Have you ever felt... about Love...


I have only been in real, true love once. I was 16 years old and my friend introduced me to this boy named Tony one summer. It was instant attraction on both ends and we dated on and off for years. He would cheat on me, I would take him back, we would be perfect then repeat. I even had my 'first time' with him. Went to every football game he played in (home&away) but eventually I couldn't take him hurting me anymore. I rebounded right away, and continued to rebound and rebound for YEARS, but I was still in love with him so it never worked with anyone else.

He has since grown up and gotten his act together. That was about 5 years ago and we have talked ever since. He was there for me when my parents were going to divorce, he held me while I cried after my uncle and aunt died, he came to my Graduation party when none of my friends or my actual boyfriend came, and he took me out for my 21st birthday. We are back together now and the feelings are 1000x's more intense and I know in the bottom of my mind that he is the one for me. I couldn't imagine anyone else touching my face or moving my hair and getting the electric feeling I get, especially after 5 years.

We both dated others while we were apart, but we grew in to exactly what the other was looking for and I couldn't be happier or imagine myself with anyone else, ever.
:yes: Well...... i believe in forgiveness.. i believe in change.. i believe in LOVE.. so.. i think your heart knows what makes you happy... and thank you for sharing it with us... it's always great to know Love can manifest in many ways... and grow. Thank you strawberrypie! :clapping:Wish you all happiness!


I have only been in real, true love once. I was 16 years old and my friend introduced me to this boy named Tony one summer. It was instant attraction on both ends and we dated on and off for years. He would cheat on me, I would take him back, we would be perfect then repeat. I even had my 'first time' with him. Went to every football game he played in (home&away) but eventually I couldn't take him hurting me anymore. I rebounded right away, and continued to rebound and rebound for YEARS, but I was still in love with him so it never worked with anyone else.

He has since grown up and gotten his act together. That was about 5 years ago and we have talked ever since. He was there for me when my parents were going to divorce, he held me while I cried after my uncle and aunt died, he came to my Graduation party when none of my friends or my actual boyfriend came, and he took me out for my 21st birthday. We are back together now and the feelings are 1000x's more intense and I know in the bottom of my mind that he is the one for me. I couldn't imagine anyone else touching my face or moving my hair and getting the electric feeling I get, especially after 5 years.

We both dated others while we were apart, but we grew in to exactly what the other was looking for and I couldn't be happier or imagine myself with anyone else, ever.
Hmm love. Yea i felt it..But i dont know why, but my feelings comes and goes. The type of love i am talking about is 'woman to man'. My previous relations only lasted from 3 - 6 months. I usually feel very attracted and 'in love' in the beginning but then it dies out. I always thought the feelings are going to come back, but by than we have already broken up. And i have dated some pretty good guys. My friends call me a man eater. I am not, honestly. LoL But everytime i start feeling that 'closeness' feeling it just sort of awakens me and thats it, i cant get anycloser. Then all the 'what ifs' arise: What if this doesnt work out, what if his lying about his feelings?? etc etc..and BAM i lose interest in him and i walk away. Then i miss him for some weeks and then i am all better and i am me again.
Maybe i am just not Ready! Well i am 22. I know i am scared of committment, but i am not a playa either. I guess i am still looking for love (the right kind, god know what the right kind is), i guess i am looking for something different, i guess i still need to know who i am before i try to know somebody else.

But in general i love to love. And not just romantic love, i love everything. I love people, animals, i love to breath, i love nature, my environment. I love my family. I love my neices and nephews. I love my work place. I love music.
Sorry my post is getting long. :)
Hmm love. Yea i felt it..But i dont know why, but my feelings comes and goes. The type of love i am talking about is 'woman to man'. My previous relations only lasted from 3 - 6 months. I usually feel very attracted and 'in love' in the beginning but then it dies out. I always thought the feelings are going to come back, but by than we have already broken up. And i have dated some pretty good guys. My friends call me a man eater. I am not, honestly. LoL But everytime i start feeling that 'closeness' feeling it just sort of awakens me and thats it, i cant get anycloser. Then all the 'what ifs' arise: What if this doesnt work out, what if his lying about his feelings?? etc etc..and BAM i lose interest in him and i walk away. Then i miss him for some weeks and then i am all better and i am me again.
Maybe i am just not Ready! Well i am 22. I know i am scared of committment, but i am not a playa either. I guess i am still looking for love (the right kind, god know what the right kind is), i guess i am looking for something different, i guess i still need to know who i am before i try to know somebody else.

But in general i love to love. And not just romantic love, i love everything. I love people, animals, i love to breath, i love nature, my environment. I love my family. I love my neices and nephews. I love my work place. I love music.
Sorry my post is getting long. :)
I love long posts. :clapping:passion is the preparation for real Love..... i hope you find it too... ;)
I don't know if I'm holding myself back from love right now since I'm talking to someone I could potentially have a relationship with. I don't know if I'm afraid of it or what...I don't know what to feel and I'm so confused still! I've been getting to know him and I like him, we have a lot of things in common, which is a start!! And I can't wait to get back to school to see him all the time...
Love seems confusing to me!
Don't be affraid of Love.. just let it enter... than you will see what is really there... if we don't try it .. we will never know. :first_move: