How do you explain to other people?

filing cabinet

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Many people think my grief over this terrible tragedy is ridiculous.
I get mocked at work for it and some people even think I am faking it.
I tried to explain how I feel to some of them the other day and it didnt work at all.

THier argument was basically that I couldn't possibly be as sad as I am making out because i didn't know him.
I try to explain that I did know him, through his music and he taught me so much about love and mutual respect.
I came back from lunch today to find a note calling me an "attention seeking ridiculous fat lesbian pikey" from a cowardly anonymous source.

I dont find that I have the words to explain my grief. I often just write poems for myself, like this one:

Tonight I cry again
Tears of a touched baby
Wrought by the smooth criminal injustice
Of a dead bad babyman.
I just really wanna know
How your garden grows
I just want to flyyyyy.

I miss you my interfering love.
Wow. I can't believe people. Stay strong, dear, and if.. even after the explanations, they're still being ignorant, simply ignore them... I know it's hard.. but you have to try and not let them get to you.
I don't explain it to any of my loved ones. Why? Because I love them always, regardless, even at times when I don't understand them. And I expect the same from them. If they can't understand me, they will have to find it in their hearts to still love me.

As for people such as co-workers, who have no specific bond with me and who don't understand - it's not my problem. It sounds harsh, but it's just not my problem. They know from experience that I'm a good and balanced person, and even if they think I'm silly for being upset, I hope I've built up some credit to last for a while.

Unless people really want to understand, explaining is irrelevant. All you can do is still be loving and kind towards them, and if they don't take that as enough, that's their issue.
Hang in there love.

Bullies often react this way out of pain. The intense jealousy they feel right now over how much this man is loved can only be expressed in mockery. Pleasure in your pain is only temporary and slowly and continuously eats away at the one who is being cruel.

I say just be completely honest about your feelings and tell them that you sincerely hope that someday they can be loved just as much as Michael was in life and remembered just as fondly in death. Perhaps then they wouldn't find pleasure out of another's anguish.
I'm so sorry for what you have to experience in your work filing cabinet :(
But some people just are so rude, they have no respect towards others at all.
Try to stay strong and just ignore those who are mean to you.. I hope it'll be better. :better:
Don't. You shouldn't need to feel the need to justify your feelings to anyone. Whoever sent that note is obviously pathetic and unfulfilled in some way if they feel the need to try to upset people to make themselves feel better.
'Don't let no one get you down, keep movin' on higher ground.'

You don't have to explain yourself to anyone, at anytime in this life time. My co-worker's are actually being nice, they knew how much I admired MJ.
I tell them to be objective and look at the facts. If they refuse to take this step, they are truly hopeless.
Thanks for the support guys.
I suppose what IM also trying to say is that I don't fully understand it myself sometimes.
Ive never met him, and although Ive seen just about every interview and know all his work off by heart, but I dont know him personally- so why am I so upset?
Its worse than a relative dying.
WHat is wrong with me?
Thanks for the support guys.
I suppose what IM also trying to say is that I don't fully understand it myself sometimes.
Ive never met him, and although Ive seen just about every interview and know all his work off by heart, but I dont know him personally- so why am I so upset?
Its worse than a relative dying.
WHat is wrong with me?

Many people relate to Michael. It's only human nature to feel sad when someone who was so important in your life suddenly passes away. Stay strong and keep the faith!!!
I came back from lunch today to find a note calling me an "attention seeking ridiculous fat lesbian pikey" from a cowardly anonymous source.
what a looser...

People don't understand me at my work either... they say "how can some people cry for someone they don't even know in real?"
I haven't cried in front of them but they understood whay i was sad.
Come here we can cry together we can understand each other. No need to explain to other person who never understand us because they are not MJ fans they don't feel anything today or in the future way. Its hard to explain.

My day in office not good but I keep quiet. My manager and peer walk to me on Monday and trying to ask about MJ in details I said to them not ask me anything right now (they can follow the news right ?) they do not need to ask me while I m in sad and in red eyes but some ppl try to make me feel more and more and they will gossip back ..I know that.

I don't care I change my Michael picture frame on my desk and place flower ..
Till today I still can't smile or laugh I know I didn't speak much .. when they look at me I know they looking to me.. I just ignore them..the hater !! let them be.

I miss Michael I lost him I m going to hell don't care them and don't explain anything.
My one friend on facebook thought I was funny when I said it felt like I lost a family member,Don't pay those people no mind,I bet they have the thriller album in their house right now
No body is really saying a word to me about it. Well except for my mother who has made fun of his death. She said she wasn't but that wasn't the way it had sounded to me. And she was also making fun of me as well for mourning over someone I don't even know. This is why I hate my family like I do. Because they are all nothing but a bunch of Michael Jackson haters. When my grandfather had died on Paris's birthday of this year. My mother wanted to know why I didn't shed a single tear for him. I had never told her this but it was because my grandfather has said some very hurtful comments to me about Michael. Which is why I can't ever forgive him for that. That was the only reason why I didn't cry at his furneral. Because those MJ comments he said to me had hurt me very deeply. And he knew that too and he didn't care that he had hurt me. Which is why I am glad that old man is dead now. Because it is one less MJ hater in my life. The only ones that can really understand what I am going through is other MJ fans. And I wish to god that I live near some of them. Especially the ones that gets to live in Southern California. Where I so want to be right now.
Many people think my grief over this terrible tragedy is ridiculous.
I get mocked at work for it and some people even think I am faking it.
I tried to explain how I feel to some of them the other day and it didnt work at all.

THier argument was basically that I couldn't possibly be as sad as I am making out because i didn't know him.
I try to explain that I did know him, through his music and he taught me so much about love and mutual respect.
I came back from lunch today to find a note calling me an "attention seeking ridiculous fat lesbian pikey" from a cowardly anonymous source.

Wow. Just wow. That is the most horrendous thing I have ever read. :no:

You don't owe anyone any explanations. I understand that it might seem ridiculous to some people because we never personally met Michael, but you are not the only feeling this way. It's nearly a week later and my heart still hurts. I'm keeping it to myself though, because I don't want to annoy those around me or dump stuff on them. That's just how I am though. That's not necessarily the right thing for you to do. Just know that everyone here is in the same boat and we'll listen to you without any judgments. :flowers:
I came back from lunch today to find a note calling me an "attention seeking ridiculous fat lesbian pikey" from a cowardly anonymous source.

You don't need that kind of person's sympathy. You are obviously the better person. Go ahead and be confident about that.

Be loving and only answer to love :)
It is just getting worse at work.
I had another of thier pathetic notes on my desk when I got in this morning saying
'You only love him because he fiddles with babies'
They also found one of my poems I'd written and changeed it into a horrible one.
THis was mine:

Your death shadows my soul,
As I weep rivers of bitterness
LIke a lonely liberian girl
Sitting in her dying silence.

THey crossed it out and changed it to this:

Your death spares ars soul
Of Poor little children
And the librarian girl
sitting in the Giant Jam Sandwich Section.

I took it to my manager who couldn't help sniggering and offered me councilling. He was quite nice about it but he genuinely thinks that I am insane.
Maybe I am?
WHy am I this obsessed about someone I don't even know?

Nioce to know some of you share my heartache though.

THanks everyone
Many people think my grief over this terrible tragedy is ridiculous.
I get mocked at work for it and some people even think I am faking it.
I tried to explain how I feel to some of them the other day and it didnt work at all.

THier argument was basically that I couldn't possibly be as sad as I am making out because i didn't know him.
I try to explain that I did know him, through his music and he taught me so much about love and mutual respect.
I came back from lunch today to find a note calling me an "attention seeking ridiculous fat lesbian pikey" from a cowardly anonymous source.

I dont find that I have the words to explain my grief. I often just write poems for myself, like this one:

Tonight I cry again
Tears of a touched baby
Wrought by the smooth criminal injustice
Of a dead bad babyman.
I just really wanna know
How your garden grows
I just want to flyyyyy.

I miss you my interfering love.

Don`t let them get to you.
Michael was loved by a lot of people, and I think that ignorant people that willfully hurt others by making a mockery of their emotions are a waste of space.

I smell a troll. To be honest, with some of the things you have written, I highly think you are taking the piss right now, but people on here are being kind to you because they think you are genuine.
I don't really talk to my coworkers about my feelings, they aren't really close to me, and eventhough it's frustrating we must accept that people have different opinions and feelings on things. I only express my intense saddness to my mom, who is a big fan, and my boyfriend who has no choice but to bear with me lol
Many people think my grief over this terrible tragedy is ridiculous.
I get mocked at work for it and some people even think I am faking it.
I tried to explain how I feel to some of them the other day and it didnt work at all.

THier argument was basically that I couldn't possibly be as sad as I am making out because i didn't know him.
I try to explain that I did know him, through his music and he taught me so much about love and mutual respect.
I came back from lunch today to find a note calling me an "attention seeking ridiculous fat lesbian pikey" from a cowardly anonymous source.

Ask them sarcastically, in a smart-ass tone, have they seen the news? With tons of people around the globe mourning him?

Also, ask them if they're really that full of sh*t or if they're just playing. And then say you are going to assume they're playing, because nobody could possibly be that full of sh*t.

Also, for the note, I would probably laugh it off and if anyone should bring it up or ask about it, just say "I laughed at it, it didn't have a name on it so it probably wasn't even directed towards me". The person who left it will probably be agitated it didn't bother you.
It is just getting worse at work.
I had another of thier pathetic notes on my desk when I got in this morning saying
THanks everyone

Where do you work? and can you report these people. Cause this should not be allowed. This is actually harassment and this has nothing to do with MJ. Anytime someone is making notes to you in this matter/manner.
You don't need to explain anything to anyone. You know what Michael meant for you and that's all that matters. Don't worry about other people. If they harass you about liking Michael, just ignore them or tell them that you don't judge them or what they listen to, so they should extend you the same courtesy and respect. If not, to hell with them lol. Ignore them.
Unfortunately, if they don't understand what you are trying to tell them or at least try and respect your feelings, you will never be able to explain it to them. Some poeple just do not think the way you do.

Don't trya dn change them, be with poeple who do understand you and with whom you can share your grief.
well i have been mocked from wereing my mj top and i just burst into tears and i have had abuse shouted at me cause i have hung a banner out the window just saying how much i love michael and that,i really must say i find it hard when ppl cant understand how i feel and it hurts deeply especialy when ppl say oh he is better off where he is now or u will get over it or there is no need to cry makes me so mad and sad at the same time as the emotions i am feeling is as real as anything and it bloody hurts,i sob my heart out every day,it would be nice to be able to do that with ppl i know,its like the wanting to take ur life i think someone on here called ppl that do thay idots its was on another friend,now untill u have been in that postion u will never know how it feel and it is the worst place to be,like u will look around and all u see is pure dark i have been there a few times and i am there no,it is something i wont hide as this is how i am feeling,but ppl that arnt fans have to understand to us he was our n1 and that mento the whole world to us,grrrr other ppl xxx
Its funny cuz what ppl fail to realize is that you can be around somebody all your life and not know them. Like really know them. However we KNOW michael through his works and music. You even have married couples who have no clue they are living with and sometimes they don't even love each other. The only connection is seeing them in person. So the fact I never met michael or knew him personal doesn't matter. I have never been upset by the death of a person in my life until michael. Thankfully I haven't lost any close family like mother father siblings.
I've been wearing the MJ necklace i have a lot again. And on monday my collegues saw that and coz i had a dream about MJ the night before the tears where high. A collegue asked "It's best to not talk about it to much right?". That was so true coz the last thing i wanted is to burst out in tears at work. Later the day we talked a bit and a collegue confessed that she didn't really understand why i am so sad. But she also said that she never have that with any famous person, that she isn't like that. But she (and all my other collegues) don't judge me or think i'm faking it or anything coz they all know it's personal and we respect eachother. They just are not into fandom for someone as i am. And i believe it might be hard for people to understand then coz they are not a fan of someone famous or something.

And in the elevator last wednesday someone was staring at me and i was like where are you staring at and then she said "Ohh Michael Jackson, these must be hard times for you.." I said it was and that's it coz i arrived at my floor.

But i don't talk much about MJ at work, now i do talk about him a bit more coz he's on the news and people ask me what i know from time to time. When i just became a fan i had the urgde to talk about him like 24/7 but now i'm like i'm more then an MJ fan and most of my college's didn't even know i was a fan till i mentioned i will be at work an hour or 2 later due the presale tickets.