how brainy is mike?

i know more brilliant people who taught themselves than those who came from university w/ a framed piece of toilet's all in how u view education
i know more brilliant people who taught themselves than those who came from university w/ a framed piece of toilet's all in how u view education

Boy if that isn't the dang truth. :clapping:

Michael is brillant, being as he has traveled around the world so many time in his life from a child on up, that experience in itself would make you well educated and cultured.
yes, the privelage to travel the world is definitely very, very educating. i myself like going to different places around the world. and my view on education is, that it never, ever stops. there's always something to learn, big or small.
In Spirit-Michael Jackson is a spiritually enlightened human being and it is evident in the Light of his being, in his extraordinary artistic talent, humanitarian work and the way he lives his life-with true beauty, integrity, honesty, courage, graciousness...

In Heart-Michael has a beautiful heart that loves unconditionally, forgives and blesses all. Again, his creative work, charities and his own life reflect that.

In Mind-Michael is extremely sharp and intelligent. He has been at the peak of creative, commercial, financial successs for a period so long that it amazes people. He has vast knowledge about almost everything in the world, he is known to be a voracious reader and he can bond extremely well with kids, teenagers, adults, old people, basically with peaople of every age. Its not only because of his outstanding music, but also because of the warm, funny, insighful person he is.

Most importantly Michael Jackson is a visionary and that alone is proof enough that he is an incerdibly talented, intelligent and beautiful human being! We are so proud of you Michael :)!

May God bless you and the ever-growing, dedicated, loyal, wonderful, global MJ fan community forever!!!
A person can be incredibly intelligent and still be swindled by crooks. There are a variety of different intelligences. Maybe he isn't too people smart, or maybe he just choses to live differently and trust anyways. Turn the other cheek, give the benefit of the doubt and give people a chance who maybe most wouldn't, because maybe they would change if given reason to and if someone believed in them. He's just a different kind of person. Maybe he likes to see the good in people and hope they make the right choice, not force them into it. It seems he believes good will win over evil, truth over a lie, for the things that really matter.
I think he is very smart in many ways, but maybe in some ways he is just different than many.
Maybe it's not that he is dumb with regards to the crooks in his life, but he just trusts his own ability to deal with it if something happens. (and/or trusts God when He says that all things work to the good of those who love Him) It seems to me that he places people on a much higher importance than monetary things. He likes to believe in the good of people, even those who seem to be mostly evil. That maybe if those people were listened to, or loved or cared for, maybe they wouldn't be that way. I guess that could be naive, but sometimes it really is that way. Maybe he isn't this way at all though. I do know some people who do think this way though. They aren't dumb at all. In fact often times they see right through the scams or what not, they just still hope that the people will eventually do the right thing, even though they are free to do the wrong.

I love your post. I don't know Michael personally but know my own personality/way of thinking and it is similar to what you describe. Although I have gotten more cynical over the years, being burned as Michael has, I still would rue the day I stopped trusting in order to protect myself. I feel the same for MIchael. I believe there is more to be lost by not allowing yourself to trust than by risking trust.

The one thing I would add is that because of Michael's wealth, fame, and associated power and connections he is more likely than ordinary people to attract sociopaths. Even the worlds experts on sociopathy are sometimes fooled by them. Since they (sociopaths) are 'without concience' it is impossible to detect when they are lying.

As to Michael's intellegence per se: I believe Michael is a true genious. The ability to recognize complex patterns and create are marks of intellegence and genius. Michael posesses both abilities. It is evident in his music (which like mathematics needs recognition of patterns). Think of what we have heard other artists and technicians say about the layering Michael uses in his music. He is holding many many patterns or combinations of notes in his head at the same time. That takes no small amount of intellegence. It is that complexity that makes it continue to be great over time. Another thing that is a mark of genius is to have ability across multiple disciplines. Michael's ability to both draw and create music at high levels are two things we know about him so he is not merely 'talented' in a particular field.
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I would say - he's brainy!

But not in a nerdy way. It's a natural gift of being good at taking things in. If that makes any sense? :p
Not sure if this has already been posted but his favourite subjects used to be Art and English :)

Now I'm going to read through the thread and see what other people have said :)

(I always post first then read)
how do you think Michael is with math? Artistic-minded people generally struggle a bit with that side of the brain, don't they?