Healing tape that Michael sent to Mr. Morita Chairman of Sony.


Proud Member
Aug 22, 2007
Michigan USA
This is a very heart-warming story!!!
and shows the true love, heart and soul of our Dear Michael

In 1987 Michael came to Japan for the first time.
At that time Michael met Mr. Morita who was the chairman of Sony.

When Mr. Morita invited Michael to his home,
Michael had a great time relaxing all night long.
Michael respected Mr. Morita.

When Mr. Morita got sick in 1993, Michael sent him a healing tape.
Every day Mr. Morita played the audio tape for six years to the death.
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OMG, What a TRUE Angel he is!

His soothing voice... it can heals everyone.
Thank you for this qbee. You are a credit to Michael and his legacy.
wow... MJ knew about all those healing techniques even back then... before they became mainstream.
awwwwwwww :cry:
wow Michael, that was such a beautiful story :wub:
thanks Micky for sharing that!
Does anyone else find Michaels voice very comforting? I swear he has the most beautiful speaking voice. But listening to this broke me down again.. His words were very touching and kind, Michael had an amazing heart of gold and this is just one of the many many examples why Michael is the greatest.

"This is Michael Jackson speaking. Please get better, please get better now. :cry: You are our visionary, you are our teacher, you are our leader. You are our world, you've taught me so much. You are very very strong many Mr. Morita. I believe in you. Every day, in every way. I am feeling better and better. Repeat these words in your deep sub concious mind. I love you Mr. Morita and know that the whole world loves you and needs you especially me. I believe in you Mr Morita so get better now" :cry:
So, so beautiful. What a beautiful man our Michael is. Thanks you for posting.
This made me cry once more!

I have NEVER been this sensitive! I cry ALL the time after MJ's death!
This isn't right! This shouldn't be! Why did he have to die!! This world sucks!
and I'll saying it again. Michael Jackson's heart is better then 99% of the ppl in this world. Thanks for This it is a real pick me upper.

Notice also michaels soothing DEEP voice. Not the light voice that ppl always made fun of.
Wow. Who does that??? I mean really? Who does things like that??? Seriously. Only Michael man. These are the things that the media NEVER talked about. God what kind of world do we live in?
Does anyone else find Michaels voice very comforting? I swear he has the most beautiful speaking voice. But listening to this broke me down again.. His words were very touching and kind, Michael had an amazing heart of gold and this is just one of the many many examples why Michael is the greatest.

"This is Michael Jackson speaking. Please get better, please get better now. :cry: You are our visionary, you are our teacher, you are our leader. You are our world, you've taught me so much. You are very very strong many Mr. Morita. I believe in you. Every day, in every way. I am feeling better and better. Repeat these words in your deep sub concious mind. I love you Mr. Morita and know that the whole world loves you and needs you especially me. I believe in you Mr Morita so get better now" :cry:

oh! that's from Silva Mind...wonderful gift from a wonderful person...
Oh wow. Michael was beyond special. What a sweet thing to do. From the pix in the video you can tell how much he and Mr. Morita enjoyed each other. So sad that now both of them are gone. :(

Thanks for sharing this qbee.
He knows about subconscious and conscious mind way before it goes mainstream. Such an intelligent guy and his voice was really soothing..:cry: He's so sweeet