How do Michael smell?

You have NO IDEA how much I love this thread! :lol: Every time one of my friends gets close to Michael that's the first think I ask! Seriously! I love great smelling people :wub: and I imagine MJ to smell heavenly....Hmmmm *drifts*

I'm quite relieved I'm not the only one who asks this!
when I first met my boyfriend I was very fascinated by he's overall smell. What I remember as my boyfriends smell is ofcourse the corlogne he uses (everytime someone on the street walks pass me who uses this corlogne I think of my boyfriend instinctivly. But also whenever I get to a room where he's at; he's appartment for one, I recognize the smell of he's room.

I heard that smell is the strongest sense associated with memory. That's why you think of your boyfriend whenever you smell the cologne. Same happens with me ;)
I heard that smell is the strongest sense associated with memory. That's why you think of your boyfriend whenever you smell the cologne. Same happens with me ;)

I heard that too. I have the same - my mum thinks i'm weird because no matter who it is if i smell a perfume I say 'oh so-and-so wears that!' or i'll start a really random conversation :lol:

OK maybe i am weird :mello::wild:
I heard that smell is the strongest sense associated with memory. That's why you think of your boyfriend whenever you smell the cologne. Same happens with me ;)
Ain't that fantastic :) when I miss my boyfriend I like putting on a T-Shirt of he's that he have forgotten at my place. Because it smells like him :heart: I bet a lot of girls inhere would be in heaven if they had a t-shirt that michael had worn :lol:

I heard that too. I have the same - my mum thinks i'm weird because no matter who it is if i smell a perfume I say 'oh so-and-so wears that!' or i'll start a really random conversation :lol:

OK maybe i am weird :mello::wild:
Cute :) No you're not wierd because I do the same actually!
I bet Michael smells Scrumdillyiscious!! I'd want to just bury my head in his jacket!! And that wouldn't be hard, since he's 5'9 and I'm just 5'1"
I bet Michael smells Scrumdillyiscious!! I'd want to just bury my head in his jacket!! And that wouldn't be hard, since he's 5'9 and I'm just 5'1"

can you tell me what 5'9 is in cm? I've always wondered what he's height is..
I asked a fan who hug him before and she said that there wasn't any smell, just very fresh
It's 175.26 cm....I'm only 154.54 cm...

cute you're a small on :) I'm 166cm but my boyfriend is 192cm so compaired to him I'm still very small :p If my nose is pointing straight to heaven and he's nose points straight down and I stand under him then we automaticly kiss :wub: hehe :blush: well maybe I havet to tiptoe a little to reach him :p

I asked a fan who hug him before and she said that there wasn't any smell, just very fresh
Yes, yes I can imagine that smell.. I thought he would be wearing some fresh and spicy parfume.. And I thought he would sometimes also smell of foundation.. :D
But maybe she hugged him at a day where he just went for a private something. Shopping or something the like..
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MJ is 5'10 actually. About 178cm. Or so I've heard. :lol:
MJ is 5'10 actually. About 178cm. Or so I've heard. :lol:

I believe that's the truth. When I've tried to guess he's height I've actually decided that it must be 178cm!! lol.. that exact height.. wiered..