here is pictures of my big goldfish her name is Keven


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
keven is girl she is big goldfish i had her for 12 years

she loves to eat alot and talk alot is true is not a joke :yes: goldfish can talk for real :yes:

she trun herself white :giggle:

here are some pictures of here her:





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pretty fish... :)

my gold fish over the years died so quickly... I guess we just don't know how to take care of fish.. lol!

I remember that my mom would get a new fish, and not tell my lil bro.. ha ha!!

I just found out that a gold fish can live 20 years... And the oldest gold fish ever reached into it's 40's..
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WOW really over 4o years they can live WOW

ooh yes she is very big girl she sometimes act like human, dirpons, she also can do flips too :yes: is true but she can't anymore she got too big know and she got old know :yes: :giggle:

also too she wink her eyes when she understood me :yes: is true she is very smart goldfish and i love very much she is just like my child i know i know she is just a goldfish but is true she is very smart girl she understand words very will :yes:

also too she hates that white bowl when i put her in there :yes: she likes her big tank cause has more room :yes: ooh will she my big girl i love her very much i baby her alot :giggle: :yes: is true
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wow, nice fish.

Really, they can live for 20 years??? I was surprised at the age of 12! :eek:
that's a gangsta goldfish. 12 years is impressive.
Aww cute fish.
I have always wanted a goldfish for me too :yes:
Someday I will get one! :D
The One is alot of work to take care of them they need alot of TLC :yes: is true
and they're very smart people think they're really dumb but they're not they're really smart and they love people they it when people very alot of TLC to them and they love to be rub :yes: they do my goldfish Keven she does she loves it :yes: is true sound funny but true :yes:
The One is alot of work to take care of them they need alot of TLC :yes: is true
and they're very smart people think they're really dumb but they're not they're really smart and they love people they it when people very alot of TLC to them and they love to be rub :yes: they do my goldfish Keven she does she loves it :yes: is true sound funny but true :yes:
Aww well I'm very loving & caring person so I would keep them very happy :D
:yes: she has very clear color white she is very nice she loves me touching her she loves it cause she scary alot when i put her in that bowl when i clear her tank

but this week is very sad and upset cause keven hurt herself so much that i'm afraid that she'll dead but she is vey stronge girl
is very sad too look at her cause she has cut under her head looks very bad she is not herself at all i miss her happiness and i miss her talking to me
poor Keven i feel sorry for her i don't know what to do about it i don't know how to help her is very sad to she her like this
poor keven
o.k Essenceofmagic i don't know it call but is black thing that's sit on the bottom of the tank inside of tank and she loves to move the rocks off it and that black that's wear she hurt herself on it :yes:

i try to look for a picture of it i can't find it oh will
:no: she doesn't live in a pond, :yes: she has aquarium in my room

i show you how big it is like a medium siz

is keven feeling better today? was it the filter or air bubble thing that she hurt herself on? i no when i had lil fishies they'd sometimes get stuck in there! it was awful!
:yes: it is she loves to move rocks off it :yes:

she done herself well she hurt herself very badly is true :yes:
she is getting better know but her lip looks very badly it's red and looks fat she not herself at all
she not happy i miss keven when she not happy i love it when she happy cause she does her flips at me and she act so happy just like a puppy she so cute ooh will she getting old too ooh will she is healing very will i'm amaze with that
i can't clean her tank yet cause i have to wait tell she heals more i don't what to hurt her i love her i feel like she a child to me i know i know she just goldfish but is true
here is more pictures of her but you'll see how badly she looks she lips look sad all red around her lips doesn't look good but she still alive and here with me

here is the pictures:






but she getting better and she eatting alot that's she herself again i'm very happy :clap:

but everyday to go up to her to see she o.k she swim alway from me she thinks i'll hurt her ooh well :(
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today i was cleaning her tank and there was so much white skin coming off her body oh no is like what
she was o.k she was happy but i didn't know what the earth she was doing all the white skin is coming off her body :yes:
keven is girl she is big goldfish i had her for 12 years

she loves to eat alot and talk alot is true is not a joke :yes: goldfish can talk for real :yes:

she trun herself white :giggle:

here are some pictures of here her:





sweet this fish....
goldfish can bring luck

ask her to grant any of your wishes and you'll see:yes:
:lol: cinderella

:yes: is true that fish give good lucky :yes:

:yes: she is sweet fish i love her very much but she getting old :yes:

yesterday we got her some drop for her :yes:
i know :yes: she is my big baby i love her very much i give her alot of TLC that's what she needs from me :yes:
she is better know :yes: :) but her lip is still :( but she been growing more she getting longer everymouth i see her she grow longer :)
thanks gLOVE

i love my fish she is so sweet one thing the problem with her she hate the night when i go to bed and trun off my light she i don't know how to spell it but she is so hate the dark
last time she woke up at 5:00am in the morroning to feed her i don't i just what to sleep

i'll posr more pictures of her someday but she right know not herself at all
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kevien is doing well but yesterday i saw red spots on her head again it came back so have to put the drop again the water and she was eatting well too :yes: :)
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