How Do You Fall Asleep at Night?

i usually put the tv on to a funny sitcom like the cosby show etc. and laugh a little and then i relax and try to clear my mind. chamomile tea helps too or hot cocoa before bed.

Yeah... me too... watching TV, watching funny stuff!
I find it helpful to watch comedies. i couldn't sleep well for 2 nights after 25th june. i decided to watch Fresh Prince & fell asleep after 1 episode. The next night i watched The Simpsons. fell asleep again
I have serious sleeping problem since he died, only last two nights I was able to sleep for 6 hours each, I was like half asleep, was able to do that with medication which I took recently, otherwise this was getting serious with all the severe headaches and stomach pain. I hope time will heal.

i usually put the tv on to a funny sitcom like the cosby show etc. and laugh a little and then i relax and try to clear my mind. chamomile tea helps too or hot cocoa before bed.
but its not hard for me to fall asleep its the waking up and realizing michaels gone crap im going through now. i used to have issues with waking up at 3, 5 in the morning and getting panic attacks. now with michael gone its coming back.
so i do take xanax which helps you relax and i assume higher dosing makes you even more drowsy, but its addictive so i have to be careful. sleeping pills always scared me for some reason.

Be careful with this medication guys
As ridiculous as it may sound to some, watching The Weather Channel or Food Network takes my thoughts to something other than Michael, and fall asleep with the TV on in not too long a time.

(not something either channel probably wants to hear)
I don't really have any advice...but I have had no trouble's all the emotions, they have worn me midnight I am mentally done in :(
after I come home from body is up anyways and I always have trouble this makes it worse. I watch CNN all night till my eye's burn and I read the forum alot, talk to fellow fans on the phone.

When I lay down..I pray to God for MJ and talk to MJ through God. It gives me a little comfort. I don't sleep for long though. I wake up about 2 hours later..mind you I went to sleep around 1-2am and I have to get up for work at 6:00am. I usually have no problem sleeping in daytime or when my eye's burn so bad.

This morning I woke up with tears in my eye. I was not crying when I awoke but must have cried in my sleep. I normally remember all my dreams cause I'm a vivid dream (this is a good and bad thing). I have been dreaming of MJ but I can't remember them as easy as I used to :( don;t know if my mind is trying to protect my heart or something.
read a book in the dark or sleep with the light on cause your eyes get both get hurt and close slowly..
if i get to sleep, i listen to music for a bit i can lay awake til 8am its the worse curse of sleep in the world!!!, But comedies are good to watch before bed or Michael :p
I finally figured it out for me. I watch a funny sitcom on TV until I fall seems to work
I haven't been sleeping right since Mike passed. I either have to have the TV or a light on... I'm not sure why that is, it's very weird.
And sometimes I have to take a Melatonin supplement to make me drowsy enough to fall asleep.
I had trouble sleeping the first few nights. I was up to 4am several nights, it was horrible. But here are some great tips that have me sleeping in under 10 minutes:

TIP 1: Don't Watch Or Read Any MJ Material 2 Hours Before You Plan To Go To Bed

TIP 2: Buy Some Chamomile or Passion Flower Tea And Drink It Within 45 Minutes Of Going To Bed (Steep For 20 Min)

TIP 3: Do A 30 Min Yoga Session Before Bed...Turn Off Lights, Play Some Soothing Music (This helps incredibly)

TIP 4: Have A Hot Bath.

This is what I have been doing and I find when i go to bed now...I am settled down, my mind is calm, my body is ready for sleep. It works perfectly. Try it out! Don't resort to pharmaceutical drugs that killed Michael! Sleeping pills are garbage and your body can become dependent on them. The natural methods are much healthier for you!
I had trouble sleeping the first few nights. I was up to 4am several nights, it was horrible. But here are some great tips that have me sleeping in under 10 minutes:

TIP 1: Don't Watch Or Read Any MJ Material 2 Hours Before You Plan To Go To Bed

TIP 2: Buy Some Chamomile or Passion Flower Tea And Drink It Within 45 Minutes Of Going To Bed (Steep For 20 Min)

TIP 3: Do A 30 Min Yoga Session Before Bed...Turn Off Lights, Play Some Soothing Music (This helps incredibly)

TIP 4: Have A Hot Bath.

This is what I have been doing and I find when i go to bed now...I am settled down, my mind is calm, my body is ready for sleep. It works perfectly. Try it out! Don't resort to pharmaceutical drugs that killed Michael! Sleeping pills are garbage and your body can become dependent on them. The natural methods are much healthier for you!

Ive tried all them tips lol, ahh well
I never slepped for 40 hours from the time I heard the news... but when its time for bed just watch something funny or not too serious. Relax and don't think about MJ or any negative things. If you can set a time aside in the morning or day where you think of Michael but then after that try and stay busy, active and try be with friends and laugh. You can easily make yourself go downward into depression, so don't let it go that far.
And i've been through insomnia, I had it for 4 months straight with waking up every hour and takig 4-5 hours to fall to sleep everynight with horrible nigtmares. This was after I had a severe reaction to an antibiotic called Ciprofloxacin in 2007.
I can only fall asleep with sleeping aid. But it's herbal and not a real sleeping pill from the pharmacy...
I also try to watch comedies or stupid shows like Big Brother before I go to bed.
It helps take my mind off things...
If you want some nutritional advice - bananas are high in magnesium - and warm milk is high in tryctophan. They both contribute to the special hormones in your brain that help you relax. I think one is Melotonin. Try having a glass of warm milk and a banana. Get plenty of exercise. Before going to bed do a cross word. If you still can't relax - then don't. Get up and go for a walk. Try not to fight with your bed lol.
I fall asleep crying... and when i'm so tired i cant stay awake anymore thats the only way i've been able to sleep.
With great trouble. I haven't been to bed before 5am for more than a week and some. :( I just miss him so much.