the mark of a "brainy" person, as you refer to michael, is when they say things like school doesn't stop with high school/college/what have you. life itself is a learning process, and one is never finished learning. the love of learning vs. the hatred of learning is something which, unfortunately, separates people. even when "school" is officially over, school is always in session for the "brainiac". there is always, always, always something to learn. it's a beautiful thing. it develops the mind. it opens the eyes. it opens the spirit. there is always room for wonderment.
from a young age, michael was always a mimic. his extraordinary ability to mimic others is actually what made him popular, until finally he was able to put it all together himself and make his own mark...most of which are comprised of a "potporri" of so many people. but there's that quiet side that people don't see so much. there's an appreciation and love of learning. there was no college for michael. but michael self teaches and could probably teach a few professors a thing or two.