How Do YOU Measure MJ's Success?

quality of course and as long as it's soulful. not catering and trying to appeal. when you hear a "Stranger in Moscow" you got the feeling that MJ wasn't thinking about sales but just expressing himself as a Songwriter and Artist. those kind of things are what I dig. the numbers,etc.. always found themselves to him anyway,but the fact the Music was that Damn Good to Great and his natural talent shinning through got us on board.

if he would just put out a album minus all the so called hottest cats out at the moment and bring it soulful then all is cool.

we all know with MJ everything has to be big,but I still say the songs and the soulfulness will win out.

commerical success is still up to the buying public anyway. you can win but you gotta bring the goods and as long as MJ does that then everything is cool.

Invincible was generic to me aside from the slow cuts IMO. most of the up-tempo stuff should have never seen the light of day IMO.
How do you really measure Michael Jackson's success? What's more important to you: to have a quality project and new music from the King, or that whatever he releases sells 10 - 20 million units?

I measure Michael's success by his hits and the accolades (sp) that he recieved over the years. I measure his success by his legion of fans, his huge impact, his influence, and how he does his shows/performances/concerts. Finally, I measure his success by the number of successful business moves that he has made. From creating an image to owning publishing rights.

What is important to me is for Michael to have a quality project and new music. I kinda do not care about sales in a sense, because no one really buys CDs anymore. People download music from itunes and stuff of that nature. I believe that MJ would make hits and have hits. He is a hit maker. I just want MJ to make the best possible CD that he can possibly make. I want him not to follow what is "popular" in music. I want him to do what he is known for - innovation. I want him to show people that he still has it and I want him to remind people what good music is all about. MJ already sold so many CDs that no one who is hot today can even sell what he sold some 25, 20, 16, even 13 years ago. Sells should not matter to MJ or any fan of MJ's for that matter. MJ will have a number one CD, it will sell a lot of copies its first week. I am not gonna lie, I would love it if he sold over 1 million the first week. However, I wouldn't care if he didn't sell that much.

I was listening to the radio today and this dj said that Usher's new CD was trash. It sold over 400,000 its first week, but it could have done better. I do not know what happened. I heard some of the songs and as a fan, I was a bit disappointed. I was hoping for another CD from Usher that shows his growth like "Confessions" was, but it just didn't happen. I am still gonna get his cd anyway. I don't want that for Mike. MJ still has the best music in him, he just have to show it. I was not feeling it with Invincible. I think it was his weakest cd to date. Could have been way better. I am still trying to figure out the theme of that CD. LOL.
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us fans have this magical ruler to tell us how successful he is at the moment.. that's how we measure.
susses is when an idea becomes what it was intended to be.
we have commercial succsess and artistic succsess.
hopefuly his next project is an artistic succsess....
I would measured it by how many million copies sold simply because i believe in this :

Good music sells.

P.S. I think Invincible IS a great album.
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Interesting question/thread... honestly I couldn't say any of those two options.
I was never interested in selling numbers... I wouldn't know what's to call a lot or even 'a success' and what's might to call a 'flop'. lol yeah my neurons are not enough to get busy with stuff like that.
Then again... call me a non-expert in quality and you'd be simply also right. I haven't studied music... I know I like Mozart and do not like Beethoven as much... I know I like Whitney more than Mariah... also I do like Bruce Springsteen and yep I happen to love Michaels music... well some songs more than others. Honestly I have no idea why that is. It just happens and all I can say is... guess it's me.
Obviously Michael is able to find this special nerve in lots of ppl... well that's fascinating yeah... nevertheless my definition of Michaels success is/was always a very subjective one... either he makes it to touch me (like so often before) or he just wasn't successfull with me this time! lol I just don't care too much about the rest. :D
For me it has to be quality, ' Greatness is young'. Invincible was another level yet I know people who have never heard of it, yet seven years on it still graces the record shelves and I might add, has to be re-stocked from time to time, it might sell at a reduced price but it still sell's. 10million is more than questionable I think it could be way more than that.
Michael has said since 05 that it's just about making good music now, music that people can really that makes people happy ( I really think this one's for James Brown), but yes I really..really want it to be a huge success.
