How did you find out about "The Bird's and the Bee's"


Proud Member
Jul 19, 2009
I was listening to this on radio last week and there were some pretty interesting/ funny responses, so I thought I'd ask it here.

How did you find out about sex?
My dad showed me book about sex, I was 11 years old, I didn't ask, I asked what they mean by..."balls", I never usually say that. I didn't understand about sex until was about 13 or 14 years old I think.
We were taught about it at school in year I was 10. Until I was about 13, I didn't realise you had to push in and out, I thought you just stuck it in there and did nothing. LOL.

You were 10 in the 6th grade? :O Were you a super-genius?
Thats the age we get taught about it in Australia.
I had no father around so he did me no good. My mother tried to talk to me but she's very shy about that stuff. I learned the details from TV, movies, magazines, classmates. And I learned a lot about what NOT to do from observing my older sisters (not to be promiscuous).
Well I had found out about it on my own. I was 7 or 8 years old when I had accidentally discover these porn magazines that both my mother and her one brother had. And a few years later. I had discover a few porn videos that my mother had in her closet. I didn't have sex education in school until I had gotten in to high school. I was probably 15 or 16 when I had that. Even though us kids pretty much already know what we had needed to know about sex at that age.
Let me just say that I was a very curious 10/11 year old. I had my own laptop at that age so I just did my own research and found out myself. lol. My parents never talked to me about sex and they still haven't. I'm 16 but they just figured I'd learn about it at school. But they know I'm educated about it and that I'm not naive. ha, they know I know about sex. :p Also, TV kinda helped as well.

Honestly, when I was reaaally really young, when I used to think sex was laying in a bed and making out. lmao. I guess that's about 1/4 of it though. :lol:
I can't remember but i remember my dad saying literally "When you wake up with a hard nob go out and shag the fittest bird you can find"
Super awesome parenting skills right there...
school... but mostly i had to do my own research :shifty:
I had Sex ed in School, although most of my sex ed came from watching Porn.
My parents never ever talked to me about that stuff, so my education came from school and .. well I really don't know how I found things out :D
lol @ the responses about porn XD
well my parents were always awkward about growing up topics so i just learned from HRE in primary school in grade 4 so i was 8. but i'm gonna make sure i'm open with my kids and not be awkward!
how i found out about sex i was 6 i remember my brother had a blank vhs i watched it but untill i found out it was porn my brother woke up from his nap and he was like wtf he turned it off and at 10 years old i also learn about it in school
Im glad no one has said 'The Catholic Church'...