How do I let go?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
First off, this is gonna be long, but please hear me out...

The past year has meant MASSIVE changes in my life... Last november I left MJJF after spending up towards 15 hours a day working behind the scenes for 5 years. I got to know Trish, Chichi, Gary... the old modsquad. I loved everyone like my sister or brother - still do. I poured my heart into MJJF, but often times, good things come to an end, as did my time with MJJF - just as MJJF became MJJC. Maybe that's why I've never become a regular here... By now nobody probably even remembers I was here!

In Febuary I left my native country to work as a social worker for 6 months on the streets of Los Angeles.

For 6 months I lived under conditions that would shock the majority of people I know. I lived in a tiny room with another woman whom I did not know, and who was 20 years my senior. I ate in a cafeteria 3 meals a day, and the food was often either over-cooked or downright bad, but it was food - and free. Everything I used was worn down, wrecked or non-existant. The car I drove had to be started with a screw-driver and the door held closed with a bungee-chord.

I worked part-time as a outreach worker, sitting on street-corners and beaches trying to reach out to all those people you pass on the street and never even see. Often times we didn't have enough money or food to do this properly, so it was first-come-first serve... We would go out on Venice Beach where there are HUNDREDS of homeless people, and we'd bring 50 sack lunches... We would maybe have 24 bottles of water, and too bad if you were number 25. We met people shivering because it was 60 degrees out, and all they had were a pair of shorts and a tank-top, and we had no blankets to give them. No room in the car to take them back with us to give them new clothes.

Part time I worked in a shelter for women who are homeless, drug-users, victims of any kind of abuse, and most of them have had their lives shattered into pieces with no way out. We would try to teach them that regardless of what they've done, someone still loves them. I loved them. With every ounce of me, those girls became my everything.

Once one of the ladies got bitten in the face by a brown recluse spider - a nasty little thing that can possibly kill you due to a really serious infection in the bite. She got a wound the size of a dime on the side of her face, but as she had no insurance and we had no money, we couldn't take her to the doctor. So she cleaned it at least twice a day with hydro-peroxide, and we just had to hope she would stay alive. Only if she stopped breathing could we call for help.

I grew really close to these girls. Some of the women living at the center became my best friends, symbols of hope in humanity, because they survived despite the world trying to kill them. The church became my religious home, with the pastor being the most inspirational man I have EVER met in my life... giving up fame and fortune to reach the homeless and broken. Regaining both the fame and fortune, but remaining a selfless man who cried on stage after hearing the story of a 16-year-old girl.

And then... come the summer and I went back to my own country. I spent a month having an adventure of a lifetime with some of my best friends. I saw places I had only dreamt of, and did things I had always wanted to do.

I found a new place to live, and have more or less settled in.

But here's the problem... There is absolutely nobody out there with whom I can sit down and just share everything I experienced. There is nobody out there who knows what I saw, who were there when I cried with a homeless man on the street, who celebrated with me and the graduate of our resedential program, and who felt overwhelmed at the sight of the Grand Canyon.

Every time I see footage, pictures etc of the 6 months in Los Angeles, and every time I go here and read staff posts from the people I was once so close with, I cry. My heart is torn to pieces, because it is over. The people I met in LA, I might never see them again. I might never again visit the places that meant so much, and I might never again be part of an online family like I once was.

Is there anybody out there who can say "You know... I've been through this... I've had so many happy memories that I couldn't share with anyone that it was killing me!"

Bad memories I can let go of... but what about the good ones?
first of... bad girl cuz this is so NOT true :chichi:
By now nobody probably even remembers I was here!

with this said... time will help you!

You loved what you had and it is over now... but you experienced stuff there for some reason... and when you'll find your place in life at home in Denmark again, you'll know.
Why don't you just share whatever you'd like to share here on the forum. Maybe not everybody will read it... maybe not everybody will respond... but sheeeesh who knows maybe it's helpfull for just one of us.
Do whatever you feel like Minnie!
MJJC needs ppl like you... cuz ppl like me will always miss you when you're not around! believe it!!! lol and welcome back!!!:tease:
Hi, Minne, Only yesterday I thought of you and wondered what happened to you why you don't post anymore. I think it is odd that you should post today. Good luck in your ministry.
Hi Minnie! I remember you and I must say it's lovely to see you on here :).

