How does MJ keep himself young at heart?

its more than just being around kids..and goin 2 amusements parks guys..its like his heart is so pure..the way he carries himself..i wish alot of older adults knew how 2 do what mj does..this world would be alot better off..and the only weapons of mass destruction we would worry about wud be water guns and water balloons lol
the purity that is Michael's is his ability to see things in their purity. for example God, animals, kids, nature, what he shows such affection for, is because he sees them for their true nature. its not that he doesnt see the layers that others try to put onto things to twist for their own benefit, he sees those things, and speaks out against such things, but he doesn't pay a lot of attention to politcs or other things that get twisted. you look at what he loves.

the things i mentioned above, Peter Pan, Art, music, and so on. these are things that could be tainted, but in how he loves them, he loves them in their natural state, without adding to them or taking away from them. its not he doesnt see layers others try to add, he just chooses to cast that off, and enjoy them for their natural purity. he has a unique filtering system. i just love him.
Remember when Martin Buttshirt asked gavin : What is it about Michael that makes him connect so well with children? And gavin said laughing he is a big kid he acts like a kid..then he said he .. He is 4...and Michael said ya iam 4 lol....
the purity that is Michael's is his ability to see things in their purity. for example God, animals, kids, nature, what he shows such affection for, is because he sees them for their true nature. its not that he doesnt see the layers that others try to put onto things to twist for their own benefit, he sees those things, and speaks out against such things, but he doesn't pay a lot of attention to politcs or other things that get twisted. you look at what he loves.

the things i mentioned above, Peter Pan, Art, music, and so on. these are things that could be tainted, but in how he loves them, he loves them in their natural state, without adding to them or taking away from them. its not he doesnt see layers others try to add, he just chooses to cast that off, and enjoy them for their natural purity. he has a unique filtering system. i just love him.

Totally. That's it. His ability to see things as they really are and not be blinded or distracted by what the world or society has conditioned it to be on the surface, but what it was born as, that's amazing. Like you said, he IS aware of the affects that conditioning has had, but he's able to not be swayed by that and see things in their essence, what it is and was before anything happened to it, and he's able to see the good in everything and give everything and everyone a chance. Because he really believes that there is good in all things and because he gives people the chance to show that they're good, he encourages it because he knows its there. If everyone did that, then the world would be filled with more people who were good. A lot more. It's because no one ever gives anyone a chance to be good or because people take advantage of people being good, actually punishes them for it, that so many people aren't willing to be. Michael's got pure perception, and that makes him special.
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its jelly babies

the coloring in them

keeps you young.... :D

and a very pure heart