Hoping for a new teacher position *Update on 2nd page*

Just a little update that I wanted to tell everyone. Monday, August 25, I will start my new classroom and I am very nervous but excited about having my own classroom once again. I named it Ladybugs :wub: Isn't that cute? :) I am asking everyone to pray and send me positive vibes for Monday because I sure am nervous. :doh:
Re: Hoping for a new teacher position

I just wanted to let everyone know that I got the position and will finally have my own classroom! :punk::dancin: I will be with 12 months to 18 months. Thank you so much for all your prayers and good thoughts everyone! :)

well done Dorothy! Im really proud of you and LJ, I decided not to pursue my career as a teacher and chase my dream of being involved in film making, however I have a tremendous amount of respect for the teachers and the job they do, people dont realise how taxing but at the same time, rewarding the job is, and the feeling of having your own classroom to decorate and teach in is such a good feeling!

In my year of teaching it was heartbreaking when i had to leave the children I taught for a year, you get so attached to them and form great bonds with them, its like your a parent to 20-30 children lol

However I want to wish you all the luck in the world, it sounds like you have great ideas and are raring to go, nerves are normal, but will soon pass just like your first week will too :)
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Dorothy I'm sure you'll do fine :hug:

I'm excited for you! but I understand the nerves :lol: Just prepare and plan so you have something and then go in and relax :D
Forgot to update yall about my first week and to let everyone know it went very well. :D I am so happy to be in my own classroom and it is going to be a wonderful year watching these little ones grow and prosper into little 2 year olds. :)
Re: Hoping for a new teacher position

^ Yaaayyy I'm sure you're great teacher and all the children loves you :yes: What age are they?

I just wanted to let everyone know that I got the position and will finally have my own classroom! :punk::dancin: I will be with 12 months to 18 months. Thank you so much for all your prayers and good thoughts everyone! :)
I'm sorry you didn't get the position you first tried for but it's great you got this now !!! Congrats!!! :huggy: :clapping: