Helpless but not hopeless..

We tend to take for granted the things that we can do today.. that we'll be able to still do them tomorrow.

Like the other day when I couldn't get my shoe on because I couldn't lift my legs.. The pain was very bad and I was frustrated near tears because I couldn't get them on. My cousin had to put them on my feet for me! But, I tried my hardest for about five minutes, trying to stretch my leg muscles and praying to god that somehow I would get my foot in the shoe.

I never thought that would happen to me. I used to do it with ease. Now, It's getting harder for me to do. All of it is getting harder for me to do.

BUT I am still blessed. I'm not gonna be mad at God for my body failing me. I just see this as a test to get through. I've cried about it. I've been depressed about it.
It's just time to move on and keep going. Since I've started this thread, I'm touched by the kindness all you've shown me. I pray god blesses all of you.
We tend to take for granted the things that we can do today.. that we'll be able to still do them tomorrow.

Like the other day when I couldn't get my shoe on because I couldn't lift my legs.. The pain was very bad and I was frustrated near tears because I couldn't get them on. My cousin had to put them on my feet for me! But, I tried my hardest for about five minutes, trying to stretch my leg muscles and praying to god that somehow I would get my foot in the shoe.

I never thought that would happen to me. I used to do it with ease. Now, It's getting harder for me to do. All of it is getting harder for me to do.

BUT I am still blessed. I'm not gonna be mad at God for my body failing me. I just see this as a test to get through. I've cried about it. I've been depressed about it.
It's just time to move on and keep going. Since I've started this thread, I'm touched by the kindness all you've shown me. I pray god blesses all of you.

Here is another thing to think about Tiffanny....



Thank you so much for the poems. They are so true. If I gave up now, I'd be bedridden.

I'm gonna stay a little longer to read the board... Only a little bit cause my legs are getting numb now *sigh

But, I love you guys. Thank you.
Thank you so much for the poems. They are so true. If I gave up now, I'd be bedridden.

I'm gonna stay a little longer to read the board... Only a little bit cause my legs are getting numb now *sigh

But, I love you guys. Thank you.

You are very welcome Tiffanny...hang in there....and don't give up. We are all here for you.
I will keep going. Thank you so much,Linda. You have been like sunshine to my soul.
God bless you.
Hey Linda :)

Today is going okay hon. :) I am going to be seeing a specialist in a couple of days. I hope and pray he can help me. Other than that, I've been resting alot. People can tell when it's not such a good day cause I'm rarely online then. On those days, I'm taking it easy and resting.
Thank you so much Linda for caring about me. :) Feel free to PM me anytime :)
Hey Linda :)

Today is going okay hon. :) I am going to be seeing a specialist in a couple of days. I hope and pray he can help me. Other than that, I've been resting alot. People can tell when it's not such a good day cause I'm rarely online then. On those days, I'm taking it easy and resting.
Thank you so much Linda for caring about me. :) Feel free to PM me anytime :)

I do care about ya Tiff...hope the MD visit goes okay. I understand - sometimes we all just need to chill out and rest...can't be online all the time! Take care...and fill me in ok?
Okay,Linda :) I'll be sure to do that. Please take good care of you and your loved ones today.
BUMP! Tiffany - want to know how you are doing today....keep me posted okay? Just was thinking of you. Wishing you a good day today...
Thank you so much Linda. I'm so happy I wasn't forgotten!

A virus hit my computer so hard it wiped out the hard drive. I had to get a whole new computer.... which is why I haven't been on. I've been doing my best.. Life has ups and downs for everybody. It's just good to be back where I feel the love and support of all of you.

Thank you all so much!
So how did the doctor visit go? if you want, just PM me. I am always interested in all things dealing with health..
I just saw my doctor last week and besides what's going on with my muscles and back, He says I am doing pretty well healthwise. He told me to not overdo the exercises.. (Which I tend to) and gave me more medication to help shrink any swelling in my body.

I still have good days and my bad days. But, My mind is at rest because I know that I can still take care of myself pretty good. Yeah, I have trouble.. but I am hanging in there.
hi Tiffany :flowers: just found your thread today. even tho i dont know you i just wanted to tell that i read your posts and find you amazing and i'm so happy to read about your good days. i am not familiar with the disease, but it sounds like an autoimmune disease and i recognize some of the things you talk about. i dont know if you've joined other online communities that are supports for yours or not. i found some really good ones in yahoo groups for a similar disease and i found the members there to be so wonderful. they really understand about those bad days and each shares in one aonother's good days as celebrations. as you said earlier, you dont realize and take for granted the things your body will do for you until all of a sudden it wont or it hurts to do it. i dont have an autoimmune disease, or at least never been diagnosed, but i have my moments when i can relate to some of your challenges until it passes. i think mine might not so much be a disease, but for some reason, i'm allowed to feel certain things so i can better understand what those who do have them go through. i have my own bad days. one of the strongest things i took from the group that i found on there, was a woman who had passed away from her disease. i don't have her post anymore but it so has stuck with me. she was trying to explain to a friend of hers that she worked with what her morning routine was just to get from bed to the office, and how much more time is involved in doing things that those who are healthy have no thoughts about at all. you might already have sought and joined something like this, but if not, i think you might take great comfort in talking with others who know exactly what it is you go through. people that you dont have to explain why you're tired, but hear you and feel you when you say that you are, and will cheer you up and make you laugh, sharing their own struggles with it. they could always make me smile and laugh and more than anything else put me in awe and feel inspired to live.

i hope this is a good day :flowers: take care (hugs)
I admire ur inner strenght, Tiffany! :flowers: I wish I was strong like u, if I were in your shoes I'd probably be taking it a lot different and might be going insane....
Good to see you taking it well and staying positive and never giving up! Keep that up!
And dont accept the fact that it might not have a cure....we never know...miracles do happen! Trust in God, He loves you very much!
May God bless you heart and mind and keep you always healthy! Keep the faith! :hug:
Thank you all so much for your support and kindness. I am really appreciative of the love and support all of you have given me.

friend *Warm Hug* How are you today? *Smile To answer your question, I have never been to a support group for this but I do know of others who do understand what I go through. Sometimes it's tough because even members of my own family, who know I have this problem, wonder how I can get by alright on one day and not be so good on another day. Sometimes, I DO get frustrated because there are things I want to do, but my muscles hurt so badly I can barely move. I'm not giving up though because giving up would mean that I stay home bound, and I don't want that. I'm still pretty Life is a blessing to me. Especially because of all of those people out there who care so much.

Please take good care and feel free to pm me on good days as well as bad ones.
Hello Tiffany, I hope today is a good day,
I would like to offer you a 'warm cyber hug',
you are an inspiration to everyone and especially those who suffer pain.
Take care of yourself Tiffany, keep strong and my prayers are with you
Janey xx
Thank you so much,Janey :) *Warm Hug

Today is a very good day for me because I am going to welcome my new cousin home from the hospital. Her name is Peyton and She was born a month and a half premature. She is now well enough to come home, and I can't wait to finally hold her in my arms!

Every single day that passes is a blessing given to us from god above. Yeah, I hurt today and would love more than anything to go bury myself in a blanket and go to sleep. However, I have little Peyton to boost my mood and keep me going. It is truly amazing what little blessings this world has to offer us in order to keep us going forward. *Smile

Please take care and Thank you so much for your kind words.
It is little miracles such as a new life that give us hope and hold us together. Im glad that she is well enough to come home to the loving arms of her family.
Have a lovely day with your new cousin,
*imagining you holding a tiny baby in your arms