How many of you are childlike like MJ?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Arlington, TX USA
I am very childlike. I think I got some of it from my mom, but I also believe Michael has had a major influence on me concerning that. So are any of you childlike? Usually the all the fans I know are childlike. :) I just thought this would be a good topic. :) :flowers:
No :( I'm more like, adult before I had to be. However, I am trying to lighten up and change to have more FUN. It's so important. Something to learn from him.
I'm very childlike! Always have been well lol im barely an adult in reality as it is, gonna be 20 on friday, aghhhh feeling old. But i dont think i'll ever lose that childlike quality, michael has shown me that to do so would be a bit detrimental, you should always see things from a childs point of view.!
haha I think i'm childlike.
Few days ago I spent like 3 hours playing SQUID MATH with my 8 year old nephew..
FYI SQUID MATH means taking the word SQUID and adding it with another random word.
example.. He would say Squid plus Door
and I would say SQOOR!
Squid plus girl?
SQUIRREL! haha that one was my favorite..
*looking around wondering who thinks im crazy right now*
ha ha ha...I would say I am but I think thats part of the reason I was attracted to Mike, he made sense to me. I never thought he was weird like peeps try to say.

Lets put it this way I am 21 and I still play with toys; I got a whole bunch in a spider man storage container! My favorite toys to play with: my wolverine figure, my clown puppet, and my etch a sketch. And I LOVE spider-man comics!!! I got practically all of them.
i haven't children because i'm children
and i love very much Michael Jackson
:p ... I`m 30 ...but I`m childlike what?
many people say that is not normal to be childish .... but I don I care ...
so .... in Romania there is a proverb ... " people who are like, stay togheter "... so ... maybe this is the reason why I am fan of MJ ... I`m like him ... I'm childish!

Of course!! Its also one of the qualities how I can relate so much to Michael..
and attracts me to him even more :)
I am 15 and was being so child like tonight.. I was out with my friend and her little brother and we were playing games.. running.. playing with a water gun..
it's very fun being childlike.. not childish ;)
thank you Michael!
i'm really childlike lol... but not immature.. just like having fun and i find it easy to be around children. I like playing child games - for my 14th birthday the other week we played pin the tail on the donkey lol!
Iam 25 and im very childlike, I dont like doing adult things like going to the pub or night clubs id rather stay at home and sit on the pc alday or practice more magic tricks i find going to pubs and nightclubs borning and 2 expensive and dont like sitting around a group of ppl i that i dont no by myself.
I'm 32 and I'm childlike, I still love watching cartoons on tv, I love comics, I went to disneyland last summer and I took a picture with snowhite, winny the pooh and all the disney's characters. I know I should act like a grown-up but to be childlike it's jut...better!!!!!
Im almost 25 but act quite young for my age, though people mistake me for being only 16 all the time anyway...
i'm definitely childlike but not like MJ seeing as he had the courage of his convictions to disregard social protocol and proclaim to the world that even as an adult he liked playing with super soakers, water balloons and climbing trees etc even at risk of unjust ridicule.
I think deep down everyone has an ounce of childlikeness about them. I can be childike when I want to be. I mean I still watch disney movies and all that stuff. I got mistaken for a 13 year old not long ago, I'm nearly 18!!!!! I would love to stay at the age I am now forever, cuz u have so much fun and you don't have to worry about money, bills and all that stuff. So ye, I'm very childlike, and not ashamed of it.
I love cartoons and new gadgets and all that, but I've never had that naive innocence, even when I was still a kid. I was born very sensible and realistic. So I admire that about Michael a lot.
in certain ways i am sooo childlike,adult things dont interest me its sooo ugh idk being a child u dont have to deal with certain things
I'm childlike in the sense that I'm very naive lol I really am...and I'm very soft-spoken and that makes me look harmless :innocent:
Well, it depends what you mean by being child like? MJ knew how to have fun but I think when he spoke about being child like he meant the ability to see and wonder, ability to just stop and see the beauty in everything...

That is how I am as well, I suppose you have to if you are a creative person...but those are very private moments and MJ was really brave for talking about it...

He was so sweet and loving.
Yeah, I'm childlike also - I can spend hours in toy stores - just checking the different toys - it makes my friends crazy sometimes, ha! Also children like to be around me a lot - and many say that I have a special connection with them. :)
I think i am childlike, some what... I tend to copy Michael a LOT. like on the interview with Dian Sawyer, There was this part where they were wathcing their wedding(Michael&Lisa), and she goes,

"I look like an idiot, i can tell you that" then he goes "You dont look like an idiot, You look more like a ahh,... No." lolz 00:14 - 00:19

and after seeing that, i started to say it too. lolz...its fun to do it. and I like doing pranks on ppl. and Make ppl. laugh when they're having a bad day. I learned most of it from Michael...

Great thread D.

I try my best and succeed quite often but being a parent, just ask the kids, I tend to have to be an adult very often as well. Definitely not as forgiving of people as Michael was :no: if someone crosses me ... it is not above me to get even :innocent:

I will cut a biatch :zformation: :lol: