Hi, im sad,why? im turning 23 years old today, NOOOOOO!!!!

Linda C781 you look a lot like the great Edith Piaf, so dont feel bad, you probably sing like her!!!!!!
JoeyMJFan Thank you!, Im feeling much better, im not old, im just not alittle kid, well guess i gonna have to stand as an adult now, well, thas life, sadly
Missy Ledger if you are in bed with Heath i wish i was you!!!!
Hey im OK today, i just feel much better today!!! ok im 23 , so what!, if i live every day like it is the last, i will never get tired no more, thank you ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!
Linda C781 you look a lot like the great Edith Piaf, so dont feel bad, you probably sing like her!!!!!!
JoeyMJFan Thank you!, Im feeling much better, im not old, im just not alittle kid, well guess i gonna have to stand as an adult now, well, thas life, sadly
Missy Ledger if you are in bed with Heath i wish i was you!!!!
Hey im OK today, i just feel much better today!!! ok im 23 , so what!, if i live every day like it is the last, i will never get tired no more, thank you ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hun, That is the key right there...."live every day like it is the last". Enjoy every single day that God gives you on this earth. You just never know what is around the corner. Believe me. Trust me. This is the one thing you need to take from this whole experience.
LindaC781, yes i know now, you just never know what is around the corner, you're right, it's true.
DancingTheDream, please tell me what LOL means, see im from Argentina, and even though i always see this expression i never know what it means, please don't laugh, hahah, but i have to ask!
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LindaC781, yes i know now, you just never know what is around the corner, you're right, it's true.
DancingTheDream, please tell me what LOL means, see im from Argentina, and even though i always see this expression i never know what it means, please don't laugh, hahah, but i have to ask!

I didn't wanna sound like your Ma, but at 23, that was the best time of my life!! I remember it so fondly! Have fun!! And don't worry about it!
ooohhhhhhh, I'll be 23 next year...........
hope it's fun for you!
I didn't wanna sound like your Ma, but at 23, that was the best time of my life!! I remember it so fondly! Have fun!! And don't worry about it!

Hey, you don't sound like my mother!, hahah, you're cool, my mama is too.
I just turned 22 last dec 9th and I was really sad too, but we cant avoid aging....thats life....
if we're alive and healthy, we should always be thankful!

happy belated birthday :flowers:
after reading these ansewrs I'm glad I'm not the only one feeling this way
I used to feel really depressed about getting older and older now I understand why michael doesn't like to celebrate his birthday...vanesina I'm glad I made you feel better
Snowhite, THanks YOU!!! you are a beautiful soul.
hun 23 is not old!
apercaite that while your still young while u can!
u got so many happy opertunies upon u hun, grab them and take them and dont let them go :)
hun 23 is not old!
apercaite that while your still young while u can!
u got so many happy opertunies upon u hun, grab them and take them and dont let them go :)

Thank you!!!
If you think 23 is old then I must be ancient. Because in about 12 days I will be turning 29 years old. But my age doesn't bother me at all. And it shouldn't be bothering you either. I just see age as just a number.
You are as old or as young as you want to be!

P.S. 23 is so damn young.
A related post.


Yesterday I had to meet a potential client, which I really hope not going to see again.

He gave me a ride home. A one hour ride. A one miserable hour.

I tried to have a nice and polite conversation with him to break the ice. I told him that I am planning to move to San Diego hopefully by next year.

He asked me why.

I told him because I have friends in SD and I love San Diego in a whole. I also love to learn more about jazz and theater in San Diego.

He smirked and rolled his eyes. "There is nothing in San Diego. Why do people love to go overseas and do not appreciate his own country."

Note the sarcasm. I felt like being slapped in my face.

He went on and on and on. Nagging me on our first meeting. I've never met a client like him before.

Then he bragged on how he has traveled all around the world except Saudi Arabia and certain places in Africa (Note the hypocrisy). He went to Cannes. He went to Hollywood. He climbed mounts in overseas. He insisted that there is nothing exciting about San Diego and other countries.

He told me that I can learn theater without traveling outside my country. But if I'm still insist to go abroad, I should head to Austria instead.

I was boiling but I did my best to communicate with him politely. I told him that each to his own. Everyone sees the world differently.

He rolled his eyes. I could just poke his eyes.

I told him that I am not the guy who would chase money 24/7. I love to travel, be part of nature etc.

As usual he rolled his eyes again. "Of course but that's because you are still 25 and all that you could think of is having fun and enjoying life. Money doesn't seem to be important to you."

Another sarcasm from him.

He told me that he is 30. By 30, you'll be thinking of getting married and raise a family. He's married and has 3 children. And he whined to me on how he needs to find money to raise a family, to pay bills etc. Deep down I asked myself, "Who in the world ask you to get married on the first place? Sheesh. "

Apparently I reminded of him. The 25-year-old of himself. He added, "Fine, go ahead and do everything that you desire while you are still 25."

I didn't object even though I could. We were in the middle of a highway and I didn't want to be kicked out from the car in nowhere place.

One thing that he forgets is he thinks he knows everything because he has experienced everything. But he doesn't. He lives his life based on his own path. I have my own. He maybe 30 and I'm 25. But that does not mean I am less intelligent and less experienced than he is.

I agree that money is important. I really, really love money and I can be a really materialistic person but in the end, life what matters the most. Hence you need to know how to balance both.

He said he was just sharing his knowledge and experience with me. Sure, I'm all for that. But it can be done without sarcasm and insults. Maybe it was just his attitude but it really turns me off.

