has Michaelmania brought excitement back into your life?

aww thank you 8701girl
:lol: it's not all that bad, just ignorant people ya know. o well they don't have MJ to look forward to, i do ^_^ :)

Yep i understand with that..i just ignore the ignorant ppl...i love mike and nothing & noone is ever gonna stop me from being a fan
Wow yeah.. I was in a similar situation. I feel inspired, motivated, encouraged, stronger, happier, ecstatic like never before! I became interested in my old hobbies again and started new hobbies.. explored new opportunities.. I'm not afraid to try new things now and I'm excited to meet new people. I want to play the piano again and I want to get into guitaring (electric and acoustic) and I want to just sing and learn how to dance. :D Lmao and I'm just more open about my interests (him included) to my friends and family now.. regardless of what they say.

I've been stressed out and frustrated on the other hand though.. despite the excitement. People have been putting me down or discouraging me. I don't want to let that get in the way of me.. finally doing something I want to do.. doing things for myself.. and enjoying life. This is a chance for me to take a huge responsibility and make my own decisions. It's definitely life-changing.

Wow, you sound like me! I wish we could hang out lol

I SO wanna learn how to dance so very bad... like I want to learn dance routines, (dance like Michael) and I've been wanting to learn how to play the piano ALL MY LIFE. I need to take piano lessons. I love the piano, I believe it's my favorite instrument :)

I also want to explore new things. My interest for mixing songs together, for editing videos (which I've never done before) well except once... but the real editing I want to do is to make professional music videos. I also want to Choreograph dance routines to certain songs. I think it would be so much fun. I have a video camera and I would make up dances to some of mj's songs that don't have dance routines to them. My friends and I started one for She Drives You Wild.. it was pretty good lol

For a long while I didn't know what to do with my life. Actually Michael is the one who got me into Graphics a long time ago because I loved going to MJ websites, and I was going to make an MJ website someday (which I never did, I started to tho, but never finished.) I want to be the best that I can be, and I honestly think that I'd rather be a Dance Constructor more than anything else, but I haven't really danced all my life, but I enjoy it so much that I want to learn how to !? Michael has inspired me to dream again. :)
These tours have added some zest to my year thats for sure. I still can't believe I'm flying to London, England to see Michael Jackson. People think I'm nuts haha... in a joking kind of way. I am very excited for the tour to start, even more excited to see the man live. Im praying for some type of an album to be released this year, even a new single or two would be amazing. Can't wait for it all to begin!
You are not alone :))) Me too. It's crazy. There's really a change. Suddenly I'm listening to music more, dancing around the house more, etc. And when I'm feeling overwhelmed and anxious about things like my current tax nightmare, I drift off into thinking about this summer or into having old 'childish' fantasies of meeting Michael or something, lol, like I'm a teenager again.

I'm having surgery next month (minor, but I'm high risk so they make a big deal of it) and I might be able to have regional instead of full/general anesthesia and they said I could listen to headphones in that case. I thought at first of relaxing meditation music (cuz I'm scared like hell), but the other day I realized I'd much rather listen to Michael :) So I'll have a folder with all the slower MJ songs (so I don't try to dance while they've got things stuck in my knee, lol) and drift away, lost in my favorite voice in the world... [To clarify what I mean...This is something different because like last year, when MJ wasn't foremost on my mind, I probably would have just gone with the relaxing music. But now I've remembered and sort of rediscovered how all that sucks in the world fades away when I hear Michael's voice :) ]
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Yes it has made me happier! The day Michael announced the press conference at the O2, I had quit my job and pretty much had nothing except a house I couldn't afford to keep. Things looked pretty grim. But the concerts just made me happier! Now I am back at my job, on better terms with my boss and things are looking so good! I don't know, my outlook has changed and my attitude has changed. I'm not saying it's completely down to Michael but having this much excitement about something and looking forward to something so much can really make you see things in perspective instead of getting bogged down by crappy things in your life! It came along at the perfect time. :wub:
Michaelmania has brought excitement into my life because I feel like I did when I was a kid,when I started to like Michael Jackson. I am playing his music a whole lot more lately, especially Don't Stop 'til You Get Enough. It's my escapism! :)
YES YES YES, I'm much more happy now, LOL, I love hearing about Mj in the news, when its somewhat positive! :D
What is gonna excite me is when all you peeps that are going come back home on the first night and post on the board what you saw. It will be really exciting to read first hand reports from all of the fans who attend.

I know the board is gonna crash that night cause I will certainly be on waiting for the fans to tell me.....

  1. How Michael made his entrance
  2. What Michael wore
  3. What the first song was
  4. Who the band members were (whether or not Batten made the cut)
  5. Who were the opening acts
  6. Was a new single introduced
  7. Who was Michael's stage girl for TWYMMF
  8. How did Michael wear his hair
  9. Was their magical affects
  10. What celebrities did you see in the audience
  11. Where there t-shirts sold and how can I get one
These are just some of the questions I will be asking.
Being a Michael Jackson fan is eternally exciting!!! Being a true MJ fan is like being a Warrior of Light! When we stand for Michael Jackson, we stand for all that is Good, Godlike, beautiful, compassionate, honest, courageous, truthful, sweet, pure, innocent...Michael Jackson has brought me and so many of his fans to the Light of God, to the Light of our own beings not only by his extraordinary talent, unmatched accomplishments and outstanding humanitarian work, but also by how he has faced, fought and defeated evil over and over again! We truly are his Army of Love, and led by our sweet captain courageous we are today once again singing the sweet song of Victory:):clap::jump:!!! I always love Easter and this year especially I can see that by the loving grace of God, the loving forces of The Light and our Lord Jesus Christ, Michael Jackson has risen and the Light of his glorious being, his wonderful God-given talent and his unparalleled fame, achievements and legacy shall SHINE BRIGHTER, MORE POWERFUL, EVEN MORE GLORIOUS than ever:flowers:!!!

Praise the Lord:flowers::flowers::flowers:!
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it has actually relaxed me! I'm not that MICHAELMICHAELMICHAEL waaaaaaaaaa anymore and more like Michael, yeah B-)

haha I'm a bit crazy today... !
Hello all.

For quite sometime I was in depression. I'm not sure exactly how I became happy again but I think apart of it is the fact that Michael is coming back. I am dancing for no reason again, I'm listening to MJ more and he's just making me happy again. I'm very excited that he's on stage again. I'd just like to know has he brought excitement back in your life? Are you looking forward to something now? Has he inspired you to do more in your life? He is inspiring me to once again learn how to dance. I've always wanted to learn how to dance and play the piano, I just never took the time to do so. Though I seriously want to now. :)

Have you all as a fan and a person have been feeling better? Or is it just me? BTW, My close friend says I am on "Michaelin" since he never seen me "Michael-high" before. :) hehehe

I cannot say it has.
I'm re-deploying to the States with my unit from the mideast in a couple more months. I'm already rediculously happy about that by itself. But knowing that I'll be coming back to start making arrangements to go to London and see the man in PERSON on STAGE?! And seeing all the footage and the pictures and seeing him smiling and happy looking again....WOW! :heart: it makes it seem like the world is right again. It feels like I've spent the last year just going through the motions, just trying to get by through the homesickness, the loneliness, the frustration and all the other crap I've been buried under. Now all of a sudden there's this light finally at the end of the tunnel, and it's not a train. I am without a doubt happier than I have been in a long long time. More than anything, though, I'm happy for Mr. Jackson. Not only does he look more cheerful and wonderful than he has within the last few years, he has now seen for a fact that we are still here. His fans are still there waiting to love on him, to cheer him on and to show him just how proud we are to call ourselves his fans. GO MICHAELMANIA!!!:punk:
For some reason I don't feel like its Michaelmania. Like I don't feel anything. Maybe i'm not in tuned with Michael as much these days, I don't know. If this were 2 years ago, I would be hyped as a Mug. Now i'm not even into Mike's music these days. I stopped listening and reading about him long ago.

Maybe with this upcoming tour that spark, will spark once more for me. I don't know. I never even hear the general public talk about him much anymore...
For some reason I don't feel like its Michaelmania. Like I don't feel anything. Maybe i'm not in tuned with Michael as much these days, I don't know. If this were 2 years ago, I would be hyped as a Mug. Now i'm not even into Mike's music these days. I stopped listening and reading about him long ago.

Maybe with this upcoming tour that spark, will spark once more for me. I don't know. I never even hear the general public talk about him much anymore...

What you doing on this forum reading bout him then? :lol:

And I've heard MJ creeping in everywhere at the moment! Or maybe I'm just noticing it more! :D
Yes, I am so pumped up waiting for July to get here. It's going to be such an exciting time for us fans.
YAAAY Michaelmania is in da houseee :lol: :lol:
since id didnt get a ticket in the presale and general sale and have finally got VIP tickets i was like :woohoo:
im just listening to his music all time and watch dvds :lol:
^^^ I have decided that I am not going to London because I can't afford it AT ALL.. So you all have fun. I am however excited just because MJ is performing again. And I am sure this isn't the end of Michael Jackson. I'm sure he will do shows in other places. Just right now, this year and beginning of next year I can't. On my myspace it says.. "Responsibility, then Michael Jackson." lol I'm just amused for myself. Cuz I have a plan to move out by sometime next year, if not I will go crazyyyyyy.
^^^ I have decided that I am not going to London because I can't afford it AT ALL.. So you all have fun. I am however excited just because MJ is performing again. And I am sure this isn't the end of Michael Jackson. I'm sure he will do shows in other places. Just right now, this year and beginning of next year I can't. On my myspace it says.. "Responsibility, then Michael Jackson." lol I'm just amused for myself. Cuz I have a plan to move out by sometime next year, if not I will go crazyyyyyy.
Don't worry hun I'm almost certain there will be a world tour! The dancers signed a 2 year contract so we all know London isn't it! :D
Hm, I wouldn't say my life was boring when there wasn't such michaelmania that here is now, but it has brought certain excitement, yes :yes:
For sure, dudes and dudettes, Mikey made us a whole lot happier that we were :D
i'm happy Michael went on tour ("I love to tour" (c)) it means he really loves his fans as apparently he is doing it for them. but i'd like him to care more about himself. hopefully he eats enough while doing these 50 concerts lol. i live in New Zealand so i cannot afford going to London. Plus when i was young i was going to concerts alone. Now i have a grown up sister - fan. i cannot go without her anymore. so it's twice unaffordable. :( unless a miracle happens :)
hmmmm, in a way, I guess.
I'm sooooo glad he's "stickin it" to the haters, lol.
And I'm happy he's comfortable enough to get out there and be amazing!
I feel like I'm more happy for him than anything, but I am excited about the increase of WORLD HYSTERIA that's gonna happen, lol!
I'M SO EXCITED, lol :punk::punk:
2009 is far from what "Michaelmania," used to be i'm guessing... I'm not particularly in a better mood on a daily basis, I mean I do have a life ha. If we all waited round this long for MJ, we'd all be deeply depressed and unfufilled. I stopped waiting around years ago even though I was front and center when he had the press conference for the O2. I obviously couldn't get tickets for the O2, so I have to hope he stops in the U.S. in a year or two....

Pretty much the only things i'm keeping my ears open for are:
-a NEW ALBUM, which we've all been painstakely waited for...
-and concert footage come this summer.

I know one of the two is gaurenteed, but would it be that mind-blowing for MJ to put an album together? He's only been in the business his whole life.