Have you ever been ignored?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
:cry::cry::cry: I'm really sensitive person...and today...
I went outside because I wanted to play with someone and there were 4 girls who I know and they know me.I started to talk with them but they answered me so indifferently..:( It was like: Me:"Hi,what did you do today"..The girls:"amm nothing'. No smile,no joy..just nothin'....I felt so ignored :cry:
And there was a girl(i don't know her) who was sitting on a bench,starring at me non stop which bugged me a lot....
They started to play....I also wanted to play but this girl on the bench.....you know...I couldn't play because of her :(.
I decided to come back home and told them "Bye" and they didn't say anything like I was not there..
Maybe I will calm down tomorrow but now I am distressed and need to tell someone who would understand me...

I can't even count the times I've felt ignored by my friends. But I don't take it too seariously because I know that from time to time we all get bored to each other. And the next days it's all normal again. I hope it's the same with you :)

And you'll never get ignored here :)

I can't even count the times I've felt ignored by my friends. But I don't take it too seariously because I know that from time to time we all get bored to each other. And the next days it's all normal again. I hope it's the same with you :)

And you'll never get ignored here :)
Thank you The One :hug: I hope to be the same,too
Aw huni don't take it to heart, when your young trust me this happens to everyone. You change friends with the seasons of the weather lol Anyone that isn't nice enough to make someone feel welcome isn't worth wanting to be friends with anyway. I'm sure you'll find new friends who are worth keeping. :)

Take care and don't stress about them, tomo is a new day xo
I know what it's like to feel ignored. It hurts, I understand. But still keep smiling and never feel unloved because you aren't.
:cry::cry::cry: I'm really sensitive person...and today...
I went outside because I wanted to play with someone and there were 4 girls who I know and they know me.I started to talk with them but they answered me so indifferently..:( It was like: Me:"Hi,what did you do today"..The girls:"amm nothing'. No smile,no joy..just nothin'....I felt so ignored :cry:
And there was a girl(i don't know her) who was sitting on a bench,starring at me non stop which bugged me a lot....
They started to play....I also wanted to play but this girl on the bench.....you know...I couldn't play because of her :(.
I decided to come back home and told them "Bye" and they didn't say anything like I was not there..
Maybe I will calm down tomorrow but now I am distressed and need to tell someone who would understand me...

You need to turn this into a joke. Next time say "bye" and put on a top hat and start to tap-dance. That way, they can't ignore you....;)

Don't take it personally. Maybe it was an off day for them too.
You are just too much for them. :) Keep your head up and this tought in your mind. Someday when they come to you, ignore them! If they fail to appreciate your presence, then some others will appreciate it.
I have felt ignored too, but it does not hurt me, becase they (people who ignore me) are not better than me and I don't feel that way eighter, but they don't deserve me if they ignore me.

PS. Cveti I love you! hug
You're are not the only one.. I got builled in my old school.. and some of them ignore me when they see me... I was in love with a guy... he teased me.. then he ignore me when he see my in the street... :cry:

People are blind. They can't see the beauty and love anymore. They hide the love and are afraid to show it, that's why they show hate. What's wrong with this world?
Kids (and some adults) can be very very cruel. They can decide who they like (based purely on physical and emotional traits) and who they don't. It all is very arbitrary...What you need to remember is, it isn't the quantity of friends you have, it's the quality of the ones you have. True friends are there for you in good times and in bad, through thick and thin.
Kids (and some adults) can be very very cruel. They can decide who they like (based purely on physical and emotional traits) and who they don't. It all is very arbitrary...What you need to remember is, it isn't the quantity of friends you have, it's the quality of the ones you have. True friends are there for you in good times and in bad, through thick and thin.

I agree !! :yes:
I've been ignored too, but just know this, you know you are a person who anyone would be glad to know, and if they don't wanna know you, than screw them. They are not worth your time.
i sometimes feel ignored by ppl .it's like clearing they can hear you but they choose to ignore you like you don't even exist.i definitely know how you feel. i'll just laugh it off cuz they ain't even my friend.don't take this too seriously sweetie. i'm sure you'll find some real friends who truly care about your presence.:)
"People tend to be rude to me...and I'm just not gonna take it no more."
Michael Jackson (Private Home Movies)
I'm always like during my adolescence, my friends have been ignoring since I became a Pokemon fan that time, the more they ignored me, the more angrier I get at them. My mom told me when they mature in their 20s, they'll stop ignoring me, but as of now, she's wrong, I'm still being ignore, nobody apporached me and everytime when I see my friends when started a conversation and a minute later 'boom', they made up an excuse to get away from me. Well I've had enough, if they pull that crap on me again they're gonna see how pissed I get and they should know if they keep it going still, then they're no longer my friends anymore, I mean if I die, I'd leave a not saying "To all friends, that's happens to me when you treat friends like this, you left me alone, I die alone."
Thank you guys again! :wub:
I've never had a doubt that you are great people !!!!
Because only such people are Michael's fans!
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It made me so angry and sad at the same time.
I agree with Michael.. I can't take it no more.
I also agree with him!
I so wanna all the people to be nice but....:(

Yeah it's very hard. I can't understand why people are so evil in this planet. Many from my old school are so evil to me, and I can't understand why I did wrong.. I was little bit evil to them too because they treated me different. :(
I'm wondering if there is another planet... were they're all good?
Fortunately not, as I have great friends.

Although come to think of it I was kind of ignored at college, but I intentionally segregated myself from the people there so it doesn't really count.
Yeah it's very hard. I can't understand why people are so evil in this planet. Many from my old school are so evil to me, and I can't understand why I did wrong.. I was little bit evil to them too because they treated me different. :(
I'm wondering if there is another planet... were they're all good?
Don't worry about the evil people. They will get their deserved some day!
And when they get it,our planet will be a pure,innocent planet with all the good people in it. :yes:
:cry::cry::cry: I'm really sensitive person...and today...
I went outside because I wanted to play with someone and there were 4 girls who I know and they know me.I started to talk with them but they answered me so indifferently..:( It was like: Me:"Hi,what did you do today"..The girls:"amm nothing'. No smile,no joy..just nothin'....I felt so ignored :cry:
And there was a girl(i don't know her) who was sitting on a bench,starring at me non stop which bugged me a lot....
They started to play....I also wanted to play but this girl on the bench.....you know...I couldn't play because of her :(.
I decided to come back home and told them "Bye" and they didn't say anything like I was not there..
Maybe I will calm down tomorrow but now I am distressed and need to tell someone who would understand me...
Awwwwww seriously don't worry about it. This story reminds me so much of myself when I was young. There were plenty of times I would go outside to see my friends and they'd just ignore me for no reason at all. Sometimes people can be mean for no reason, they're probably jealous of you. I think everyone experiences this growing up but they'll come round eventually and will stop ignoring you. However you'll probably find that as you get older you won't want to be friends with people who treat you like that anyway, you'll find better friends.