How do you explain to other people?

Hi y'all

It's interesting reading how people react to your emotions. My family totally don't get it and I'm finding it hard to be around them and discuss it with them.

Some friends were nice for like a few days, but I think they now assume that I am fine (when actually I'm no different to when I first heard).

I have to say the best reaction I have had is from one of my co-workers that I don't even know that well. They keep checking up on me and today were telling me to book flights to LA, with the argument of 'you only live once, so what if it'll cost you ~£1500, in 10 years time you won't care about the money, but you'll be glad you went.' They even kept coming back to see how I was doing with checking flights. I've been really warmed by this reaction and I think you sometimes find what you need in places you wouldn't expect. Having said that I won't be booking flights since I live in the UK and have no chance of getting a ticket (and I've taken on board the advice of the LA police - 'if you haven't got a ticket, we recommend you stay at home, as you won't get anywhere near anyway.)

I feel the same as I did a week ago. I have a hurting feeling in my chest that never goes away, I wake up every morning and it hits me like a brick all over again, the tears come in waves. I've spent a lot of money on magazines and newspapers (and i usually don't buy newspapers), but I haven't even looked at them - I just put them in a big bag! I do find a great comfort in reading how other fans are feeling.
You don't have to explain to anyone how do you feel.

If they can't understand without an explanation that you are sad to have lost your idol, don't answer to them.

2 days ago on a website, I said how sad I was, and many people said that it was ridiculous because "i didn't know Michael and many people die everyday in some hard conditions and it was more important than the death of a singer".

o_O but what?! Do I have to be so sad for people that I've never heard they were living and that I've seen before? I can have compassion when I see what happened to them, but honestly, when you don't have feelings involved to them, this is hard to be really hurt for people you don't know they were living.

I knew Michael, I love his music, he was and he is a wonderful human being, and I know it because I'm interested on him and I love him. That's all!

And to these people who say this is ridiculous to love someone you've never met, let me say something, how many millions of people love Jesus? And how many people have ever seen or meet him?...

Michael was there! On earth! He grown in front of us! He was in our life even if people are not "fan", Michael was in their life too, because they heard his music or storys about him since they were born. Proof is how shocked many people have been, even if they didn't like Michael!!! It was surreal for many people to think Michael JACKSON passed away!

So I don't understand why people don't understand our pain! This is just about love! You love someone, you lose this person, you're sad... That's it.
explaining is impossible and unnecessary. if they don't already see it then i don't think words can ever really make them understand. i'm so angry at everyone that ever caused michael pain in his life and all the people that got to be a part of his life and they manipulated him and lied to him and only tried to get money or fame from him because they are all responsible for the fact that he is no longer here and they need to be punished for it! i can't believe the way people at your work have treated you! they don't have to understand, it's not about them. that's why i don't talk about it with anyone because i already know that they won't understand and it kills me when they try to bring it up as a general topic of gossip. i'm mean to people about it even tho everyone i know has written me a sympathy message because michael was so nice and people walked all over him and i won't put up with it for him or for myself.