His Escape...*ongoing updates*


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
In a cup, in a ride.
Watch out, here's another creation by me...


Bigger view, with blog post here:

I am going to be creating a series of artworks like this that will either depict a part of Michael's life, or will speak out to the issues he confronted himself...to raise awareness.

I wanted to make a special post for this so that I can keep updating you guys as I make more...and maybe you all can help to spread the messages too. :) Since this is all more about the message than the artwork, I'd like to keep this post in this section, Mods...hope you allow it to stay.
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Re: His Escape...

Fantastic work amygrace - I'll check out your other offerings as well

Look forward to more.
Re: His Escape...

So I love this as I love all of your work.

I am thoroughly disgusted that your other post was deleted. It just shows peoples' closed mindedness I believe. People should get off their high horse and realize there are other ways of thinking than their own! If you are going to take something personal, then don't bother looking/reading on. That's all I'm saying!

Sorry to bring that in to this awesome thread, but it needed to be said.

I'm looking forward to more of your pictures! They're freakin' awesome :)
Re: His Escape...

^ Thank you Casey dahling!!

I was initially pretty upset about my last thread being deleted too. I've talked to the mod's about it though, and I guess it wasn't just the religious thing but people were emotionally upset seeing Michael on a cross. I still think it should be allowed up, because a lot of things on here are emotionally upsetting to some people, like the investigative unit... but when that happens they just stay out of those topics. Oh well, the point is to just share my work and the messages with them, which is what this new thread will do so if I need to not openly display the cross picture, no big deal. It's on the link provided so if people choose to view and read they can. :)
Re: His Escape...

Hmm...IDK man. LOL It's like, some views are accepted on here and some views aren't. I dunno what to think about that! But I'll just shut my trap for now lol
Re: His Escape...

wow Amy this is gorgeous!!! you are so talented and Michael would be so proud! :)
I cant wait to see more of your work!! :hug:
Re: His Escape...

^ Thank you Casey dahling!!

I was initially pretty upset about my last thread being deleted too. I've talked to the mod's about it though, and I guess it wasn't just the religious thing but people were emotionally upset seeing Michael on a cross. I still think it should be allowed up, because a lot of things on here are emotionally upsetting to some people, like the investigative unit... but when that happens they just stay out of those topics. Oh well, the point is to just share my work and the messages with them, which is what this new thread will do so if I need to not openly display the cross picture, no big deal. It's on the link provided so if people choose to view and read they can. :)

Amy I just viewed that picture its really beautiful and very true.
Thank you for making that. :agree: :hug:
Re: His Escape...

Love your work, Amy!
I've always been a fan of "darker" art, and I can't wait to see what you will come up with next! :)

You know, Michael always talked about escape and wanting to give other people escapism through his work.
I think Michael realized as he grew up how much the wonder of dance and music gave him escape from hurt and loneliness, so he wanted to inject the same escapism to other people.
Michael was always my escape since I was a little kid - It's like when you go into the world of dance and music you block out all the issues going on in your life.

And as I said to you earlier, I agree that you really do appreciate his lyrics even more when you're reading and studying them. Even in songs like "Shout" where you barely here him pronounce the words, he still put weight into writing powerful lyrics with a message.
Michael was really dedicated to his art, I wish more artists today would aspire to be like that.
Re: His Escape...

wow that picture is soo nice says alot, hope the sharks get the media at the bottom - wait are the media the sharks erm...
Re: His Escape...

Wow, Amy I love it! Your work is incredible. I can't wait to see more! :)
Re: His Escape...

Amy I just viewed that picture its really beautiful and very true.
Thank you for making that. :agree: :hug:

Glad you liked the cross picture too...thanks for your input!

BruceWayne said:
You know, Michael always talked about escape and wanting to give other people escapism through his work.
I think Michael realized as he grew up how much the wonder of dance and music gave him escape from hurt and loneliness, so he wanted to inject the same escapism to other people.

I agree! In fact I previously did a photo just on that...

I might eventually post that photo to my blog...I've made some adjustments to it recently.

I agree that you really do appreciate his lyrics even more when you're reading and studying them. Even in songs like "Shout" where you barely here him pronounce the words, he still put weight into writing powerful lyrics with a message.
Michael was really dedicated to his art, I wish more artists today would aspire to be like that.

Totally! His lyrics are worth studying...I hope that everyone who listens to his music has taken the chance to really read over and understand what he is saying. I was actually planning a photo around "Shout" next...but then got inspired to do something with another song so I'm working on that now. I also wish more artists today would aspire to do what Michael did with his music as well - he put his heart and soul into it and they all had something to give.

Motsey said:
wow that picture is soo nice says alot, hope the sharks get the media at the bottom - wait are the media the sharks erm...

Yeah the hands in the ocean are to represent the "media sharks". I certainly don't oppose to thinking of them being taken by the regular sharks down there though...LOL
Re: His Escape...

Keep them coming amygrace I really love your work! Can't wait to see what others you have in store,they certainly are thought provoking and I think they will give many people a wake up call to just how much Michael did suffer :)
Re: His Escape...

So I love this as I love all of your work.

I am thoroughly disgusted that your other post was deleted. It just shows peoples' closed mindedness I believe. People should get off their high horse and realize there are other ways of thinking than their own!

Just as you think other's way of thinking should be respected, so should our(Christian's) way of thinking should be respected. Utlimately, all that matters is what Christ sees about us, so carry on.
Re: His Escape...

Just as you think other's way of thinking should be respected, so should our(Christian's) way of thinking should be respected. Utlimately, all that matters is what Christ sees about us, so carry on.

Sorry but, with that kind of argument...I could say that your "Jesus Christ" thread is disrespectful to me, because I don't believe he existed. If I were to believe that some guy named Bob was the real one to die on a cross, I could say that anyone posting pictures of Christ is disrespectful because it's a perversion of what I personally believe. Please. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions and beliefs. Just because someone posts something that doesn't line up with your own agenda, does NOT make it disrespectful.
Re: His Escape...

Glad you liked the cross picture too...thanks for your input!

I agree! In fact I previously did a photo just on that...

I might eventually post that photo to my blog...I've made some adjustments to it recently.

Totally! His lyrics are worth studying...I hope that everyone who listens to his music has taken the chance to really read over and understand what he is saying. I was actually planning a photo around "Shout" next...but then got inspired to do something with another song so I'm working on that now. I also wish more artists today would aspire to do what Michael did with his music as well - he put his heart and soul into it and they all had something to give.

Yeah the hands in the ocean are to represent the "media sharks". I certainly don't oppose to thinking of them being taken by the regular sharks down there though...LOL
I love this work, amazing, i love the quote from Michael you decided to put next to it, it all fix perfectly
Re: His Escape...

Sorry but, with that kind of argument...I could say that your "Jesus Christ" thread is disrespectful to me, because I don't believe he existed. If I were to believe that some guy named Bob was the real one to die on a cross, I could say that anyone posting pictures of Christ is disrespectful because it's a perversion of what I personally believe. Please. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions and beliefs. Just because someone posts something that doesn't line up with your own agenda, does NOT make it disrespectful.

There's a difference between that thread you refer to, and this thread. We don't call others who believe differently than we do on that thread closed minded or disprespectful. You and another here do call anyone who believes in one particular religion disrespectful. THAT'S the difference!
Re: His Escape...

There's a difference between that thread you refer to, and this thread. We don't call others who believe differently than we do on that thread closed minded or disprespectful. You and another here do call anyone who believes in one particular religion disrespectful. THAT'S the difference!

Where did I ever call religions disrespectful? Oh that's right, that never happened. In fact I've said multiple times that everyone should accept each others own personal beliefs. I'm done discussing this with you, I will not have this thread hi-jacked.
Re: His Escape...

Sorry but, with that kind of argument...I could say that your "Jesus Christ" thread is disrespectful to me, because I don't believe he existed. If I were to believe that some guy named Bob was the real one to die on a cross, I could say that anyone posting pictures of Christ is disrespectful because it's a perversion of what I personally believe. Please. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions and beliefs. Just because someone posts something that doesn't line up with your own agenda, does NOT make it disrespectful.

My Jesus thread is not disrespectful to anyone here. If you don't believe than you don't. Simple enough, and I am respectful to you eventhough you do not share my views.
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Re: His Escape...

There's a difference between that thread you refer to, and this thread. We don't call others who believe differently than we do on that thread closed minded or disprespectful. You and another here do call anyone who believes in one particular religion disrespectful. THAT'S the difference!

I agree. There is no need to call someone names here. We don't call the non believers any names.
Re: His Escape...

I agree. There is no need to call someone names here. We don't call the non believers any names.

Right we don't. We talk about our beliefs, and then to each other about things. We say nothing about the nonbelievers. But we have been talked about by two here and on the deleted thread. But this is my last post on this thread. I do not wish to waste any more time on this thread. I'll see you on the other threads.
Re: His Escape...

Amy never said anyone was close minded, that was me. And you obviously didn't understand what I meant. I wasn't calling you guys closed minded. I was calling whoever reported/closed the thread closed minded.
Re: His Escape...

This will be my last post also about the 'religious' differences on the board.

I don't practice a religion. I have never wanted to practice a religion, and I never will. I don't believe in organized religion, and that is my own philosophy. I did not mean to call people who do closed minded. I meant that I was upset, that it felt like since I agreed with Amy's previous photo post, and other's didn't, I was 'incorrect' in my thinking and almost 'looked down upon' for praising it. I have no place in this world to judge other's for their beliefs, nor do they mine. Her post was controversial, of course but so is the 'Believers in Jesus Christ' post on the board as well. If I were a believer of something different than your thread or something, I could easily stroll in to that thread and go off on how offended I was by it. It's not hard to just stay out of a thread if you don't agree. The closed minded comment I made was simply that some things are over looked here, while some things are pounced upon and deleted without explanation. Just makes me wonder.

So, you can carry on believing I am insulting all Christians around the world...or you can understand where I am coming from.

Beyond that I am going to continue to enjoy Amy's work :)
Re: His Escape...

Amy never said anyone was close minded, that was me. And you obviously didn't understand what I meant. I wasn't calling you guys closed minded. I was calling whoever reported/closed the thread closed minded.

Well, we didn't know that. Thank you for clearing it up. I have respect for the non believers. I want you all to know that, and I just want everyone to get along, after all, we are all fans of MJ's!

But like my friend in this thread, I will bow out too, as I don't want a fight, and let's all keep the peace.

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