How Many MJ Songs on your MP3 player?

I only put one of the remixes from BOTDF that I really like on my iPod because I have an 8 gig one, and I wanted to make room for other stuff I have. I plan on getting a bigger one...someday!
Not counting Jackson 5, I have 92:
The Jacksons Story: Number Ones - Got to Be There, Rockin' Robin, Ben
Off the Wall
Thriller w/ Someone In the Dark & Carousel
Bad w/ Streetwalker, Todo Mi Amor Eres Tu, and Fly Away
HIStory - 2nd disc only
Blood on the Dance Floor - the 6 new songs plus the "Money" remix
Number Ones - One More Chance, and the live version of Ben
"Say Say Say" from Paul's Pipes of Peace album (I'm after the whole album for some more Paul songs and the other duet, "The Man")

Counting Jackson 5, I have 106.

And counting!
Seventy-eight, including J5/Jacksons.

I intentionally cut songs out and trim it, though. I want a lot of variety on my iPod and don't want it to get too repetitive. I'd just feel stupid if I had it on shuffle around somebody and it was nothing but Michael, or anybody else for that matter (of course, it's different when I put MJ himself on shuffle, which I've done plenty of times, lol). I only have like 500 songs in total, so percentage-wise that's a lot of Michael. I'm pretty sure I don't have as many songs from any other artist on there, either. The people with the most songs after MJ are Johnny Cash and Eminem, so my taste fluctuates all over the place.