How did he do it??

How did Michael do this?? It doesn't even seem physically possible. Is there a trick to doing it?


Oooh I love this picture. :clapping: It's always frustrating whenever he does the lean, the camera shows him leaning towards the camera... like, damn it! I want to see the lean!

Which history concert did this pic come from??
Sorry I can't remember which video I took the screen shot from...Yesterday I was watching a load of videos, just clicking one after the other and I can't remember which one it was taken from...If I come across it again, I'll post it here.

That video was the most helpfull video i have ever seen when it comes to doing The Lean.

I'm now gonna attept to make my own Smooth Criminal Leaning shoes
Check the link that imehollis posted, there are some nice pictures of how the shoe works. Or read here
The shoe is built so an extension coming out of the floor hooks into it and you can lean moreso than gravity would allow. Check out this video and the guy on the right, his shoe gets stuck a bit and it gives a hint of what the illusion is all about:
And if that doesn't make sense either, then just enjoy the illusion. Might be magic after all. ;)

So simple, yet so brilliant. You still have to have good leg and back muscles to raise yourself back up from the lean