys , Barbies..
I love cartoons very much, Walt Disney World..
I still dream to be Ariel, sleeping beauty,
but most of all i want to be Tinkerbell from Peter Pan!
and I know I am!
I a m Michael's little Tinkerbell...
I know we will meet in Neverland!

aw thats is SOooo beautiful :better: aww :angel:
I always see myself as a child, I don't see myself as an adult.
Like MJ I lost my childhood, mine through Illness, Michael thought me to keeep your Inner Child alive.

I love Sundays as my nieces and nephews all come out then to visit. I am the 1st place they head too, as we watch TV, play games, watch funny videos on net and watch cartoons. They laugh when they see me watching some shows they watch on Disney.

Some times my nephews wrestle with me, I'm soon begging them to stop, as my nieces try to help me or join in. Then one of the parents come up and give out to us for been too loud. They look at me and shake their heads, and say "Who's the child?"
Hmm in some ways yes and in some no. LOL!
I don't like to play with toys or anything :lol:
But am like a big kid when it comes to going to theme parks. :p
Here is a poem I wrote to about what I feel about been an adult.
No Thank You

“Grow Up” you say
What an ugly word
To be like all you adults
In a world so confused
In a world of hatred
In a world of war

My world…the world of a child
Is a world of magic
A world of endless Laughter
A world of boundless joy
A world of onconditional love
A world where our imagination runs free
“Grow up” you say
No Thank you

Paul (Childhood) Harold
Copy right
we must never let our childhood to go...

my love to MICHAEL is beautiful...

it's so beautiful, and so, so true...
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