How did you say goodbye to Michael today?

I'm at peace. And no, I can't say goodbye.

He's simply in another dimension, unreachable to us (except for gifted spiritists) and I know he is at peace too.

He's not fully passed yet, as his spirit is truly among his family & his fans.

I wrote the LAPD & DA to bring JUSTICE for MICHAEL. And we all should fo the same. Why haven't they arrested Murray yet???
I havent said goodbye. I dont think I can. I dont feel like doing so... I cant accept that this is the end.. The funerals Ive been to before Ive been able to say my goodbyes.. I cant accept this one. Its too sad. I wont celebrate this day in any way.. I'll just try to go on like I usually do..
Never can say goodbye. I just feel sick now, seeing how everybody else seemed to do stuff to honour him or watch the news coverage... I didn't do a thing. It was in the middle of the night here, and today I just.... did nothing. I feel horrible.

It's just that... I can't say goodbye. I still haven't accepted the fact that he's gone, so how the **** am I supposed to accept this? I'm crushed right now. It all begins to dawn on me now, sort of... after seeing the pictures from the burial. And I'm pretty much crushed, yeah.
I'll never say goodbye, simply because he's always and constatly in my mind and my heart. The first night I said good-bye, it felt soo strange, and then I started to talk to him, like he's my guardian angel. Or our guardian angel, to be more precise, because I always talk to him, before bedtime and i refer to me, as ''us'', the fans, dunno, it's the easisest thing for me to do, because I know that we are sooo many forever thinking of him, we're all united as a huge family to rememer him - ...
so dunno if I'll ever say good-bye, don't think so
after all, he's OUR GUARDIAN ANGEL now
as a human, i miss him terribly and i make sure he knows it...
I said my farewell to Michael thanks for his music, dance and memories.
I will never say goodbye to Michael.

Michael is very much alive inside my heart,and this will never change
We stayed up and watched CNN/Sky/BBC until the feed ended and then put in a DVD of MJ pictures running with music (Debussy, instrumentals of Gone Too Soon & Childhood, etc). While that played we prayed, talked a bit about Michael and read a couple of fitting things from Dancing the Dream. This is the one I couldn't get through. I read it for Michael, but cried so much I had to stop every other word :cry: . I find it so fitting...

Child Of Innocence by Michael Jackson

Child of innocence, I miss your sunny days
We joyously frolicked in extended plays
Ever since you've left the scene
The streets are lonely, dark, and mean

Child of innocence, return to me now
With your simple smile show them how
This world once again can respond to your glance
And heartbeats flutter to the rhythm of your dance

Child of innocence, your elegance, your beauty
Beckons me now beyond the call of duty
Come fly with me far and above
Over the mountains in the land of love

Child of innocence, messenger of joy
You've touched my heart without a ploy
My soul is ablaze with a flagrant fire
To change this world is my deepest desire

Child Of Innocence by Michael Jackson

Child of innocence, I miss your sunny days
We joyously frolicked in extended plays
Ever since you've left the scene
The streets are lonely, dark, and mean

Child of innocence, return to me now
With your simple smile show them how
This world once again can respond to your glance
And heartbeats flutter to the rhythm of your dance

Child of innocence, your elegance, your beauty
Beckons me now beyond the call of duty
Come fly with me far and above
Over the mountains in the land of love

Child of innocence, messenger of joy
You've touched my heart without a ploy
My soul is ablaze with a flagrant fire
To change this world is my deepest desire

Now that is simply beautiful
I know I'm two days late in posting to this thread, but I thought I'd share with you all my way of saying goodbye to Michael on Thursday.

I chose not to watch any of the media coverage of his burial (I didn't even watch the memorial), preferring instead to remember him in my own way:

I sang two of his songs as karaoke at a local club. I did "Beat It" and "Billie Jean," his two biggest hits from the time when I first discovered him, which was late 1983-early 1984, when I was one year old. Everyone loved my interpretations. I wanted to do "Thriller," my all-time favorite song of his, but I didn't think that my voice could stand doing three of Michael's songs in one night. Maybe next time.

I even met a man who said that he locked himself in his room the day Michael died and played all of his songs! I don't blame him.

Thank God Michael is now at rest. He deserves to be at peace now! He gave so much of himself to us.
I'll never say goodbye to him. Never ever.He lives in spirit I believe and I feel that way.