I don't care if he is a successful 30-year-old film director who owns several studios. I don't care if he wants to offer me a $10k worth of project. I will not going to work with him simply because of his attitude.

An hour ride and he managed to drive me nuts. I can't imagine what will happen to me if I worked with him for 4 months.

The end.
A related post.


Yesterday I had to meet a potential client, which I really hope not going to see again.

He gave me a ride home. A one hour ride. A one miserable hour.

I tried to have a nice and polite conversation with him to break the ice. I told him that I am planning to move to San Diego hopefully by next year.

He asked me why.

I told him because I have friends in SD and I love San Diego in a whole. I also love to learn more about jazz and theater in San Diego.

He smirked and rolled his eyes. "There is nothing in San Diego. Why do people love to go overseas and do not appreciate his own country."

Note the sarcasm. I felt like being slapped in my face.

He went on and on and on. Nagging me on our first meeting. I've never met a client like him before.

Then he bragged on how he has traveled all around the world except Saudi Arabia and certain places in Africa (Note the hypocrisy). He went to Cannes. He went to Hollywood. He climbed mounts in overseas. He insisted that there is nothing exciting about San Diego and other countries.

He told me that I can learn theater without traveling outside my country. But if I'm still insist to go abroad, I should head to Austria instead.

I was boiling but I did my best to communicate with him politely. I told him that each to his own. Everyone sees the world differently.

He rolled his eyes. I could just poke his eyes.

I told him that I am not the guy who would chase money 24/7. I love to travel, be part of nature etc.

As usual he rolled his eyes again. "Of course but that's because you are still 25 and all that you could think of is having fun and enjoying life. Money doesn't seem to be important to you."

Another sarcasm from him.

He told me that he is 30. By 30, you'll be thinking of getting married and raise a family. He's married and has 3 children. And he whined to me on how he needs to find money to raise a family, to pay bills etc. Deep down I asked myself, "Who in the world ask you to get married on the first place? Sheesh. "

Apparently I reminded of him. The 25-year-old of himself. He added, "Fine, go ahead and do everything that you desire while you are still 25."

I didn't object even though I could. We were in the middle of a highway and I didn't want to be kicked out from the car in nowhere place.

One thing that he forgets is he thinks he knows everything because he has experienced everything. But he doesn't. He lives his life based on his own path. I have my own. He maybe 30 and I'm 25. But that does not mean I am less intelligent and less experienced than he is.

I agree that money is important. I really, really love money and I can be a really materialistic person but in the end, life what matters the most. Hence you need to know how to balance both.

He said he was just sharing his knowledge and experience with me. Sure, I'm all for that. But it can be done without sarcasm and insults. Maybe it was just his attitude but it really turns me off.

I don't care if he is a successful 30-year-old film director who owns several studios. I don't care if he wants to offer me a $10k worth of project. I will not going to work with him simply because of his attitude.

An hour ride and he managed to drive me nuts. I can't imagine what will happen to me if I worked with him for 4 months.

The end.

Hey Rebirth, he was really offering you to work with him? Seems to me he just wanted to help you, may be he has this personality that does not know he can be a little arrogant, but but but, if he is a film director, he is an artist then, and artist always, specially if they are really talented, have a big ego, please, if this was an opportunity to you, go and take it, dont think about him, think about you, and your artistic life, thats the most important thing, at least it is to me, i suspect it is an important thing to you too.
I just turned 26, god I feel old! :(

FinalEyes read all this posts you'll feel better, you are not old, if you are young in your heart, besides, you are young (26), ive learned that, its stupid caring about this, noone can stop time anyways.
I know, but it's so weird...I remember turning 18 like it was yesterday, and suddenly I'm 8 years older.
Hello I want to clarify that i Vard is Vanesina also, but i hate the name Vanesina aweful!
I must also clarify that even though the name Vard sounds really a male name, i am i girl,
Even though I really miss my childhood years is not because of Michael Jackson, well, when i first note him was when someone on tv was talking that he loved adore childhood, and innocent things, before even hearing his music, the first time i heard a song from him, i thought it was good, but i didnt died after hearing it, then i heard all this stuff of innocence and automatically felt identified, i start to look after him, and well i thought it was like me and i wasnt the only one missing my childhood, speccially being a young girl at the time(I was 13). Also When i was 17 all the accusing stuff really troubled me. I start to cry every day thinking this was a lie, but everybody was saying he was a real you know the aweful word P........, I felt sooooooooooo desapointed that, dont laugh, i needed help, hope dont think im crazy, well i am a little, hahahah, so to continue with my story, like if i didnt have a life i started to live my life through his life, very depresing thing, all the time felt even more dessapointed, every day a new thing came out, and well very hard time to me, i must confess i started to hate him, because i felt in love with his art, and well i just cant separate art with private life, i just cant, i think everything goes together, well somehow (i will not say how) put all that behind and well, recreate my life, cause i was destroyed, really, how stupid is that? guess im a sensitive person, it all affects me real bad, but thats the way i am. Well i just had to say this, hope you get my point, Vard
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Hope gay people do NOT feel bad, for my little comment.
If you think 23 is old then I must be ancient. Because in about 12 days I will be turning 29 years old. But my age doesn't bother me at all. And it shouldn't be bothering you either. I just see age as just a number.

i totally agree with you age is just a number so why worry about it if u sweat the small stuff your just gonna worry even more about it

now im off to bed night all