How did he do it??


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
How did Michael do this?? It doesn't even seem physically possible. Is there a trick to doing it?

In the video it was a harness, for stage performances Michael&co invented and patented the anti-gravity shoe, as posted in the link above. There's also a thread on it somewhere in MJ's Groove Theory forum.
its the shoes,when the light goees dark they get in place and hooks slink in the heels on the dangerous tour dvd if u look real close u can see the hooks unhook
I may be really stupid here, but I can't understand what they're explaining.. :mello: I can't follow how it's done..
Check the link that imehollis posted, there are some nice pictures of how the shoe works. Or read here
The shoe is built so an extension coming out of the floor hooks into it and you can lean moreso than gravity would allow. Check out this video and the guy on the right, his shoe gets stuck a bit and it gives a hint of what the illusion is all about:
And if that doesn't make sense either, then just enjoy the illusion. Might be magic after all. ;)
Oh shoot I wanted to post that patent but you beat me to it :p
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i always cringed when i saw him perform it live, imagined the hook would snap
Haha thanks, the video helped me to understand. :) I had thought all along he really was doing it..I thought it was just another great move of his like the moonwalk. He's still great though for coming up with such a trick! :)
Michael wasn't going to let gravity stop him from doing what he wanted to do. Simply the coolest there ever was.

This video helped me understand so much. Those drawing were confusing. It amazing that he finds that hook every time like that.
Another "new fan?

Can I ask... why so negative? When the person did not ask anything offensive, you didn't offer a reply and could just ignore the thread lol. I really don't understand why people have to be funny to others, we should all come together - especially now. Also just because someone is new on here does not mean they are a new MJ fan. I've been a fan of his for 23 years and only now joined the forum as I find it helps me to chat to others at such a sad time.
Haha I remember as a kid when I first saw Moonwalker... I thought Michael really could do that lean.. so I practiced and practiced... and from time to time I leaned too far and hit the floor :D
At what concert one of the dancers next to MJ nearly fell doing the SC lean???
Anyone remember? HIStory tour somewhere...????

I can't remember really :(
Thanks Guys. While you all were busy figuring the smooth criminal moves out, I set the picture as my desktop and it looks awesome. I love it.
At what concert one of the dancers next to MJ nearly fell doing the SC lean???
Anyone remember? HIStory tour somewhere...????

I can't remember really :(

Whoa really? Is there a video somewhere? I'd love to see that if anyone can find a link? :)
this is pure genius just like everything else Michael did...:) sensational..:)
Here's an amateur clip from HIStory Tokyo when MJ falls if you haven't seen it:

I know there's also a clip where one of the dancers gets a bit stucked, but I can't seem to find it right now.

My six year old son just love this illussion and wants to try it over and over again with me holding his feet to the ground. Lol
haha, I would'nt be able to lean like that even touh my shoes where stuck, I would fall..