How can people be this cruel?

I feel fucking sick just looking at those first pictures. I couldn't cope I turned it off.

The world can be a sad sad horrible place. I really shouldn't have begun to watch that. Way too upsetting. All I can hope for is that those criminals get what they deserve.. Justice has to be served. And I hope that they can learn the unforgivable error of their ways. I want them to live in unexplicable pain, shame, guilty, self-resentment, depression all of that for the rest of their lives. Even then that's not enough to bring back Brianna - or enough in my opinion for justice.. Who thought humanity could stoop to such depths..

I feel a bit sick..
Oh my god have mercy over us. How can the world be this barbaric? No words can even express the horror of this crime. I couldn't continue when the reporter said they.....her at the beginning. Those criminals should be erased from the face of earth so that they're made into a warning for anyone who might even think of something this sick.
Before I click the link could I ask what's on it?
No matter how hard it is to watch stuff like this, I always try to watch it to get "aware" of how absolutely horrible world we live in.
I just can't put my mind into how you could ever harm someone in any way but self defence.
I don't think I could even scream at a child as it can not fathom why I scream at it.

Anything less than a life sentence for the "parents" is too weak - Because why should they be let free?
What good can they bring to the world?
How could anyone that disturbed possibly "bounce back" into society?

It's clear that if you harm anyone to that extent, there's no way to become sane ever again.

This is absolutely horrible.
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Exactly, personally i am against the death penalty, but right now i'm gonna be a big hypocrit cause i really think they they deserve it, and should get that.
Exactly, personally i am against the death penalty, but right now i'm gonna be a big hypocrit cause i really think they they deserve it, and should get that.

They certainly should. Some people would do anything if they thought they would get away with it. The well being of the community and protecting it from such horrors is a must and the first priority.
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My goodness that poor child, the hell she was put through.....this is a sick word that we live in....I only pray that another child will not be put through that hell...:cry:......This made me physically ill.
For those of you who haven't clicked on it..
It's a news story on a baby in New Mexico who was a horrid victim of child abuse. She died.. I feel sick even writing it. The broadcast also shows pictures...
I don't even know what to say. I have no words.
I wish I didn't watch this before going to sleep.
I just hope that baby is in a beautiful place now.

What had to have happened to those people to make them capable of such disgusting, horrible, inhuman things?

The world scares me.
I cant watch all of this, i am sorry....

That precious child is in heaven now, they cant hurt her ever again.

There have been a lot of stories here in Aus lately about children being neglected & starved to death. Parents bashing their children. I remember a few years ago a mother put her baby in the microwave :-S Last Jan a father threw his lil girl off a main bridge here in Melbourne. He is now facing charges. I don't know what the world is coming to. Children are so innocent. I'm a nanny to 17 children & 9 babies. Some children are black & when I walk with them people stare so badly. On the odd occasion you get someone that says hi what beautiful children. but mostly get stares. 2 of the children I look/ed after 1 has died were sexually abused by their father. Complicated story.

I grew up with Child abuse along with a friend so it was kind of regular for us. Back then in the 90's it wasn't really on the news much & it just slipped through the cracks but now its everywhere. I try not to watch tv or clips like this because they are depressing.
If anyone wants to discuss the above. I'm a open book & don't mind talking about anything.
oh my god I cant believe what I saw never in my life did I think that I would live to see something like this
how does a human being find it in there heart to hurt and rap a 6 month old child like that? let alone there own just when you think you've seen it all dear god!
I hope these ppl rot in hell I truly do
at least they cant hurt this poor child anymore shes safe from the disgusting world we live in
im speechless.......
how can they do this to an infant?
i always don't understand,if they hate children so much why even give birth to them?
i know how hurtful it can be being abused by your parents......
not only physically but mentally.your body really starts to shiver when you feel his presence .its a mental torture every single day...
i can't even imagine what this poor little child have to been through..
god....the picture of her without scars is so beautiful
she must be in a better place now,no one can hurt her anymore.
god bless her
That footage from the court room...they don't even look like they care. :no:
im too afraid to click on it sorry :(

Its good that that you are afraid to click on the link starlight. Because the images are absolutely horrific.

I only saw a little bit of it. And I just feel so sick and disgusted by this. I am starting cry just thinking about how any one could do this to an innocent child. Brianna's killers should have gotten the death penalty. Which I happen to be a very strong supporter of. If I was that judge I would have sentence them all to death. Because people like them don't deserve to live. Well that child is in a better place now.
sick, sick, sick. it was said before but i'll say it again, i don't see why people like them even bother having children. probably because they are too ignorant to know how to use protection and instead of giving the baby up for adoption, so that i can have a loving home, they choose to keep it so that they can do this to it:( . raping a 6 month old baby is one of the most disturbing and horrifying things i have ever heard of in my life. it takes a TRUE pervert, someone who is 110% completely mentally and emotionally out of their MIND...and yet i still think that they should rot in jail for the rest of their lives. i think they should be forced to look at pictures of her as well. maybe one day it will hit them 'wow, she could have been a beautiful child and done wonderful things with her life. i fucked up. and now im going to die in jail...' seriously, people like those parents and the family are wastes of bodies and human life.
That's just beyond awful. God there are some sick people in this world.

How could anyone do that to anyone?!? I feel sick after seeing that.
sick, sick, sick. it was said before but i'll say it again, i don't see why people like them even bother having children. probably because they are too ignorant to know how to use protection and instead of giving the baby up for adoption, so that i can have a loving home, they choose to keep it so that they can do this to it:( . raping a 6 month old baby is one of the most disturbing and horrifying things i have ever heard of in my life. it takes a TRUE pervert, someone who is 110% completely mentally and emotionally out of their MIND...and yet i still think that they should rot in jail for the rest of their lives. i think they should be forced to look at pictures of her as well. maybe one day it will hit them 'wow, she could have been a beautiful child and done wonderful things with her life. i fucked up. and now im going to die in jail...' seriously, people like those parents and the family are wastes of bodies and human life.

Oh my god, my faith in humanity is offically dead! :cry::cry::cry:

Can anyone tell me what happen although from the looks of those words, It's f-ing sick. I am too frightened to click otherwise.
even don't want to click the link :no:
what a world we live in now. just terrible. and getting only worse.
I havent click on the link either but ppl well thay arnt ppl who do that in my opionon thay r monster derserve to die a very slow death,to think there are ppl out there that cant have children including me and would do anything to be a mum and have a family,grrrrrrrrrrrr ppl i really hate this world there is such a sick side to the place we live in..........that poor is so unkind xoxo :cry:
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Now I am pissed. I mean REALLY pissed. How could anyone intentionally harm a baby?!!

I really shouldn't say what I wish upon those scum who did this to her.