Healthy Living Magazine - Michael Jackson did he need to die?


Proud Member
Aug 22, 2007
Michigan USA
November's Special Issue on newsstands TOMORROW

Who's Bad

Preview of November Special, Collectors Edition

We started to write a piece on the medical issues of the wrongful death trial with AEG Live sued by Michael Jackson’s family (which was concluded when the issue went on press), when we found the trial too insignificant, as the entire life of the superstar is an impactful health, physical and psychical subject. As intense as his dance, Michael Jackson’s life was burned on both ends at a rhythm of his anti-gang violence hit “Beat It” by himself and by the media frenzy.


The Niagara waterfall of ridicule and dirt,under which the music genius spent his brief presence with us, finally thinning, reveals the truth universally acknowledged: to make us believe in him, he needed to die. He will not triumph at our expense over the fact that his art will survive us all, which is not a surmise anymore, as his artistic inheritance proved there is arguably no other in modern art of the same consequence, volume and height of humanitarian essence. Vulnerability, exalted sensitivity of human nature, naivety, agitation, feebleness, pain, hope, despair and search of strength to bear it all became his artistic abode after the unseen scale of popularity, unforgiving of childlike spontaneity and unconsciousness of the media’s predatory nature, had imprisoned a 24 year old Michael Jackson to an unprecedented atrocity of media bullying and public disdain, deadly glued to the former, for the rest of his life.

Read FULL STORY in the magazine.

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Looks Like it is available at most Walgreen stores.
What did you think when you read the intro. ? (It seems sympathetic and onspot to what he had to endure) I haven't read the whole article yet. Maybe someone can post it if they get the mag.
I don't find it to be distasteful.

Society treated MJ like dirt while he was living and have only began to celebrate his achievements since his passing. I think that is what the "did he need to die?" line is referring to.
Yes, I agree it is all certainly bittersweet... but better that people appreciate and acknowledge him and celebrate his genius and humanity now than not at all. He wanted to be immortalized by his art, didn't he? He certainly is!

I look forward to some feedback on the rest of the article (I'm in Australia, so can't get this.)
I just wish that he could see that appreciation. The way he was treated had to hurt him. I hope he knew he was loved.
Im sure he knew he was loved

his children loved him and his fans :)
No. He just needed a sleep specialist and people around him that actually cared for him.
No. He just needed a sleep specialist and people around him that actually cared for him.

yep! that's all he needed, and some loving people that were willing to get him the help he needed.
When we see these types of headlines they should look deeper first before they dismiss this as another bad article against Michael. It's asking a very important question and it's a magazine which is almost an authority on Health so has some expertise as it were on the subject. I find it a good article and very well written.
When we see these types of headlines they should look deeper first before they dismiss this as another bad article against Michael. It's asking a very important question and it's a magazine which is almost an authority on Health so has some expertise as it were on the subject. I find it a good article and very well written.

you read the entire article already? can you give us some highlights or what it was chiefly about?
I just wish Michael saw the admiration people still could have over him, while so many rats come out and show respect now. People speak very differently about Michael now (positive) after he past in comparison. I do believe if Michael was able to do THIS IS IT, he would have seen that respect while being alive.. He was sooo close, just days away from flying to London, we couldn't write a tragedy any more heart wrenching than what happened.
Some nice reviews from fans who read the article

Karla Nava
* This is my first time reading this magazine and I only did this time because of the article on Michael Jackson. It almost makes me cry to see Michael finally recognized for who he truly was ............... Thank you, Aida Poulsen, for a beautiful article so far...

Junie MrsInvinc Jackson
* I have just read the full article and want to congratulate Aida Poulsen for having the courage to stand up and speak the truth about Michael. So many 'journalists' resort to cut/copy/paste when it comes to Michael and do not make the effort to even begin to look beneath the surface. Michael was not only a musical genius but a true, real-life humanitarian, who spent his entire life with nothing but LOVE in his heart. I look forward to the series titled "MJ Matrix". Blessed Be to you.
I just wish that he could see that appreciation. The way he was treated had to hurt him. I hope he knew he was loved.
He knew he was loved. He sold out 50 shows and he knew haters get the attention and the press compare to folks who love him. Remember, in 2009, America Idol wanted him on the show and people were going crazy to think MJ would appear. THAT IS LOVE.
From their facebook:
Healthy Living Magazine WHO'S BAD
Answering to about 50,000 requests from Australia to Japan, received in a couple of hours after announcement of the November issue, we are publishing online a short Preview of November Special, Collectors Edition: MICHAEL JACKSON Did he need to die?:

By Aida Poulsen
Who's Bad
Michael Jackson: Did he need to die? Preview of November Special

We started to write a piece on the medical issues of the wrongful death trial with AEG Live sued by Michael Jackson’s family (which was concluded when the issue went on press), when we found the trial too insignificant, as the entire life of the superstar is an impactful health, physical and psychical subject. As intense as his dance, Michael Jackson’s life was burned on both ends at a rhythm of his anti-gang violence hit “Beat It” by himself and by the media frenzy.

Four years after shaking the world with his last move—a spectacular (as cynical as it sounds) death, both the press and us, its docile hordes, seem to have begun admitting a scent of doubt. The Niagara waterfall of ridicule and dirt, under which the music genius spent his brief presence with us, finally thinning, reveals the truth universally acknowledged: to make us believe in him, he needed to die. He will not triumph at our expense over the fact that his art will survive us all, which is not a surmise anymore, as his artistic inheritance proved there is arguably no other in modern art of the same consequence, volume and height of humanitarian essence. Vulnerability, exalted sensitivity of human nature, naivety, agitation, feebleness, pain, hope, despair and search of strength to bear it all became his artistic abode after the unseen scale of popularity, unforgiving of childlike spontaneity and unconsciousness of the media’s predatory nature, had imprisoned a 24 year old Michael Jackson to an unprecedented atrocity of media bullying and public disdain, deadly glued to the former, for the rest of his life.

Can somebody go to shop and buy this magazine, then post it here:)
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I personally don't think he fully grasp the power he had still.. I think selling out the 50 concerts vaildated the thought, but there is no way without standing in the flow of the positivity can you reallllly KNOW! I believe he KNEW it was going to be a great show, and people could not deny the quality, but I do think he was not fully sure how (with the medias input) it would be excepted by the general public.. Selling out concerts were never an issue, even after the first allegations with HIStory tour, or 30th anniversary.. 1 million people would have seen the 50 dates, there are 7 billion people in the world, and multiple millions he would want to be accepted by.

I really do believe he would have cemented himself as KING for good. After that, we would not today be hearing "Next King of Pop" bull crap.
^Really?! But, he already achieved so much already to be KING! Another tour wasn't gonna change that IMO and knowing the media they would have (despite him doing the 50 shows) done whatever to downplay it! Anyways, glad the mag is positive! I will be looking in Rite Aid and Walgreens for it 2morrow, hope I find it in their mag sections?! =)
Somebody commented this under the preview:
"I purchased the magazine, read the entire article, and look forward with eager anticipation to the follow-ups to come, i.e., the MJMatrix, the things Michael did vs. the things the world did to him."

There is going to be follow-up too.

From Healthy living twitter:
HealthyLivinG ?@USHealthyLivinG 9h
#MichaelJackson #DidHeNeedToDie? receives overwhelming response: 160,000 views within hours of publishing a preview:

Sounds like Aida did a good job.. I can't wait to read this article.. she will probably become a star now just because she wrote a decent article about MJ.. I praise her for seeing the truth
Another preview of the article:

"... Why is it only now, watching again Barbara Walters’ interview, it is not Michael Jackson but the host who looks unreasonable in emphatically formal attire—gray suit, short haircut, seemingly intended to underscore her subject’s perverseness—when she asks, rather asserts, isn’t it his “extreme” appearance that provokes press ridicule? Does she want him to dress like her, behave like her, think like her? Gray suit, short haircut? Whom she would be interviewing then, and for such a rating? Herself?

Lady Gaga, a talented and promising performer, seems to be adopting the “technic” of attracting media, only with a safety belt: she would appear before press and on stage, well, everybody knows in what, do her thing, and go back to normal, being very practical, calculating and cautious about where, how and what to say, do and wear, admirably, cold mindedly and skillfully managing her career— the very thing Michael Jackson would have found unthinkable—to be a pretender on stage, or vice versa.

Michael Jackson was the embodiment of his art; this was the very thing that gave him his immense power and the unwillingness to be dishonest offstage is probably what had killed him. It is unlikely now if he were looking back at the pain he went through and had a chance to live his life again that he would submit to what was the public’s demand and his abhorrence. He was eccentric on stage and in life, and if he had been a Gray Suit in life, he would have been a Gray Suit on stage. Above all, he believed that there is nothing to conceal because of his harmless nature and such, rather rare, characters usually tend to believe in symmetrical response, no matter how many injuries the more common result produces. Because believing otherwise would have ruined him..."


I agree with this analysis of the Barbara Walters interview, which, compared with most of the others that MJ did with the talking hairdos of the media (Sawyer, Oprah, Bashit), was one of the most 'favorable.' Walters criticized him for being 'eccentric' and 'look at the way you dress.' She also criticized him for saying the media should be 'kind.' In that interview his dress was not in any way strange--he had on a black jacket--the only potentially strange thing was he wore a hat, and we now know b/c of the burn how necessary that was. He probably had one of the horrible inflatable balloons underneath the hat giving him pain. Yet B. Walters sat in judgment. Makes me sick. The moralizing bullying "hounding media."
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It feels so unreal to see someone write this kind of article. To see the truth being printed.