How did you say goodbye to Michael today?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Sydney, Australia
I am just wonderng how everyone remembered and said goodbye to Michael today?

I went down to the beach with my ipod at the time of the service, and just sat there listening to Michael and looking over the ocean. I found it peaceful and beautiful, because there was no one around, only me and Michael (well, his music) I then threw some flowers into the ocean.

I still can't believe this day has come, the day we farewell one of the most - if not the most - amazing people who ever graced this world.

i wont ever say goodbye hes in my head and heart forever
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I can't accept it either. :( I can't and won't say goodbye.
I just told him I love him and thanked him for everything.
i was at a funeral- i cryed for his children his family, all the fatherless children in the world. The funeral i went to was my best friends father's. I never known such pain, to see my friend like that again bought the thought of Michael's children- Prince, Blanket and Paris. And i cryed so much. I just could not even begin to imagine the pain all these people are going through. thinking about the children's pain is the only thing that makes me cry because honestly when i think of Michael and My friend's father i can smile. Because they're at peace- in a place we can only dream of.
I will never be able to say goodbye to Michael, I mean NEVER! my heart is bleeding and i feel it's about to burst anytime! god forgive me for saying this, but i feel a million times worse than i felt when my grandfather died and i never even saw Michael in person!
It hurts me so much :cry:
I will never say goodbye to MJ,he is still alive in my heart,and he will be that 4ever :cry:
but I did pray for him last night,and I light a candle :cry:
I can't say goodbye from him.. I feel that he's still alive. :cry:
I will never accept this. :(

I will never accept this either.

@Naytobes it's a very nice thing you did going to the beach and everything.
I love the ocean gives me peace

I got up at 3:45 am to see the funeral (at least the part that was shown on tv).
When there was nothing to see anymore I went on the computer to be here and after a while I talked to Michael and went back to bed for a few hours.
I really didn't say goodbye to Michael. I just couldn't because it is not a goodbye. Not when I am always keeping Michael's spirit and memory alive and well. By just remembering him of how he was. I am doing that now by watching my one of my HIStory Concerts. The one I am watching is from Gothenburg, Sweden. I had spent these past 70 days in a deep state of depression and sadness. Well that is now over for me. Because I finally really do believe Michael is happy and that he is finally at peace now. And I can finally start being happy again knowing that Michael is happy now. Though my heart still goes out for his children and family.
I cant say goodbye either, that would kill me. "See you soon" sounds so much better. I really believe this is not the end, we will see Michael again.
I didn't say goodbye. I didn't stay up for the funeral. I went to bed around 2am, said my prayers and went to sleep.
I did my 'See you later' by watching the funeral this night btween 4 and 6.30 am
I probably should have asked 'how did everyone remember Michael today', I didn't mean to upset everyone with the term goodbye :( Sorry

I always think of death as 'goodbye for now', and I felt that was what I needed to do today, otherwise I will continue to feel this way.

Is still feel physcally ill though, I can't stop thinking about his children, its just not fair.

I felt ok this morning, when I did what I had to do to try and part with some of this pain, and just remmeber Michael, and the beach is always a place I go to reflect. And this morning, with just an ocean and Michael in my ears, I felt good.

But as soon as I got home, I saw it all on the news and that pain has come back. I feel so empty inside.

But I'm so glad he's a peace now :(
I didn't before I went back to bed this morning and never will say Goodbye. Michael will live on in my heart forever.
I took a look out my window, looked up at the sky, said thank you for everything, and that I love you more.:cry::cry::cry:

I just hate the thought now that Michael's body, that has entertained the world with his moves and dancing all these magical years is now just, well shall I say 'fading' away,under a patch of grass.:cry:

Its just not fair, i have felt like screaming and crying about 5 times since I woke up. :boohoo:

I just can't bare what has happened. Murderer better hope I never see him:angry:
I didn't before I went back to bed this morning and never will say Goodbye. Michael will live on in my heart forever. I took a look out my window, looked up at the sky, said thank you for everything, and that I love you more.:cry::cry::cry:

I just hate the thought now that Michael's body that has entertained he world with his moves and dancing all these magical years is now just, well shall I say 'fading' away,under a patch of grass.:cry:

Its just not fair, i have felt like screaming and crying about 5 times since I woke up. :boohoo:

I just can't bare what has happened. Murderer better hope I never see him:angry:

I hate that so much! I can't believe this :no::cry: It's horrible to think about it.
I didn't really say goodbye I just don't want to.

I just wanted to be alone, just me and him.

At 10:00 pm turned out the lights, lite a candel, and laid in bed and listened to his beautiful voice until I eventually feel asleep.

I love you endlessly Michael.
I don't say goodbye to him .. i'll see him one day

I said rest in peace... i lit a candle and it sent love to everyone who loves Michael and who misses him. I hope you felt it all...

...saw the news, and again I am so sad and worried for his children. In the news they said, that today is their first day at school. I feel with them and hope for the best. It's difficult to believe that all this happens

will light another candle later in church :angel: