Hottest boy in This Is It?

Hottest boy in This Is It?

  • Nick Bass

    Votes: 5 5.6%
  • Daniel Celebre

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Misha Gabriel

    Votes: 18 20.0%
  • Chris Grant

    Votes: 8 8.9%
  • Shannon Holtzapffel

    Votes: 14 15.6%
  • Devin Jamieson

    Votes: 2 2.2%
  • Charles Klapow

    Votes: 10 11.1%
  • Dres Reid

    Votes: 7 7.8%
  • Timor Steffens

    Votes: 26 28.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

*Little Suzie*

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011

Nick Bass

Daniel Celebre

Misha Gabriel

Chris Grant

Shannon Holtzapffel

Devin Jamieson

Charles Klapow

Dres Reid

Timor Steffens
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Michael is the best , the hottest/sexy of them all!!!! lol *-*

the second one is Chris Grant hehe
Timorrrrrr! But yeah, since he's from The Netherlands it's a quite obvious choice I guess... :lol:

I like Shannon as well, he's got an amazing charisma.
And Dres is cute too!
misha. the clips of him speaking at the begining of the film hit a nerve with me. and how cute he was aswell
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Um...Misha, Chris and Timor are all pretty hot. LOL.
Michael of course......after Michael...sorry...noone else fits the bill to me...just Michael.
Timor and Shannon, but since you're able to vote only one I voted for Timor.

I believe it was in TDCAU where Timor's biceps certainly were a distraction and in TWYMMF where he's topless... :eek:mg: :stars:

Shannon also has something that really attracts me. Perhaps it's the very manly appearance and essence, I don't know, something! :cheeky:
Kenny Ortega.

If you were serious with your answer I have to admit I agree with you! :yes: I don't know if it's my age, getting close to 30ish, starting to play tricks on me or what it is, but I do find KO sometimes very attractive and very gorgeous and he's like twice my age :mello:
Gawd, Michael was so hot, my eyes couldn't even sway from him onto the other guys.......MJ's hottness was killin everyone elses!

Kenny Ortega.

well, i see he's a guy. so he's probably kidding.
Gawd, Michael was so hot, my eyes couldn't even sway from him onto the other guys.......MJ's hottness was killin everyone elses!

well, i see he's a guy. so he's probably kidding.

Your right.

I guess some people might think hes quite good looking for an older guy though.
If you were serious with your answer I have to admit I agree with you! :yes: I don't know if it's my age, getting close to 30ish, starting to play tricks on me or what it is, but I do find KO sometimes very attractive and very gorgeous and he's like twice my age :mello:

Haha. Attractive is attractive, age doesn't matter(ages 70 and beyond is a different story). I'm 18 and Michael was 50. I thought he was damn sexy :naughty:. And I wouldn't describe these guys as "hot." I guess shannon and chris are decent looking.
Of course I'm going to say Dres.

He is gorgeous and a really really lovely guy..his body is to die for too ;D

I could post some real nice photos but I should probably ask his permission first.
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Aside from my baby Michael....

Hmm..... Nick???

Dunno... I was too busy oogling Michael... :lol:
I didn't notice any other of the dudes in THIS IS IT because Michael was all I stared at! I only really payed attention to them in the interviews some of them gave to media, so for that I would pick timor he was cute and sweet in his interview that I saw on youtube!
I had to vote for Timor.
Haven't paid much attention to the dancers in the movie but I like Timor.
And I'm from the Netherlands of course :p
I didn't really notice any of them, except that there were some great dancers... :blush: I probably would have if it was any other movie though, but I only saw it twice and my eyes were focused on Michael... :yes: