How Many MJ Songs on your MP3 player?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
How many MJ songs are on your MP3? Including remixes, unreleased and everything else!! I have been struggling to put my IPOD back into shape after it decided to delete EVERY song on it!!! so Im in the process of reuploading all my songs on it.. so far I have 170 MJ songs! which is not nearly enough! haha!! How bout u guys??
I have from Off The Wall - Invincible, and a couple of remixes :)
I also have that 1 hour interview Michael did with Rolling Stone when he launched Invincible, love to fall asleep to stuff like that.
Uhm, I have a couple of J5, Jacksons songs and stuff like that also.
All little of everything :lol:

But it's Shakira that goes on repeat right now, but I'd probably be bored with her in a week or so. :lol:
i have from off the wall - invincible, and a couple of remixes :)
i also have that 1 hour interview michael did with rolling stone when he launched invincible, love to fall asleep to stuff like that.
Uhm, i have a couple of j5, jacksons songs and stuff like that also.
All little of everything :lol:

But it's shakira that goes on repeat right now, but i'd probably be bored with her in a week or so. :lol:

your sig is effin' hilarious!!!! Lmao! *dead*
489 Songs 552 if you include The Jacksons. That is 2 days for MJ songs and 2.2 days for MJ & The Jacksons songs.
your sig is effin' hilarious!!!! Lmao! *dead*

Hehe thank you! :D
I was yesterday about to change my sig to another (and more depressive one), but it seems that it still brings joy to people by the amount of PMs and comments I get by it so I'll keep it for a while. :D

Hey, if I can make someone feel a little bit better then my work is done! :)
Around 300 songs or more. It's all kind of remixes, albums, unreleased, Jackson 5, Jacksons and other songs from him:D:D
I have Thriller, Invincible, Number Ones, History, Jackson 5 ( 3 CDs), Dangerous, King of Pop - Dutch Collection ( double album) so that makes ???? how much ? I am saving to buy the Ultimate Collection because I have to have 'We've Had Enough' 'Scared of the Moon' and 'Beautiful Girl'. And yesterday I came across this little gem 'Too Young' from the album Music and Me, so I wanna have all those on my MP3 player as well.......
Here's the link to the song 'Too Young' //

I have had it repeat for 30 times already!
I'm not gonna count them I have Bad, Off the wall, Thriller, Dangerous, Invincible, History and all 3 cd's of The Motown years on my MP3
None because I don't have an Ipod lol. But guestimating songs based on albums and singles I own, about 490 inlcuding solo, live, J5, Jacksons, demo's, unreleased, etc. . . . . I think I read the Jackson 5 alone recorded 500 songs or so w/ Motown!
I don't have an ipod or a MP3 player. Mainly because I really got no use for them. I do however use Windows media Player on my laptop. And so far I have saved 128 songs on it. I had copied most of my MJ related cds on my laptop. As well as all of the unreleased songs and other Jackson 5 songs I had ever downloaded. And saved on to some blank computer discs and dvds.
No I-pod here.
Creative FTW!:tease:

Don't know how many songs but I have all MJ's (incl. history, botdf and the ultimate collection), Jackson 5 and Jacksons albums on it.
Then I have folder with rare songs and remixes.

So I think the most populair MJ songs are on it 5 or 6 times:)
I have 92 songs. But I'm planning on getting The Jackson 5 and The Jacksons albums :D
158 songs including everything. :)

how do u find out how many songs u have by an artist in itunes?
Well if you don't have a MJ playlist I don't know :unsure: At least in my iTunes you can only see how many songs does each playlist have.
298 (not counting Jackson 5)
I also have the audio of the Unauthorized Interview on my iPod :D
Actually I think the 70% of my MP4 player now is Michael Jackson´s LOL

I have more videos than songs, becoz I listen to the songs while I watch the videos.

Let´s see I have:::

-The Jacksons-Can you feel it /We can change the world song
-Fall out Boy Beat it (Ok, it´s not Michael but it is a Michael song)
-Alien Ant Farm- Smooth Criminal
-The Jacksons-State of Shock
-Jermaine and Michael Jackson- Tell me I am not dreaming

-They don´t really care about us (unrated version)
-They don´t realy care about us (Brasil version)
-Smooth Criminal live (Pretty awesome performance)
-This is it (movie trailer)
-I have countless of fanmade tribute to Michael Jackson
-The Jackson Victory TV commertial
-The Jackson Pepsi TV spot
-Norther Kings- They don´t really care about us (cover, pretty cool this cover!)
-Beat it (cover)
-Beat it (cover)

Well, I have lot more but thats my MP4 Michael Jackson´s stuff more less
ummmmm, a whooooolle bunch :yes:
hundreds, I would guess (in terms of j5, jacksons etc... also)
178 at the moment!

Albums I own:
Music and Me
The Jacksons Live
Off The Wall
Number Ones
The Essential: Michael Jackson

Still adding to my collection. I want to try and buy all the singles released my our Mikey over the years. Will take a long while but :) I haven't downloaded any Michael songs like the acapella's and things but maybe I'll have to to catch up to some of you here hehe
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