How does MJ keep himself young at heart?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
San Antonio Texas
Everytime i see him i see that child he ones was..and i still see it that he still is a kid lol..but he is a man how does he keep himself a big kid and see life like?
lol..well..if everybody knew the secret to that, that would be something wouldn't it?
I think it is because Michael doesn't take himself nor life too seriously. He likes to play and I like that about him.
Never losing his wonderment or curiosity about life and the world is something that keeps Michael "young at heart." He lives his life with an open heart. Appreciating the simple things, sharing, being playful, being vulnerable (meaning: showing emotions and not being afraid of them)...he's all of those things. :wub: I think that's why he's loved by so many people, aside from his enormous talent...but yet so misunderstood too.
come and spend a week here at kidzvillage then you ll know lol if you re around kids the whole time it might help keep you young at heart for sure and mj had his own amusement place so he had all the fuin right in his yard too
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Michael's been able to retain a perception of purity, which in this world, and with all he's been through, is remarkable. That isn't something you can learn, I don't think. We are all capable of it, but we lose it early on and rarely if ever do any of us get it back. You have to rediscover it, if you haven't kept hold of it. Michael never lost it. What makes him child-like, what defines his retention of innocence, is the fact that he is able to see the good and the positive in everything, the beauty. He doesn't look out for the bad or start out with suspicion, he believes everything has in it something good and he looks for that first and foremost. That and his ability to see things as they are at their core, not being blinded by societal conditioning, or what something’s been made in to on the surface. That's what innocence is, seeing things as they are, as they were born as. And that's what Michael has always been capable of. It's where everything in him which smacks of child-like qualities stems from. From his ability to show what he's feeling without hesitation, not being afraid to show emotion, to his ability to find total satisfaction and enjoyment in simple, supposedly childish activities, things most people would find boring or not worth their time, to being utterly fascinated with things which equally would generally be dismissed as uninteresting by adults. He sees things for what they are, he sees what is a things essence, what makes it important, what defines it, and isn't distracted by whatever impact outside forces have had on it. He takes it as it is and trusts it in that same way. It's what makes him so extraordinary and not just a regular person.
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Hey them thar's some MIGHTY POWERFUL GOLD PANTS....lemme tell ya!!

You have to excuse my silliness...I am just NUTZ about those glad I found these videos!! LOL!!

Seriously. I think it's him taking very good care of himself, both physically and emotionally. He has to be one of the strongest people I've seen in a long time. Michael, WHATEVER you are doing, just keep doing it...
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Its simply the mind reacting to what it's been through, and how it developed within it..

Also Mike helps focus it through surrounding himself in a way that will mantain it.. Well NEVERLAND WAS an example of that..
If more people were like Michael Jackson this world would be a better, safer and more interesting place to live in
heck, im still a kid, cause kids pick up slugs and snails and spiders with no thoughts at all (same with me) but some if not most adults/teens freak out when they see one. Anyways mike i would say its seeing best in worst situations etc. Summarised by rest of you guys.
he likes what he likes, and doesnt give up what he likes cause others tell him he shouldnt anymore. he remembers what it was like to be a child, remembers his feelings, good and bad, and though he's an adult, he can still think as a child thinks, most people lose that empathy, but it was important to him, even as a child, he sang, With a Child's Heart.

Mattie, the young poet had that special quality too. he would have been much like Michael i think had he been able to grow up.
By simply being "PURE" to his heart...

Heal The World~~~"Education Is The Key"
Never losing his wonderment or curiosity about life and the world is something that keeps Michael "young at heart." He lives his life with an open heart. Appreciating the simple things, sharing, being playful, being vulnerable (meaning: showing emotions and not being afraid of them)...he's all of those things. :wub: I think that's why he's loved by so many people, aside from his enormous talent...but yet so misunderstood too.

i agree :yes: Michael's whole personality (or i should say, what we know of it) is just so wonderful and I hope he doesn't ever let people get to him or make him change or conform, because more ppl need to be like him.
I believe people who are young at heart (I think it's something your born with), are people who found the essence of they are at a very young age. Those type of people stick to the basic things they like and believed in say at the age of 11, and as they get older they will expand there believes but the basic under lining of a 49yr old like Michael is that of a the child. Michael was curious, fearless in his amazing talents and search for knowledge as a child and he's never changed.

I'm 36 and still do the same things I did as an 11yr old, like drawing (I've been drawing since the age of 4, and it's now my profession as I'm an illustrator/interactive designer), being a Michael Jackson fan, buying music etc, watching animations/cartoons and playing computer games.
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Well unfortunately Michael hasn't been allowed to be carefree since he was 4 years old. But in his mind, his ability to see the beauty in all things and his ability to still be highly facsinated with all things in life and see things in a pure way, as they are, without trying to over-anaylize or define, that's what makes him amazing.
There is a qutoe where MJ says kids love the things i love or i love what kids love...something like ..its was in the rebuttle.
Well yeah, he's said that a lot of times, in many ways. His song "Childhood", for example, when he sings "People say I'm not okay, 'cause I love such elementry things", etc... Even if you just observe Michael and the way he interacts with the world around him, he becomes sometimes totally engrossed in something which other people wouldn't even glance twice at, while someone is talking to him, he'll notice something and start to study it or concentrate on it, while still hearing what the person talking is saying. Like when he went on that Japanes TV show back in 2006 I think, as they were talking to him, his attention out of nowhere was drawn to the monitors behind them and he got up to look at them. In that way, Michael is very much like a kid in that he doesn't care what it looks like to anyone else or what they think, he doesn't think about that, all he knows is that he sees something that interests him and he wants to look at it or engage it, so he does. He lets his instincts and emotions guide him. It sometimes gets him in trouble, but ultimately that's not his fault, but the fault of others for taking advantage of him for it.
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Well yeah, he's said that a lot of times, in many ways. His song "Childhood", for example, when he sings "People say I'm not okay, 'cause I love such elementry things", etc... Even if you just observe Michael and the way he interacts with the world around him, he becomes sometimes totally engrossed in something which other people wouldn't even glance twice at, while someone is talking to him, he'll notice something and start to study it or concentrate on it, while still hearing what the person talking is saying. Like when he went on that Japanes TV show back in 2006 I think, as they were talking to him, his attention out of nowhere was drawn to the monitors behind them and he got up to look at them. In that way, Michael is very much like a kid in that he doesn't care what it looks like to anyone else or what they think, he doesn't think about that, all he knows is that he sees something that interests him and he wants to look at it or engage it, so he does. He lets his instincts and emotions guide him. It sometimes gets him in trouble, but ultimately that's not his fault, but the fault of others for taking advantage of him for it.

OMG you notice too that ?? He does concentrate on things around him. Good points on that..