Thanks for sharing your heartfelt story, and wow! what a long road you've been down. I have worked with homeless animals ( not people but equally important as they too have seen the crual side of life).

I have never had to live the way you have and I commend you and others like you for all your hard work,
you have put yourself out there so that others could feel a little warmth and comfort. As for letting go of your good memories...I don't think you ever will, I believe that is your reward and you should treasure those forever. I don't know you personally Minnie but I do know that I'm real proud of people like you.
I remember you, of course girl. You thought me the news threads back in the day :flowers:You have such a positive spirit. It takes A LOT of courage to do the things you choose to do. It takes a lot heart.
I am very proud of people like you as well.

I hope you will post here more often than you do now. You are missed =)
I remember you and I'm glad you're back. I'd like to hear more about your experiences- I mean as a student who at the minute is being targeted with information about universities and told i have to decide what the next step in my life is, its interesting to find out what other people have done with their lives. Those memories I'm sure will stay forever.
Hi, Minnie. Glad to see you back with us again. I've thought of you very often over the last few months, knowing first hand what you were encountering and seeing in LA; it is eye opening and often extremely tragic.

You stuck it out and I know you must have done everything in your power to help, even when your hands were tied with restrictions and dead ends.

It's also fantastic that you were able to take time for yourself once you finished your committment in LA, and were able to travel and see things and be with your friends. Working with and seeing despair/pain/suffering over a period of time does eventually take it's toll emotionally, so allowing yourself a respite to recharge is essential for you to continue and return to the path you've chosen.

Please tell us where you've been, and post pics if you have some available. And, THANK YOU for doing what you set out to do while in LA, the world needs so many more people willing to commit to it if and when possible.

Stay in touch and share whatever you feel you may want to or need to- :blush:
I'm not looking for a pat on the back... though of course they are always nice LOL

LA was amazing! Yes, it was def. VERY emotional, it was hard, it was seeing suffering up close with absolutely no power to change it. But I think one of the things that truly have stuck with me is seeing this specific young girl change...

I met her when she was homeless - in fact she entered into the program when I had been there for about 2 weeks. I can't share the specifics of her story, of course, but when we met her, she was shattered. She had absolutely nothing, no hope, no life, nothing...

When I said goodbye to her the day I left, we both cried hysterically, but the girl hugging me goodbye... she was a totally different person. She used to be sulky, have a really nasty attitude, and just be really moody. When I left she was a bubbly teenager who had dreams, hopes, who loved getting dressed up for church. I have hundreds of pictures of her laughing, playing around, hugging her new sisters...

Another girl had already been there 7 months when I got there, but looking at her now... you would never have known that she used to be a drug-addict, oppressed by a violent boyfriend and homeless... now she is an absolutely GORGEOUS and ridicilously photogenic, humble, sweet loving girl...

THEY deserve the credit for everything... I'm really just blessed to have been able to be there along side them
hello minz,

surely there must be a discussion forum for selfless people like yourself ?? There is one for everything else ;) Until you find one, I see no reason this cannot be that place.

I cannot say that I have stuck myself in a situation like you chose to .. besides the church thing is just soo not me ... Yes, if there is a hell I will be there, I know it and I Own it :chichi: :eviltongue: However, I have given of myself to people that needed my help...people in dire straits at the time. Sometimes it turned out well in the end. Other times I watched them slip through my helping hands. Many times I ended up on the wrong end of a crappy situation. The last time I truly reached out to someone and offered them my help...I encountered some serious accusations, a long legal process that ended in me gaining full custody of twin boys.

We have all been up down and all around. Give us a shot, we may understand you more than you might think :flowers:
Chiman... you... angelic??? Hon... You've never been angelic LMAO
Angelic !!??


Who said I was angelic ... let me at 'em !! Why I oughta ... how dare they refer to me as angelic. Give up the names Minnie ... who was it that said that about me :ranting:
Oh you are talking about my mood :lol:

**enter emily latella**
Nevermind :)

To clarify, I am trying to be angelic-like-ish-esque
Your mood, hon... your mood ;)

Now... if you wanna go all Chichi on your own ass, go at it, but I'd advise you not to LOL Hurts only yourself... LOL
speaking of moods ... which you were and eventually after I got it, i was too ...

You have never been much of a lurker :chichi:

so, deal or no deal ??

You un-lurk yourself and I will un-fake-angelic myself ??
it was only the second time I changed it ... there is no mood that described me at the time. So, i went with the far fetched one :lol:

Always good to see familiar uhm... names LOL

I don't know what makes you think that you are not missed or even loved by some people here.

What exactly do you think or feel it is missing?

I know i don't talk often,and i also know,that for someone who dosen't know me well,this might seem kinda crazy,but Minnie...i understand your pain and frustration of givivng so much and having the feeling that noone can see what we are doing.

You mentioned Trish,(among others).,i can only talk for me,but i must tell you that i miss the times where Trish was here.Where this place seemed more like a family place.
If it ever felt like this,to me it was because of people like you,Trish,Chichi,and others i can't remember the name,thatt gave their time, their heart to make this happen.

I'm very thankfull to be able to belong to a forum,that has so amazing people,that really care,and makes us feel asa big all family.And i feel like this,it's part because of you of course.

Maybe i didn't have to say this,but just in case you forgot or have doubts,if you need a friend to talk to,Pm me,or e.mail me anytime.
I know i am a person that is most of the times in the shadow,but i do this because i don't want to be the foccus of attention to anyone.Still,when i think it is my duty,or i think it is needed,i talk,because i prefer that people know that they can count on me when they need,even if they can always count ,no matter what is going on.

Please take good care my dear friend.HUGS
Are you serious? I remember you! LOL I was wonderin where you were at! :)
*sends Minnie a hug* :huggy:

As for not having anyone to share your memories with, why not post about them on here, I'm sure there are people who have had some similar experiences in the past that they too can relate to your own experiences. :flowers:

great to see you posting here though :)
U are not forgotten... I missed you and I am very glad to see that you are back. I think it's wonderful what you got to do in LA. I'm sure you touched lots of lives just as they touched yours. I hope you can keep in touch with the people you met and hopefully can return there some day soon.

Welcome back Minnie! *hugz* :)
Hi Minnie

I am not a Christian but I have always admired your strong commitment to your faith. You have a warm and wonderful spirit.

I would love to hear more about your experiences.

It's good to have you back.
..................Ofcourse I remember you from MJJF!:D
So Nice to see you back!:D

Wow,you did a' amazing job in L.A!:)
Truely in Michael-spirit,helping others in need!:)

Welcome back *hugZZZ*
Of course I remember you Minnie. I often thought where did you disappeared?
I admire what you've done, I wish I had the courage to do something like that.

I hope to see you more here from now on. :give_flowers:
I cant believe you think people have forgotten you by now, LOL...

I am unsure if i have expierience in how you feel but i have somewhat similar feelings about my online life on MJ-forums as i used to be very active in the past (mjifc, kop-board, mjjf) and i know that is in the past because life has changed for me.
A couple of years ago i had plenty of friends on forums, chats and on yahoo the moment i am already glad if i can keep up with 1 or 2 friendships that have existed for a long time.
Making new friends online? Hmmm, i probably forgot how to do that at all.

People change over time and so does the MJ-community online.It makes me sad sometimes but it is not in my power to change this.

Its late, i dont think i am making much sense but i am glad to see you back Minnie, somehow i think most of us 'oldies' will continue visiting MJ-forums even if it is not that frequently.