How Do You Fall Asleep at Night?

I have very busy days at work at the moment so I'm very tired and I have no problem to fall asleep, fortunately!
I thank God and Michael!
But I know that lot of members can't fall asleep easily! :/

If you wanna fall asleep easily, practice some sport during the day and watch tv before to sleep!
That's my advices!
I can't sleep well either. Even before this started but it got worse.
I've had problems with insomnia for many, many years. I can usually sleep at daytime but not at nighttime. It's a big problem that I've put a lot of effort into solving the last few months. But it's hard and well, now I can't sleep even with sleeping pills, I only get a little bit here and there and is totally exhausted from this past week.
I close my eyes and count myself to sleep. I don't think about anything. Just count. Otherwise I start thinking about MJ and get panicky :(
honestly, after all this, I sleep about 3-4 hours a night. I have not had good sleep, or eaten well in a week,
but what helps me fall is asleep is, I lay there, close my eyes and turn it into a scenario.. me meeting him.. me seeing him in concert. Hey its ur imagination so u can do whatever u want.. usually I make it as far as making up a concert in my head.. meeting him afterwards.. and then... next thing u know.. zzzzzzzzz..
granted its only about 3-4 hrs.. and I wake up realizing that.. the truth is still there
but its like storytime in my head.. and that makes me happy..
use ur imagination...
you can create anything..
honestly, after all this, I sleep about 3-4 hours a night. I have not had good sleep, or eaten well in a week,
but what helps me fall is asleep is, I lay there, close my eyes and turn it into a scenario.. me meeting him.. me seeing him in concert. Hey its ur imagination so u can do whatever u want.. usually I make it as far as making up a concert in my head.. meeting him afterwards.. and then... next thing u know.. zzzzzzzzz..
granted its only about 3-4 hrs.. and I wake up realizing that.. the truth is still there
but its like storytime in my head.. and that makes me happy..
use ur imagination...
you can create anything..

I thought I was the only one doing this. It's kind of reassuring to know that I use my imagination to help me sleep.... and to know I'm not the only one having issues sleeping through the night right now.
try making up a story.. i swear. a happy one where you're doing whatever it is u ever wanted to do ... go for it.. its relaxing at least..
i wait until i am about to fall over from being so tired...then i have no problem sleeping.
I try not to think about anyting..

on average i sleep 5 hrs a night now...
Turn off the lights lay in bed watching TV, It makes me really sleepy and i usually fall asleep by the first ad-break
I haven't slept well myself. I have lost weight. I still cant believe Michael is gone.
I'm a daydreamer. If I can't sleep, I daydream and imagine things until I nod off...

Just noticed RedRoses' comment and I agree with her completely. That's what I do. :)
I cant sleep really, its hard. I only have been getting a couple hours a night.
I just cry and cry and I fall asleep almost at dawn, then I dream about Michael, I wake up two hours later and I continue to cry! I just can´t believe this, I am devastated.!!!!!!!:cry: I miss you so much Michael.
i'm very busy during the day. make yourself busy. try to be tired.
hot/warm milk helps sometimes.

i also cannot sleep without the light since it happened. not that i am afraid of ghosts - on the contrary - he would be welcome. i just cannot sleep without light anymore. so may be try to leave the light on.

and if you cant sleep - just lie in bed. it will give you some rest anyway.

dont force yourself into falling alseep - this is the best way to not fall asleep

try to read the Bible it helps me as well
I am absolutely Exhausting due to insomnia since the terrible things happened...
i listen to michael on my ipod every night thats how i fall asleep
i can't sleep either, i've lost weight too.
i just watch tv all night...i've been getting about 3-4 hours sleep and then i get up and do nothing all day
Well i have problems too but i can sleep.It jyst takes me 3 hours to fall asleep in the bed.
I have serious sleeping problem since he died, only last two nights I was able to sleep for 6 hours each, I was like half asleep, was able to do that with medication which I took recently, otherwise this was getting serious with all the severe headaches and stomach pain. I hope time will heal.
I've cried myself to sleep a couple of days, but not everyday. Everyday I have the same basic routine though... I put on my Michael-necklace, listen to a few songs in the dark and go to sleep having the book "Moonwalk" in my arms.

It's so silly sleeping with a book with you, but it's an old habbit. When I was like... 7 or 8 and I wasn't feeling well (if I was sad or angry or something) I used to take it with me to bed and look at pictures and then fall asleep with the book in my arms, and as the years past it's just become a habbit, for when I'm feeling really torn.... It's so silly, but actually comforting. I sleep better. Weird, I know.
um my sleeping has always been bad since i have been dignose with ME i normally go to bed 4 or 5 or 6am then wake up 12 or 1 or 2pm but it isnt proper sleep but since the sad day i havent sleept maybe 20 mins here and there and from all the crying and getting no sleep my eyes and skin under my eyes looks horrible all puffy and that,i cant see it changing any time soon but i am way over exhuasted,but as i said i do have other health problems that doesnt help but this time the saddness of losing michael i would say is causeing most of it :-( and sleep is ment to be a healer as well :-(,hugs to everyone xxx
i usually put the tv on to a funny sitcom like the cosby show etc. and laugh a little and then i relax and try to clear my mind. chamomile tea helps too or hot cocoa before bed.
but its not hard for me to fall asleep its the waking up and realizing michaels gone crap im going through now. i used to have issues with waking up at 3, 5 in the morning and getting panic attacks. now with michael gone its coming back.
so i do take xanax which helps you relax and i assume higher dosing makes you even more drowsy, but its addictive so i have to be careful. sleeping pills always scared me for some reason.