How many times, and on how many threads, do you have to say "I'm not buying the album because I don't agree with it", before people are allowed to say "I hear you already!"??
Repeating the same things over and over again is not adding anything to the conversation is it? It seems like the people boycotting the single/the dvd/the album have to say it every few pages or others will forget - NO WE WON'T.
That is the thing with a 'negative' though isn't it? It's not 'productive' or particularly 'interesting'. Once someone has said "NO" or "I'm not willing to change my mind", where is there to go?
With a 'positive' there is much more to explore. There is much more to debate, discuss, and consider. It's a fact of life that 'positives' are always enjoyed more than 'negatives'.
The positive people have moved on from hearing those that are just a plain "NO!", and we want to discuss the details of "Yes". What can the "NO!" people bring of any interest? They are not buying the album, so they can not discuss which songs they like the best. They are not buying the album, so they can not interact with others about how excited they are to hear MJ's vocals on "XXXX".
I, for one, am fed up of people trying to spoil every single conversation with the same negative comments. I thought we have threads specifically just for those not buying the album. I don't invade those threads because they don't interest me, and because I respect they are for like minded people who want to talk to eachother about how they are not getting the album - though, for the life of me, I can not see the convesations being long or interesting.
How about some respect for the threads where people are happy to buy the album and want to discuss the 'positives' they see?