Having surgery soon/Update: Surgery set for 26th May

Re: Having surgery soon


Today I went to the hospital for a check-up and it went ok.
They recorded my blood pressure, heart rate, measure my height and weight etc. They said that I am perfectly fit and healthy for my age, weight and height.
They also took some swob tests from my mouth, nose and groin area. The results from these swob tests are yet to come up.
But at the moment everything seems to be going fine and I'm expected to have my surgery within the next 10-12 weeks.
Thanks for all the support guys, I really appreciate it :flowers:

Stay positive, we're all with you in our thoughts!!! You'll be alright!!!!! :flowers:
The hospital has finally sent me the date of my surgery, it will be May 26th, just two days after my first A-Level exam of the term. I will have to stay at home for two weeks following the surgery but hopefully I will be able to come back into school for my second exam which will be on June 10th.
Good luck Joker!!! I'm sure everything will go fine and hopefully breathing will be much easier afterwards. It's worth the hassle. I've had surgery on my nose 3 years ago and also had to stay home for 2 weeks. After that I was fine.

And as we speak I'm recovering from another surgery, on my belly though. It's done before you know it!
I just read it, dear... Good luck and if you see Michael say HI from me hey ;)
No seriously, it'll be alright... The 'sedation' is really cool... How wierd that might sound but I recently had two OP's so...
So, you're in the fluid food too hey... May I recommend the babymilk with fruit and grains ;) Had a C6-C7 spine OP last year... So, I ate 'fluid food' for months... Now, back on the 'normal' stuff...
Lots of hope and patience; my dear and you'll pull through :)
I just read it, dear... Good luck and if you see Michael say HI from me hey ;)
No seriously, it'll be alright... The 'sedation' is really cool... How wierd that might sound but I recently had two OP's so...
So, you're in the fluid food too hey... May I recommend the babymilk with fruit and grains ;) Had a C6-C7 spine OP last year... So, I ate 'fluid food' for months... Now, back on the 'normal' stuff...
Lots of hope and patience; my dear and you'll pull through :)

Haha yeah the sedation is fun. This time was different though. But it's not like falling a sleep, the whole room starts spinning and then you're out.
Too bad it seems I have a very heavy reaction to the effects of propofol. I get very sick afterwards. So sick this time that I was taken to hospital by ambulance as I was going into shock...
But that normally never happens.
Pleased you've had a date set for surgery :) I pray that it'll all run smoothly for you honey. I know a couple of people who've had operations on their noses (including my father) and they've all gone really well. Good luck xxx
Hey The Joker I just read it, all my best wishes to you for your surgery! I'm sure you'll be alright. I'll pray for you and your team of doctors.

God bless you. I'm with you in my thoughts!
Phillip's (The Joker) surgery is at 08:00am UK time tomorrow, so let's all wish him the best of luck and a speedy recovery :)
Phillip, I only learned about this thread and your story today. Wish you well with surgery and hope you will recover very fast :)

I wish you good luck..and please get better quickly so you can comeback and join us again...:hug:...
... good luck for today, get well soon and come back very soon:hug:... you know we need our king in your thread:D:cheeky:
Phillip's surgery went well, he is very tired and weak at the moment resting at home. His nose is swollen, blocked and continuously bleeding but should be over very soon. He thanks everybody here for the messages.
PKR thank you for the update...glad to hear everything went well for Phillip....:hug: to him.
boy, I had not heard what would happen to you, but I hope that you will not have complications later
Phillip asked me to tell you he's feeling slightly better although he still has some bleeding problems. He wants to thank you all for your concern! :flowers:
Phillip asked me to tell you he's feeling slightly better although he still has some bleeding problems. He wants to thank you all for your concern! :flowers:

Thanks for posting... I hope the bleeding he has will stop, that's a bit worrisome to hear. ...