How did you find out about "The Bird's and the Bee's"

Im glad no one has said 'The Catholic Church'...

haha, you're right. Glad no one said that.
But to clear it out for the christians on this forum, I have NO problem with Christians/ catholics. I just hate "The Catholic Church", it's not necessary to be a Christian. It tells you what to do, but some things are better decided out of common judgement, then of a church. Everyday we complain about cults like 'the satanic church', 'scientology', .... But what do you think 'The Catholic Church' is?

Again: no harm meant to christians, I respect (and I'm sure JohnC does too) your wanting to Believe...
Some of the comments in this thread made me laugh so much :hysterical:
Biology classes when I was fourteen years old. Before that I always used to believe that a woman got pregnant just because her body naturally felt like it and not because she needed from a man. :blush:
my great :rolls eyes: mother who is a hippie and so free spirited, just basically said to do it when you feel ready. That was pretty much it.
great parenting mom:smilerolleyes: :scratch:
lols! Dying at the comments....

Anyways, my general knowledge came from the mandatory sex-ed we received in school. xD

But the age I really found out how sex works was when I was 12.

I mean I know that a man and a woman has to do something to make babies but I was pretty much clueless on how they do it. LMAO! :D
actually I got more of an "education" when I lost my V to the man I fell in love with lol....He taught me a lot.
I was 7 or 8 and found a book in my parents room about sex, and different positions. Later on I found my dad's stash of old Playboy magazines.

1st experience was in my teen years when I discovered masturbation...1st time I ever had sex, was with the woman who would eventually become my wife. :)

dont ever remember being told its just something u knew about and picked up as u went
I found out in 3 stages. I'm in the club of porn stash that my Dad had but that was mostly just nudity in playboy when I was about 5 or 6. Judging by pictures I thought sex was just getting naked and touching. Strange since he was may more conservative than my mom about it. His version of where babies came from was "A mommy and a daddy" hers was "A vagina". At age six you can picture my reaction :O. I found out the rest from my older sister, you know, the "how they're made" part. She was 3 years older than me and used to tell me all the other details whether I was ready or not. Hilarious now that I look back on it.
I didn't realise you had to push in and out, I thought you just stuck it in there and did nothing. LOL.


I think I learned about it school (around the age of 10 or 11).. When I was a kid, I used to think that once you got married to someone and slept in the same bed, fairy dust and sparks would fly between both of them, and that's how babies started to grow in a mother's belly... lol..
LMAO!! Some of the answers here!

It varied, from what I can recall.

My first exposure to anything pornographic was a Madonna video. Shocking, I know. It was 'Express yourself'. I remember getting this weird feeling back then and I still blush whenever I see the video. I noticed a similar pattern in other music videos as well. By the time I was 7-8, I pretty much figured it out. I used to watch Animal nature shows so when I put two and two together. I never mentioned it out loud because I didn't want to get in trouble. My first exposure to hardcore porn happened when I walked in on someone watching some pretty heavy stuff. I dont recall seeing male parts but I recall seeing a girl's boobs.

I also remember in third grade, our teacher gave us these animal profiles. We were divided by four to a table. My table had the Siberian tiger. She said 'if you had any questions, ask me'. Well, in the profile, the word 'sex' came up so being mischievous in my own way, I sent someone from our table to ask her. I wanted to see her reaction. I know this sounds a bit sophisticated for someone my age but I swear this happened. The teacher's response to the query was that it was 'male or female'. Our table was DYING because she underestimated us. True story.