His Escape...*ongoing updates*

Re: His Escape...

I agree! In fact I previously did a photo just on that...

Totally! His lyrics are worth studying...I hope that everyone who listens to his music has taken the chance to really read over and understand what he is saying. I was actually planning a photo around "Shout" next...but then got inspired to do something with another song so I'm working on that now. I also wish more artists today would aspire to do what Michael did with his music as well - he put his heart and soul into it and they all had something to give.

Yeah the hands in the ocean are to represent the "media sharks". I certainly don't oppose to thinking of them being taken by the regular sharks down there though...LOL

That photo is absolutely gorgeous!
Michael standing there in his own world like Willy Wonka :D
Please post it in higher resolution if you have! :)

Yeah, I'm actually thinking of really reading through all his lyrics, I feel it's time, especially now.
You know, the composer Hans Zimmer once said that none of the notes in his music are "random", meaning that he thinks through and questions every single note in his music. - I'm 100% sure Michael was like that with both his music, lyrics and speeches.
When you read his lyrics you really feel that they're thought through, even the way he breathed and made small noises in between his singing felt "planned". Pure genius.
Truth is, I had no idea what a song like "Jam" was about until I actually read the lyrics.
(OK I'm starting to get way too off topic now, sorry!)

Wow, that is so smart with "media sharks"!
I honestly didn't get that until it got mentioned in the thread.
I was more like; "damn, they would not get off his ass even out in the ocean" haha :D
Your sense for details is wonderful. From the spotlight, to the light carefully shining through the dark clouds, to the sheets flying around, to the rain, to the media sharks.
Re: His Escape...

Casey (strawberrypie) - thanks for clearing up what you did. I could have more to say about the subject but I'm already pretty annoyed at the amount of religious comments on here so that's the end of that.

Let's keep up the fun in this thread for the sheer love of art, and Michael!

BruceWayne said:
When you read his lyrics you really feel that they're thought through, even the way he breathed and made small noises in between his singing felt "planned". Pure genius.
I've read all the lyrics to all the songs I have of his. When I first "discovered him", I immediately downloaded all of his music I could find - listened to each one thoroughly while reading the lyrics. I could have never done this with any other artist...I wouldn't have had the patience and probably would have gotten bored fairly quickly lol. But with Michael, it was a real treat from the 1st song down to the last. And usually with other artists, I'll listen to most of the song until it hits the "repeating end" and I skip out. But with Michael's music, it was unpredictable and interesting from the 1st second to the last! Hah. Yeah...I know this is all off topic, and I could go pages more talking about it...but just had to share that much about it. God I love his work.

Thank you for another wonderful overall comment!
wow, great artwork amygrace! i love all your pictures, especially the one with michael on the boat! you are an amazing artist, cant wait for another piece :)!
Amy, I'm glad you took up this song since I feel it's a song that has been slept on, even by us fans.

Masquerade the heart
Is the height of hurting souls

I'm just not what you seek of me
Cause the heart reveals the proof
Like a mirror reveals the truth
See the evil one is you

These two lines in bold, I've never fully understood them.
Does it mean that the most hurtful thing you can do to your soul is to change the one you are in your heart?

I've always loved this part and always felt connected with it:
If you came to see the truth, the purity
It's here inside a lonely heart

You said one thing that I've always lived by, and that is:
What you put out in the world, creates it. Create love, acceptance, and change.

I've always felt like that. You know, sometimes I may be almost too "kind" of a person and it hurts to be kind in a world that is unkind. But I strongly believe that if I put out enough love into this world, sooner or later some will come back. I refuse to degrade myself to a worse version of me just to fit into this world.
It's just like Michael you know, for some reason it has become weird to be a humble, peaceful, loving dude. It's almost like you must have some ulterior motive if you're kind hearted.

Speaking of you Photoshop skills, they are absolutely flawless as usual!
I love that you even took time to mess up his hair in the darker picture of him. Looks fantastic!
The photo(s) wasn't as obviously connected to your text as the previous ones, but none the less they're flawlessly done!

You know, even though it's sad that it had to happen after Michael's death... I'm glad that people are beginning to see the truth and the purity, that was just nothing more strange than a lonely heart...
AmyGrace...your work is beautiful...I know I can be slow on the up take sometimes ...but....is your work painted??? I am confused.
Thank you guys!

Bruce - I think that "Masquerade the heart is the height of hurting souls" means that the most hurtful thing you can do to others, is "masquerade"/disguise them as someone/something other than who they really are. Like gossip. Michael's true heart was masqueraded to be ugly, disturbed and "evil" almost (with the allegations against him). That hurt his soul, as it would if it was done to any others. That's my take anyway. Thanks for your compliment on my photoshopping :) - I do agree that the photo was not as connected to my text as the other ones, and that is why I was expressing earlier my discontent with it. I had something much better in mind...but couldn't pull it off. :(

xthunderx2 - as strawberrypie said, this was all done on the computer, using graphics/real photos that I compile together.
I think that "Masquerade the heart is the height of hurting souls" means that the most hurtful thing you can do to others, is "masquerade"/disguise them as someone/something other than who they really are. Like gossip. Michael's true heart was masqueraded to be ugly, disturbed and "evil" almost (with the allegations against him). That hurt his soul, as it would if it was done to any others. That's my take anyway.

Ahh, I think you're absolutely right!
That feels connected with the rest of the lyrics in that part of the song also.
Hehe Michael and his complex lyrics, it makes you wonder if he sometimes confused himself :D
He just be waking up the next morning and go like "Uhm what is this all about?!" :D
I just have to quote what LaToya said about Michael in her 20/20 interview last night, as it relates with what I was talking about with my artwork containing Michael on a cross that got a lot of people all in a huff over:

"He wasn't God but he was certainly God-like. He was the closest thing to a God that I knew"
^ I JUST watched that special with Latoya, and that comment was real talk moment #1 of the entire interview.

The funny thing is that when I was a little kid (7-8 years old) I though that Michael really was God, or a son of God, you know someone that is represented in the bible.
It was such a shock when I realized that Michael was an actual person.
Re: His Escape...

I've a new post, guys!


Bigger view with blog post:
A forewarning that this one could be upsetting to some people.

wow that is amazing very beautiful very creative
and I also like that your art work has meaning and sends an important message like "you see want to see" which is very true
looking forward to seeing more :D

Edit: and also love that you post the lyrics of some of Micheal's most meaningful and heartfelt songs that really tell you a lot about him sadly a lot of ppl don't really pay attention to them
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Re: His Escape...

wow that is amazing very beautiful very creative
and I also like that your art work has meaning and sends an important message like "you see want to see" which is very true
looking forward to seeing more :D

Edit: and also love that you post the lyrics of some of Micheal's most meaningful and heartfelt songs that really tell you a lot about him sadly a lot of ppl don't really pay attention to them

Thank you!
I'm still waitin' for the inspiration on my next piece.

Did anyone view the post about David LaChapelle's photo about Michael? I couldn't believe how close it was to the concept I was getting across with my "Crucifixion" photo. David even quoted Michael as being a "modern day martyr"! How do ya like that...hah. CLICK HERE to see his photo.
Really beautiful Amy - at first I didn't even understand where you got the picture from (the Stranger in Moscow one), thought it was an actual picture of Michael standing on an mountain cliff that you "just" darkened down, lol.

Love the detail work like the light streams through the clouds, the rain, and the evil claws.

We're talkin' danger
We're talkin' danger, baby

EDIT: For some reason I see a kitty's face in the clouds, hehe
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Re: His Escape...

Thank you!
I'm still waitin' for the inspiration on my next piece.

Did anyone view the post about David LaChapelle's photo about Michael? I couldn't believe how close it was to the concept I was getting across with my "Crucifixion" photo. David even quoted Michael as being a "modern day martyr"! How do ya like that...hah. CLICK HERE to see his photo.

your art is wonderful. and i did look at the Chappelle photo, but unfortunately, i think he was being negative and a liar. certainly, the magazine is. angel in disguise with demons and the devil at his feet? i don't think that's positive. unless the devil represents the negative people in the media and the haters. but i don't think that's what they were driving at. your artwork, on the other hand, is totally positive.
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Re: His Escape...

your art is wonderful. and i did look at the Chappelle photo, but unfortunately, i think he was being negative and a liar. certainly, the magazine is. angel in disguise with demons and the devil at his feet? i don't think that's positive. unless the devil represents the negative people in the media and the haters. but i don't think that's what they were driving at. your artwork, on the other hand, is totally positive.

Well I didn't expect to have people interpret my piece as more positive than David's...Michael was wearing angel wings afterall. hehe. Thank you for the compliment to my work :)