here is pictures of my big goldfish her name is Keven

kevin is so sweet i love her she is so smart she wink her eyes is the meaning she understand me what i'm sayying she tells me when she whats food and she loves to talk to me i have no idea what she is telling me but she talks :yes:

her lip is getting better everyday :yes: i'm happy about that
cause she is herself again i'm happy about that
hey here is pictures of kevin you'll see her sad lip what happen to her
her lip looks so red :yes: and she not getting very much :yes: i'm getting scary cause i'm afriad that she'll done :yes: :cry:

but she good fish here is pictures of here i try too but she'll not stop moving :yes:



That's a sweet fish! Very beautiful! :)

Try to not give her too much food though.... especially when ill, it make her heal slower....
hey i feed my goldfish less food and it's working that way her lip is getting better and she was so happy all day today she was talking and talking to me like creazy :yes: she was so happy i got my goldfish back again she happy again :clap: yeah for that so :clap:
update Re: here is pictures of my big goldfish her name is Keven

update my goldfish she is laying eggs right :D is that creazy :thinking: that's why she was actting so creazy all day and all week she was laying her eggs and pain too she was breathing different today and tried too :yes: she didn't what to eat at all today or yestday and know i know why :yes: she had eggs in her tummy i through she looks fat :thinking: know she lay alot of eggs this time some of the egg look green is that good idea or that is bad that some of the eggs are green :thinking:
My mother's husband has fish. None of them are gold fish though. We have:

1 gold gourami
2 silver dollars
2 pink kissers
2 Angel fish

The Angel fish we had the longest. We used to have 4 of them but 2 of them died. The 2 that are still alive now we had since December of 2003. So they are over 5 years old now. But the only problem we have with them is that they are such pigs when it is feeding time. They most of the food that we give them. So I have to give them more food so the other fish can eat. Well I am glad you had taken good care of that fish of yours. I hope Keven lives for a very long time. Maybe you should get a couple of friends for her. So that fish wouldn't feel so alone.
My mother's husband has fish. None of them are gold fish though. We have:

1 gold gourami
2 silver dollars
2 pink kissers
2 Angel fish

The Angel fish we had the longest. We used to have 4 of them but 2 of them died. The 2 that are still alive now we had since December of 2003. So they are over 5 years old now. But the only problem we have with them is that they are such pigs when it is feeding time. They most of the food that we give them. So I have to give them more food so the other fish can eat. Well I am glad you had taken good care of that fish of yours. I hope Keven lives for a very long time. Maybe you should get a couple of friends for her. So that fish wouldn't feel so alone.

wow that's :cool: that you had that many fish :yes: that sad that 2 die :(

wow that long wow :)

my goldfish i had her along time :yes: :eek: and last night i clean her trank cause it was dry and smell so i clean it and then i put her back in to her trank and some how she was different i saw something on the rocks i did know what is was she was laying eggs ooh god no :eek: so i told my mother that is this happen for real that femel goldfish can lay thee eggs with mal my mother say :yes: i think nution is pretty cool what they can do :yes: but right know she doesn't what to eat thing at all :no: she still laying eggs and breath hard :yes: i'm so scary about her
she is fine know but shen't eatting her eggs at all but my mother say that she will she will and i say i know her about 12 years and she never touch her eggs so she o.k she came back around again she still not getting very much but she will come back around
but her water is clound know :yes:
your walcome :)

soon i'll upload some new pictures of her :) she has been grow long and she done happy about herself at all cause i take her eggs away cause i was cleaning her trank yesterday so she take happy with me if i came up to her she swim away from me look "don't talke too me" :lol: so but she don't eatting very much but she strong fish i know :yes: :) but soon she will die :yes: :cry:
but right know she is my baby and i love her forever :yes: :D
:yes: that is true :)

my grow big this year not big but i mean she grow longer :yes: and trun herself white but her face trun Orgner :yes: :giggle:
here is update :yes:

she lay eggs in her blue bowl that's where i put her when i'm cleaning her tanck :yes: i'm don't jocking she lay eggs and i wasn't happy :yes: :mat: :giggle:

so can you see the eggs






can you see the eggs in the tanck :yes: :giggle: that is her eggs she lay




here is other pictures of keven she his the eyes look :yes: :giggle: some of pictures











a 12 year old gold fish and HER name is KEVEN? now i've seen/heard it all.
a 12 year old gold fish and HER name is KEVEN? now i've seen/heard it all.

:yes: it's true 12 years and her name is keven :yes: :giggle:

hey i'll tell you a story about how she got her name cause for years i throught she was he and 4 years age she was startin to lay eggs and i say no way so he was she :toofunny: so keven was the smart one then i was the stupid one that i didn't :thinking: at all is hard to tell goldfish is she or he cause they all look alike :yes: :eek:

she got big and she grow and i don't have money to get her a new trank :no: :eek: