How can people be this cruel?

you think that is bad? there are people out there that are like that, but think they love children and consider Michael Jackson to be a child predator(even though they know Michael's not, and therefore that is not true), all at the same time.

so, there will be justice. and it's right that there will be justice. there's no two wrongs make a right, here. there will be justice from beyond the skies for this one, and anything else like it. they will pay for harming the little ones. they will surely pay. i didn't look at the footage. i don't have to. i've seen footage of other incidents like it.
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I haven't been able to get those pictures out of my head all day....and they'll probably stay with me for the rest of my life.

How can any human being do something like this? I truly do not understand evil.

I don't understand evil, but I know it exists. Anybody who doubts that TRUE evil exists should definitely watch that video. THAT is true evil.

I'm normally not vengeful, but I truly hope the wrath of God rains down upon these evil bastards. To hear about something horrible happening to them in prison at the hands of fellow prisoners would make me smile.

Sick pieces of ****. They are in need of some prison justice. And I hope it's slow and painful.