Having surgery soon/Update: Surgery set for 26th May


Proud Member
Nov 25, 2010
A few years ago when I was on a school trip on the Isle of Wight, one of my roommates decided 'for the fun of it' to lock my head between his legs and smash my face onto the floor.

As a result, my nose broke and ever since then I have had very frustrating breathing problems. I cannot eat, sleep, walk, run, play sports, swim, etc. with my mouth closed at all because no air can get in through my nose and because of this I look very stupid and it restricts me on what I can do and for how long. I run out of breath very quickly and I hate it. I used to love playing sports, but now I can't enjoy it as much as I used to because I always run out of breath quickly and I need to take long breaks. Now it takes me a very long time to eat the smallest of meals and I feel embarassed when eating with others.

A while ago I had finally visited the doctor and he agreed it was neccessary for me to have surgery. If all goes well, my breathing should be better but if not there is a chance it will get even worse. All I have to do now is wait for a message from my doctor telling me when my surgery is. I hope it works out fine so I can go back living how I used to. I don't want to make a big deal out of this its just that I've been waiting a long time for this. I hope you all understand how I feel, I don't need any more pain now I nearly lost my father to a heart attack. Thankyou for taking the time to read this.
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Re: Having surgery soon

you poor dear..:hug:....I am so sorry to hear about your father. I hope this surgery works out for the best for you....keep a positive attitude.
Re: Having surgery soon

Jesus Christ...that sounds very serious, and smh @ that joke, that's nothing like a job. Sorry but that person is an idiot. All the best to you!!!!

And about your father, i symphatize with you, i've had a very similar situation recently, and while all is good now again, it was a close call. Keep your head up and take care!!!!
Re: Having surgery soon

Best of luck with the surgery. I also have breathing problems (although mine are asthma-related) so I know what it feels like to have limitations on what you can or can't do. Hopefully your surgery will fix your issue, and you can get back to having a normal life.
Re: Having surgery soon

Wow all my best wishes to you for your surgery!!! I'll pray it will help you in the desired way!!! And strength to you also for a very speedy recovery!!!
Re: Having surgery soon

I remember reading that Michael broke his nose in the late 70's / early 80's, and he was having breathing difficulties.............which is why he also needed surgery!!!!


I hope the procedure goes well and efficiently............and your problem goes away!!!!
Re: Having surgery soon

This is simply horrifying.... How old was your... roommate when he decided to just torture you like that?.

Prayers your way, hope your operation will be eventless and smooth, as well as your recuperating process... Sorry to hear about your father too, fingers crossed for him also...

Keep us posted, please...

Re: Having surgery soon

I remember reading that Michael broke his nose in the late 70's / early 80's, and he was having breathing difficulties.............which is why he also needed surgery!!!!


I hope the procedure goes well and efficiently............and your problem goes away!!!!

Yep. MJ was on stage when he did a spin and tripped on a microphone cord. He fell and hit his nose, which broke it. Surgery had to be done to set the nose...and they botched it, so they had to fix it again a 2nd time.

And the rest....well that's all HIStory
Re: Having surgery soon

good wishes and blessings to you for your surgery, I 'm sure it will go just fine. Hugs to you.
Re: Having surgery soon

Thanks for all the support guys, it means a lot :hug: As soon as I receive the date of the sugery I will inform you. My father has recovered very well, he's just a bit weak.

I remember reading that Michael broke his nose in the late 70's / early 80's, and he was having breathing difficulties.............which is why he also needed surgery!!!!

I heard this as well. Looks like I share something in common with Michael :)

This is simply horrifying.... How old was your... roommate when he decided to just torture you like that?
He was the same age as me, under 10 years old :(
Re: Having surgery soon

wish you all the best of luck :)
Re: Having surgery soon

aww I just read this :better: you'll be fine buddy :hug:
Re: Having surgery soon

Dear Phillip :hug: I just read this :better: I know it's very serious thing and surgery is always a surgery but...I hope everything will be okay. Keep the faith my friend! :) you have all my support :)

And your schoolmate - no words! What a stupidity!

Waiting for a good message from you :hug:
Re: Having surgery soon

aww I just read this :better: you'll be fine buddy :hug:

Thanks Karom :hug:

Dear Phillip :hug: I just read this :better: I know it's very serious thing and surgery is always a surgery but...I hope everything will be okay. Keep the faith my friend! :) you have all my support :)

And your schoolmate - no words! What a stupidity!

Waiting for a good message from you :hug:

Thanks Karina :hug:
He was an idiot :angry: He later got kicked out of school.
I shall keep you updated when I recieve the date of my sugery :flowers:
Re: Having surgery soon

Here's hoping that everything goes well with your surgery and you come out with the results you wanted! :)
Re: Having surgery soon

Here's hoping that everything goes well with your surgery and you come out with the results you wanted! :)

Thankyou :)

I have a check-up on Thursday so fingers crossed that goes well.
Re: Having surgery soon

A close friend of mine recently had a basketball injury and needed surgery for his nose because the septum was deviated and gave him breathing problems, especially during sleep. The surgery went well but of course he needed to take leave from work to recover.

It will be all worth it for you because being able to breathe clearly will really improve your quality of life. Let us know how Thursday goes!
Re: Having surgery soon


Today I went to the hospital for a check-up and it went ok.
They recorded my blood pressure, heart rate, measure my height and weight etc. They said that I am perfectly fit and healthy for my age, weight and height.
They also took some swob tests from my mouth, nose and groin area. The results from these swob tests are yet to come up.
But at the moment everything seems to be going fine and I'm expected to have my surgery within the next 10-12 weeks.
Thanks for all the support guys, I really appreciate it :flowers:
Re: Having surgery soon


Today I went to the hospital for a check-up and it went ok.
They recorded my blood pressure, heart rate, measure my height and weight etc. They said that I am perfectly fit and healthy for my age, weight and height.
They also took some swob tests from my mouth, nose and groin area. The results from these swob tests are yet to come up.
But at the moment everything seems to be going fine and I'm expected to have my surgery within the next 10-12 weeks.
Thanks for all the support guys, I really appreciate it :flowers:


Do not worry. Everything will be ok in your surgery! :angel: :pray:
Re: Having surgery soon


Today I went to the hospital for a check-up and it went ok.
They recorded my blood pressure, heart rate, measure my height and weight etc. They said that I am perfectly fit and healthy for my age, weight and height.
They also took some swob tests from my mouth, nose and groin area. The results from these swob tests are yet to come up.
But at the moment everything seems to be going fine and I'm expected to have my surgery within the next 10-12 weeks.
Thanks for all the support guys, I really appreciate it :flowers:

That's wonderful!.. Hope the swob tests will come out okay.
