~Holding Hands ..supporting the fans all across the world

What exactly makes up a strong family that possesses good family values? A strong family is one that sustains its members "" that supports and nourishes the members throughout the span of that family .
A strong family unit creates a safe, positive and supportive place for all members to thrive.
The adults in a strong family set the tone. They are good role models that lead by example.


They reach out to friends and community and teach their children the importance of doing the same -- and that becomes part of who the children are. They work together to solve problems, and they pass their skills on to the next generation.

In families cohesion would be defined as the feeling of being loved, of belonging to the group and being nurtured by it.

Families that tend to have a strong spiritual base seem to have a sense of well-being that facilitates this working together in times of stress.

A lack of communication can rip a family apart and destroy them. Things that facilitate communication are the things mentioned so far -- family closeness, flexibility, time spent together, spirituality. All members must feel a freedom within the group to express themselves freely.

And above all, a healthy, happy family benefits our whole society. Among the children of strong families there is less crime, less divorce and less emotional problems. They tend to go on and have strong, healthy families of their own, having learned from their folk's example.
Thank you And I'm Holding your hand Sister Soul :group:
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Holding the MJFAM hands tonight.I hate it when we fight. Have cried so much today
Love everyone here
Goodnight ^^
DeweyDiva thank you :cry::praying: Holding you tight :bêtter: :cry::friends:

Holding everyone's hand extra tight today :angel: :cry: :angel: :praying::group::group: :heart:


Holding yours WendiJane :better: and everyone's hand tight today! :angel:

You are NOT alone :wub:
Holding your hand MIST :better:

Continued Love and Strength for all of our Fam

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Re: lovelovelovelove

Thankyou. HOLDING YOUR HAND SISTA LIS :group: :friends::heart:


To everyone who needs support today and always IM MISSING YOU MICHAEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
