How do I let go?

Come on Minnie of course we remember you. We wouldn't forget such a lovely and dedicated person like you. You have been through alot with what you have said in your post and I commend you for that because it takes alot of dedication and hard work to live under those conditions, but to do it for a purpose.

I understand the part where you will miss the people whom you spent your time with in LA working. It happens to us when we are doing something we like to do and we become close with people and all of a sudden have to rearrange life because of a move or look for a different job.

I hope all is well with you in your new journey in life and you aren't alone because you have us who have been always your friend. Welcome back old friend. :better:
Hi Minnie! *hugs* Miss ya, girlie! I like you have pretty much moved on from the community and will post once in a blue moon. We all change and will continue to change. I for one am glad for the time we (You, Buns, Cookie, Seb, Phatfan, Spankey, ChiChi, Gaz, Nic, Victoria83, Sapphire, Perri, and the rest of the MJJF Crew) shared and the memories will never be forgotten. Love you, hun!

About your memories and your experience... never let them go. Honor your experiences by maybe starting a organization where you are. Take all that you've learned and put it to good use! :yes: It's valuble and you can and already have changed lives. Keep up the great work and don't be sad!


See ya on MSN!
minnie hun, the easiest way to let go is to just start a new chapter in ur life, turn the page and start a new life :)

hope it works out for u babe :yes:
Just because some of us oldtimes don't come around that much, doesn't mean we forgot anyone! I have always enjoyed your presence at the board and most certainly remember you! :D

I can understand it is hard to let go of a situation you've been so intensively involved in. But to a number of people you've made a difference in life. I think that's something you should treasure and be proud of. We can't change the whole world by ourselves, but every attempt to do so is a huge step in the right direction. :)
Hi Minnie! (((hug))) Thanks for sharing your experience with us. It surely was an amazing time of learning and service to others.
And how could we ever forget you????! Good to see you again. :)
Thoought I'd post a bit more...

A friend of mine said something to me about a week ago. She said, "This is all past, what are you gonna do with the future...?" And she's right! It is in the past, and that's probably what bugs me!

I have the BEST memories, and I miss everyone so much. I love the MJJC peeps to death, and my loyalty will ALWAYS be with this place...

But what on EARTH am I gonna use in my life now? The idea with street work I love, and certainly with the church taking a social resposibility - in fact I believe all human beings need to take a social responsibility.

Though I have one thing right now that I am soooooo looking forward to: I get to have my niece at my house for 2 days! My wacky, fun, loving 2-year-old niece! We're going to this massive indoor playground, I'm taking her to McDonald's. It'll be alot of fun, and while it's the first time she's going to stay with me alone overnight, I have taken care of her overnight before, and she follows me around like a puppy-dog... She loves her aunty.

In fact, one weekend I spent with her and her parents (My brother and his fiance) my brother and I went to go get bread for breakfast, and as we're about to leave this little girl comes out and goes "me come too" and we had to tell her no cause the car is a 2-seater. So she started crying as we closed the door.

When we got back, her mom told us that she came into the room, said "Teddybear", got her teddy. Then askd for her pacifier, and got that. Then she walked up to her mom, and with tears in her eyes said, "Auntie gone!" LOL She's such a sweetie! She's not entirely 2 yet - only 21 months, but such a good little girl.

I can't WAIT!!!!

Where in heck have you been? How the heck r ya???? So good to hear from you again!!!

You have had quite an experience and you've done more in 6 months in this country than most politicans do in their careers and Americans in general do in their life time.

My best friend went on a missionary mission this time last year to Baja California -- having to travel many hours thru the jungle to reach their destination to help people in need and her story was very similar to yours.

In fact, her church is returning next month, although she will not be going. However, she looks forward to going to Africa in 2011 when her church does missionary work there.

I'm not a particularly religious person (just a mello-heathen I am :D), but I do appreciate the dedication that people have when they reach out to others. I know that the people you helped will never forget it.

Please do visit us here more often, why don't ya?

And Chi.....

I have some bad words for u. #$#@@#%% , ##$#@@$$, $%%^^$$#%%!!!

Translation: Don't you EVER stay off the boards this long again, worrying me to DEATH, YA HEAR ME! :mat::mat: