how brainy is mike?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
we all know mj is so educated in music,id love to know what other stuff hes great at?

is there any vids or books out there tht shows mj talking about other stuff than music?
well he's obviously a book worm so i'd go for very brainy - we know he knows art from the lwmj, vintage movies is one of his obsessions. he knows a lot about disease. he had a hospital at his home for terminally ill children. LaToya spoke of him knowing anatomy and studying it. i'd say he's an all around braniac knows something of everything probably. and for sure, every one who does know him, all mentions how smart he is - that he is on a completely different avenue than the rest of us in terms of intelligence, and they are referring to more than music.
I read once that Michael reads one book a day. I don't know if that's true, but I wouldn't be surprised. Michael talks in a simplified manner a lot of the time, but you can see undernieth that that he's an incredibly intelligent person, incredibly perceptive.
I learnt a lot of words when I was a teen from Mike. 2 words that comes to mind are 'catatonic' and 'pertaining'.
"wonderment" lol is that a word??

"a potpourri of music" lol dude has got to be all kinda smart. But who needs smart, mike's a hottie. lol ...jk. no but, I think michael is really smart you can tell that he knows a lot about a lot by the way he talks.
we all know mj is so educated in music,id love to know what other stuff hes great at?

is there any vids or books out there tht shows mj talking about other stuff than music?

MR.Jackson is the "MOST" "intelligent/compationate/honest" human being that I have "EVER" had the opprotunity to correspond with...

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the mark of a "brainy" person, as you refer to michael, is when they say things like school doesn't stop with high school/college/what have you. life itself is a learning process, and one is never finished learning. the love of learning vs. the hatred of learning is something which, unfortunately, separates people. even when "school" is officially over, school is always in session for the "brainiac". there is always, always, always something to learn. it's a beautiful thing. it develops the mind. it opens the eyes. it opens the spirit. there is always room for wonderment.

from a young age, michael was always a mimic. his extraordinary ability to mimic others is actually what made him popular, until finally he was able to put it all together himself and make his own mark...most of which are comprised of a "potporri" of so many people. but there's that quiet side that people don't see so much. there's an appreciation and love of learning. there was no college for michael. but michael self teaches and could probably teach a few professors a thing or two.
"wonderment" lol is that a word??

"a potpourri of music" lol dude has got to be all kinda smart. But who needs smart, mike's a hottie. lol ...jk. no but, I think michael is really smart you can tell that he knows a lot about a lot by the way he talks.

lol, he loves that word.
the mark of a "brainy" person, as you refer to michael, is when they say things like school doesn't stop with high school/college/what have you. life itself is a learning process, and one is never finished learning. the love of learning vs. the hatred of learning is something which, unfortunately, separates people. even when "school" is officially over, school is always in session for the "brainiac". there is always, always, always something to learn. it's a beautiful thing. it develops the mind. it opens the eyes. it opens the spirit. there is always room for wonderment.

from a young age, michael was always a mimic. his extraordinary ability to mimic others is actually what made him popular, until finally he was able to put it all together himself and make his own mark...most of which are comprised of a "potporri" of so many people. but there's that quiet side that people don't see so much. there's an appreciation and love of learning. there was no college for michael. but michael self teaches and could probably teach a few professors a thing or two.

Yes, that is what I see in him too- someone who is constantly seeking knowledge. Its in his writing, in the way he compose music and in his way of looking at the world. I tend to think that peoples sense of humour also tells a lot about how they think, and he sometimes have a very funny view of people and their behaviour- he observes the absurdity of it all. He is a seeker, and a observer, as well as someone who can be in the spotlight and excell at that. A rare combination, I wold say ( both introvert and extrovert at the same time).
He is an incredible DRAUGTHSMAN.;

I dont know how tu put images on the forum but are plenty of old draws he made in the 70 's , 80 's . I think if he didnt succeed in the music he would have been a great DRAUGTHSMAN .
he is an artist. not a brainy prectial type. Like we have seen throu the yers he always get´s himself in a lot of trobule and he says many strange things :)
I dont know if he is smart but ppl describe him that way folks always say that he is soooo intelligent and smart if thats the case how come he allows shady crooks near him?
all them managers he has had and of course all them other vultures around him makes me question his intelligence highly.
Having a trusting nature has jack all to do with one's intelligence. Intelligence is based on how perceptive one is, how close you can see to the core of a thing. Michael's willingness to put his trust in people has more to do with his philosophey and nature then it does to do with how deeply he can percieve. Anyone with any intelligence of their own should be able to see that Michael is one of the most perceptive people around. Just studying his observations on life should tell you that. You all are taking your unfounded and paranoid concerns over the recent managment change and applying it to this thread.
A person can be incredibly intelligent and still be swindled by crooks. There are a variety of different intelligences. Maybe he isn't too people smart, or maybe he just choses to live differently and trust anyways. Turn the other cheek, give the benefit of the doubt and give people a chance who maybe most wouldn't, because maybe they would change if given reason to and if someone believed in them. He's just a different kind of person. Maybe he likes to see the good in people and hope they make the right choice, not force them into it. It seems he believes good will win over evil, truth over a lie, for the things that really matter.
I think he is very smart in many ways, but maybe in some ways he is just different than many.
Maybe it's not that he is dumb with regards to the crooks in his life, but he just trusts his own ability to deal with it if something happens. (and/or trusts God when He says that all things work to the good of those who love Him) It seems to me that he places people on a much higher importance than monetary things. He likes to believe in the good of people, even those who seem to be mostly evil. That maybe if those people were listened to, or loved or cared for, maybe they wouldn't be that way. I guess that could be naive, but sometimes it really is that way. Maybe he isn't this way at all though. I do know some people who do think this way though. They aren't dumb at all. In fact often times they see right through the scams or what not, they just still hope that the people will eventually do the right thing, even though they are free to do the wrong.
That's the reason Michael gets in to trouble. It's NOT because he's stupid. He sees what people really are. His problem is his ideal. He's said on numerous occasions, as have those who know him well, that he looks for the good in everything and everyone. And at the same time you hear he doesn't trust anyone, not really. But he's willing to give them the benifit of the doubt because he believes there's good in everyone.
there's book smarts and street smarts. i believe the person was talking about book smarts so let's get away from the whole 'he was duped' convo's please
"keep your friends close, and your enemies closer"

give trust to all, yet trust no one.

an out-of-the-box thinker, will say and do things that don't always make sense to most people.

a truly smart person will have a big mind, but not a big head.

michael jackson knows all of the above.
He is smart but way too kind to others...that is why he always get into troubles. and being smart doesn't mean you can't get into troubles.i mean...who can predict that this guy will cheat on you...that guy will stole your one.
he is smart but he is not a fortune

he said he likes to study,read books,etc...but lots of things we cant learn from school or books,we also have to learn from experience and the most effective one is the bad one. for me, Michael is smart in his own way, how he deals with everything in good,graceful,humble and respective ways...that is smart

remind me about eminem...when he mock Michael in his stupid song and then Michael responds in interview with Geraldo...that is a really good one. Michael responds on a very calm and graceful manner but it must be a hard punch on the nose to
He is smart but way too kind to others...that is why he always get into troubles. and being smart doesn't mean you can't get into troubles.i mean...who can predict that this guy will cheat on you...that guy will stole your one.
he is smart but he is not a fortune

he said he likes to study,read books,etc...but lots of things we cant learn from school or books,we also have to learn from experience and the most effective one is the bad one. for me, Michael is smart in his own way, how he deals with everything in good,graceful,humble and respective ways...that is smart

remind me about eminem...when he mock Michael in his stupid song and then Michael responds in interview with Geraldo...that is a really good one. Michael responds on a very calm and graceful manner but it must be a hard punch on the nose to

That is what I just LOVE about Michael. How graceful and dignified he is in his reactions or simply not reacting at all. Sometimes silence really is the most powerful weapon. Man, most people would be in jail if they had half the things MJ has had thrown at him because they would have beat people up and all sorts! I admire him so much for that and I try to take inspiration but really I just don't know how he does it. :wub:
Michael's an intelligent and very knowledgable man. But what do you mean by brainy (a school term), do you mean how academic Michael is ? ......... because there are many very intelligent and successful people who aren't very academic.
Well he's obviously educated in art :)
look at Bashair documentary for examples.

I wonder if he likes art from the Baroque period like me
self-educated in art is more like it.

michael's art "education" is not an official one, meaning, there is no college degree saying he is an academic art expert.

enough of a passion and appreciation for art will inspire and drive a person to delve deeply into it on their the point where it is their life and they become masters in their knowledge and in their craft.

self-education is important, because through it you truly, truly learn...because it is something you are interested in knowing about for whatever reason.
I feel like there's this perception among a lot of non-fans and even fans that Michael isn't very smart because of the mistakes he's made but that's just not true.Michael does tend to say things that are out of the norm sometimes and has not made the best decisions at times, but i've never questioned his intelligence. I've only thought he lacked good judgement at times and seemed to be out of touch with reality, but he is definitely an intelligent guy. From the interviews i've read and seen of him, he comes across as yes eccentric and different, but very perceptive and smart too. I know he reads a lot and seems to have a pretty good vocabulary too. Not a dumb guy at all.

I mean besides all that, there's NO way he'd ever have gotten as far as he did career and business wise if he wasn't intelligent. He definitely has great business sense and is overall an intelligent guy . Smart, fascinating and interesting are just some of the terms i'd use to describe him. Really interesting guy.