Have you ever felt... about Love...


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Have you ever been really in love?

Have you ever been in love?
The time I spent waiting for something
That was heaven sent
When you find it don't let go
I know...

Have you ever said a prayer
And found that it was answered
All my hope has been restored
I ain't looking anymore
Have you ever been...

Some place that you ain't leavin'
Somewhere you gonna stay
When you finally found the meanin'
Have you ever felt this way?"

I keep a SMILE, like MJ song:
(to be continued).
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Oh yes wendy...I know what love is.I found it 10 years ago.

And yes,what it has to happen,will happen no matter what.Same goes for people.If someone is meant to be your friend,in the right time it will.
If someone is meant to be the love of your life,no matter where he is from,no matter his age,it will when the time is right.
Maria... blessed be! I hope you and your loving one be together as one as soon.. i wish you all the best things in the world because you are a special person Maria.. a very dear friend of mine.. i L.O.V.E. you hun. :better: Praying for you!:angel:

Oh yes wendy...I know what love is.I found it 10 years ago.

And yes,what it has to happen,will happen no matter what.Same goes for people.If someone is meant to be your friend,in the right time it will.
If someone is meant to be the love of your life,no matter where he is from,no matter his age,it will when the time is right.
Yes I have been in love.. But he was the greatest asshole you could ever imagne :cry:
Darling, it's very dificult to find real love... in this world... most man (and nowadays woman too) are very materialistic.. they don't care about feelings... only the body and the money... yes... blindness of the heart is what i call it!
But i believe if we stop the army of love.. and surrender to futility...if we forget about good values...life will end... let's fight!

Well.. He didnt want me I can see..
He never talk to me when he was alone
but last day of my old school... he start to be cool with his friend and teasing me :/
I don't fall in love easily. I'm very picky, don't trust easily and I am afraid to be taken advantage of.

When I love someone (whether it's in friendships or in relationships), I love them whole heartedly and I'm very loyal. I'd do anything for that person, but I do expect the same back. Falling in love can be hard, especially if it's with someone you can't (or are not supposed to) have.
You are right Dutchie.. but we must allow us to take the chance.

I don't fall in love easily. I'm very picky, don't trust easily and I am afraid to be taken advantage of.

When I love someone (whether it's in friendships or in relationships), I love them whole heartedly and I'm very loyal. I'd do anything for that person, but I do expect the same back. Falling in love can be hard, especially if it's with someone you can't (or are not supposed to) have.
Here's part 1:

I had my first boyfriend in my freshmen year of H.S. His name was Jacob, he was not shy, he asked me out, we were going down the hall for testing. As we were going down the hall, he asked me, "Kelly, we've known each other for 7 months right? I replied, "yes, we have."

He continoued, "Well, we've known each other for 7 months and I was wondering if you'd be my girlfriend?" I was shocked, I didn't know what to say. I thought about it and then I said, "Yes, I'd like to be your girlfriend."

After that we told all of our close friends, My best friend Seth was in disbelief, he was like, "You're kidding right?!?" I replied, "No, I'm not."
Everyone knew about it, it was ok at first--But then It got out of hand.

During this time Seth told me, "If anything goes wrong between you and Jacob, I'll always be here for you." It got bad, Jacob told everyone that he wanted to marry me after High School. I couldn't handle it. I decided to break up with him, he didn't take it very well.

He kept asking me, "Why are you doing this to me?" I told him that I could handle his bragging about our relationship to other people. One day, he followed me to the ladies room after lunch, I was doing my business, I heard him and Levi fighting.

I came out and asked what was going on, Levi told me that Jacob wanted another change, I said"NO!" He then asked again WHY? Levi said, that I was never going to go out with him again. Jacob looked at Levi and said, "You know what Levi?!?" "One of these days you're gonna see my fist shoved down your throat!"

I was shocked and scared, I went to my last period class. I had this sad/ Scared look on my face, Seth asked me what was wrong. I told him Jacob had followed me to the restroom, He had a pissed off look on his face. He looked at Jacob and said, "Jacob, come here." Jacob came over, Seth looked at him in the eyes and said, "Jacob, if you ever follow her again, I'll kick your ass." Jacob's reply was, "You kick mine, I'll kick yours."

The next day at breakfest, I told Seth's girlfirend what Jacob threated to do to levi, She looked at Jacob and yelled, "Jacob!, You're gong to see my fist shoved down your throat!" That every same day, Jacob, Seth Levi & I were going getting ready to leave for work experince, Jacob got mad at me, so mad that I had tears in my eyes.

I was trembling, Seth asked me what was wrong, He was hold my hand trying to calm me down. Mrs. Fagerness asked me if I wanted to stay at school, I told her I did,Seth hugged me before he left. After They got back from the worksite, we told the teachers, Seth and levi came to my defense say that I no longer wanted to go out with Jacob, Jacob got angry at me.

I asked him what the hell he wanted from me, he said again that he wanted another chance, I again told him no, He got mad again, the teachers told him that when a girl says no she means it..

Jacob told them to Shut up, I got mad at him and told him that he needed to keep his mouth shut and treat them with some respect. Mrs. Fagerness then aked Seth and Levi if they saw me as more then just as a friend, they both denied it. Seth said, I've seen all my previous girlfriends go through the same thing, I just want to be there for her to help her get through it."

I thanked him, he replied, "No problem Kelly." Needless to say Jacob and I weren't the only couple with problems, Seth and Ashleigh broke up after 5 years togther. After his break-up with Ashleigh, Seth and I spent more time together.

Seth and I grew very close, so close it made Jacob mad, It didn't make Ashleigh mad because she already knew that he liked me. We were riding the same bus, expect Seth had to get on a different bus because he was in a different part of the county then I was.(I was much closer to home then he was)

We were talking about him trying to find his dad, and then he looked at me and said, "I love you, Kelly", I gave him a puzzled look. He gave me a serisous look and said,"No Kelly, I'm serious, I love you as if you were my little sister."

Seth started dating a girl named Heidi, I was Jealous. I had a bad feeling about her, I was afriad that she was going to try to hurt him emotionally. We rode the bus home, we switch buses like always, before he got off, he came over and kissed me on the cheek, My face was read as a cherry. :wub: Mrs. Dyer got mad at him and told Mr. Appearson.

The last time I saw Seth was in January 2004, In Feb. I had problems with my chair, and didn't come to school for three weeks. Seth called me and told me that he was worried about me, I told him that I had problems with my chair. He told me that Heidi had accused him of raping her, I told him," I can't believe that this is happening to you again." He told me he could believe it either, He said, "After this is all over I don't think I'm going to get another girlfriend."

When I heard that, it broke my heart, I wanted to tell him that I wanted to be his girlfriend, but I couldn't say it. I also told him that I was willing to go court and testify for him, he thanked me. I told him, "I love you, Seth." He replied, "I love you too, Kelly." That was the last time I talked to him on the phone.

I was still having problems with my chair, Katie came into my room and said, "Kelly, Seth's in Juvilie hall" my jaws dropped to the floor. It didn't really sink in until I came back to school, Ashleigh said she saw the cops take him away in handcuffs.

Heidi said that Seth tried to rape her, I didn't want to hear it, I didn't even want look at her because I was so angry. School never felt the same, I did get two letters from Seth, but I didn't keep them. I knew from reading them that he wasn't coming back home. Mrs. Mckalister asked me, "You miss Seth don't you." All I could do was nod yes because I was so close to tears.

Jacob always told me that Seth was going to come back, but Jacob lied to me to cheer me up. He really mad me mad, I told him, "How could you do that to me??, you knew how much he meant to me." He replied, "I did that to cheer you up, cause I don't like seeing you sad."

Jacob also told me that Seth told him, "Jacob, if you ever ask Kelly out again, I will ****ing kill you." Seth already know that I didn't want to go out with Jacob ever again, and he made damn sure that Jacob wasn't going to do that. It has been 4 years since, I've seen Jacob and Seth, I don't know where seth is at but I hope that he's ok.

Seth will always be apart of me, I started this thread, so that I could relese all of my feelings that I've kept bottled up all these years, talking about this has helped me see all of the negative feelings that I had towards Heidi and Jacob. I wish NO HARM on them, but I don't think I could ever forgive them for what they did to me, because of Heidi, Seth can't have a wife or kids, he's now a sex offender. I wanted to be the one that would've given him children, but now that's not going to happen (not with him at least)

I hope sharing my story has heiped you in some way, if it has, I'm glad.

Part 2 will come later...
Part 2:

I was in love. I thought that I could love again, My feelings for this guy were really strong. I've know Levi snice I was in high school. I'm only saying his first name cause all of his ex-girlfriends will try to find him and chew him out. I called him up & said, "Levi, what would you say if I asked you out?" He was all, "Are you ****ing serious?!?" I replied, "Yes I am."

I let him pour his heart out, the things he told me were heart-breaking. He told me about all of his girlfriends that he had & how they cheated on him. Him telling me that I think he's still hurt, I told him that I wouldn't do that to him. He almost had me in tears, he said, "Kelly, you know that I'd marry you because I know that you wouldn't cheat on me." He also told me that he wants to settle down & have kids. He also said, "you make me so happy that I could cry."

I'm sorry to say that Levi & I are no longer together. Levi decided to ditch me for another girl. He had me believing that he loved me, I actually believed every word that he told me. I really loved him, I wanted to help him. But that would not be enough for him.

I worry about him, he drinks alot, he told me how he was afriad that he wasn't going to live very long because of his drinking habits. I haven't talked to him in 2 months, I must admit that it is hard to let someone that you love/loved go.

I was thinking about calling him but then I thought about his girlfriend chewing me out, All of his ex-girlfrineds have gotten chewed out by the current girlfriends that he had. He chewed out the current girlfriends and told them to get lost.

My 1 wish is that he lives a long healthy life. I want him to be happy. If any of you were to ask me who I loved more, that would be a hard question to answer. The first one would be Seth and the second one would be Levi. I've had a close bond with of these beautiful men, I love them both very very much.
Um, I thought I was, but looking back I wasn't.
I hope I find true love one day. :wub:
Um, I thought I was, but looking back I wasn't.
I hope I find true love one day. :wub:
you will Stacey... you will! Sooner or later.... life will show you that the door that was closed wasn´t the way.. the way is a hidden window..you'll find it.
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you will Stacey... you will! Sooner or later.... life will show you that the door that was closed wasn´t the way.. the way is a hidden window..you'll find it.

Aw thankyou, you're very sweet. :flowers:
Yeah, I love. I usually have a crush or fall in love way too soon. But I guess it's because I like being in love lol But so far it always turned out *blaaaaah* but that's okay, I'm independent
The last time I have been in love is... gosh.. long ago, almost 1 1/2 year.
I was never...

but it sounds nice to be in love...

It is.. while you feel you are loved... during it.. not after it, if it ends.

Love is different from passion.. i believe.... it's the problem ... some people fall in love for those who only have passion.. be safe.. when you find it, be sure its love!
Yes, I was in love last summer :wub:
I always got butterflies when he was near to me, before I would see him etc.
I used to get so shy and blush like a fool :lol:
But yeah when we held hands, it was :wub: and I really thought this is what love is.

It was a nice being in love :heart: but it didn't end too well, unfortunately :(
Now I look back with mixed emotions.