Have you ever been ignored?


I can't even count the times I've felt ignored by my friends. But I don't take it too seariously because I know that from time to time we all get bored to each other. And the next days it's all normal again. I hope it's the same with you :)

And you'll never get ignored here :)

ME? all the time..:(:(

i have their attention when they need something (ie. homeworks, projects.. etc.)
Everyone gets ignored at some point, some more than others. I remember when i was like 13 i got totally ignored by my so called friends. One day they started acting like they didnt know me, it was so confusing and really hurt. So i made some new friends which have lasted for a decade and are still strong.

When i look back on it now i realise how insignificant that was and wish i couldve told myself it was nothing to worry about and that they were not worth it. But when its happening at the time it really gets you down. Just try to remember there is so much more to life.

LOL btw on facebook i have one of those "friends" who ignored me, and she posted on my wall all happy and excited coz its been 10 years. and she was like "we were so funny in school, do you remember that! lol"
pffft, acting all nice now, whatever. so i replied "remember how u like rejected me and i made new friends, that was so hilarious" lol bitchy i know, but i gotta let it out once in a while right?
I know how u feel. I have friend all who i have known all my life but she rarely talks 2 me anymore, she talks to our other friends. But i've learned just to let it go, if she doesnt wanna know me anymore- thats her problem not mine.
For all: :hug: and :better:

I was looking at this thread for some time. lol! :yes:

Yes, I've been ignored many times and still am. I remember that until adolescence I was very shy and it was a big problem for me. Always the first day at school was a nightmare to me why nobody ever approached me to talk and start a friendship. :( I was always alone in the first days at school. Many times I thought I had something wrong with me or I was an ET. lol! :unsure: And it lasted a while and then the other approached me and started talking to me.

But I never had "friends" to stay forever in my life, unfortunately all were passengers friendships and still is so. I never had many friends and never a best friend. Of course many things changed today and I do not expect others to come and talk to me, I go to the person. lol! :wild: But I'm still having passengers people in my life and I've got used to it. :(

This poem says it all:

I never was as all
I never had many friends
I never was a favorite
I never was what my parents wanted
I've never had someone who loved
But I had only to me
My absolute truth
My real thought
My comfort in times of suffering
not because I live alone
But because I learned to be alone...

Florbela Espanca -_-

But I really wanted everything to be very different. *big sigh* :(