has Michaelmania brought excitement back into your life?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Arlington, TX USA
Hello all.

For quite sometime I was in depression. I'm not sure exactly how I became happy again but I think apart of it is the fact that Michael is coming back. I am dancing for no reason again, I'm listening to MJ more and he's just making me happy again. I'm very excited that he's on stage again. I'd just like to know has he brought excitement back in your life? Are you looking forward to something now? Has he inspired you to do more in your life? He is inspiring me to once again learn how to dance. I've always wanted to learn how to dance and play the piano, I just never took the time to do so. Though I seriously want to now. :)

Have you all as a fan and a person have been feeling better? Or is it just me? BTW, My close friend says I am on "Michaelin" since he never seen me "Michael-high" before. :) hehehe
Yes the "michaelmania"..has defnately made me happier..just seeing michael smiling again, brings tears of happiness to my eyes.And i havent felt like that in quite a while :D
I suffer with depression and Michaels "come back" has really had a mixed effect on me. On one hand it has made me happier. It has given me something to look forward to, and of course when it happens it will be my dreams come true cos ive waited since I was 4, and have never got to see him live. Plus it has motivated me to keep my own personal dreams alive and to keep on fighting, my depression, my illness, my confidence or whatever it may be that day im battling with. However, cos of all the hassle with the tickets, it really stressed me out, plus the waiting has caused me to suffer with extreme anxiety.

So although mostly good, its had a few negative effects. But nothings gonna taint this or me! Not even my friends telling me to stop going on about it :lol:
Aww hugz katzr2000

I hope u will start feeling better soon :(
We are all excited by what is happening and what is to happen. The fans around the world waited so much and now Michael is back stronger than ever. May because it will achieve something great that will be marked forever in your career. This is great moment for Michael. And I'm very, very, very happy that all this is happening. God is with Michael taking care of everything so that nothing wrong. The way Michael will be very light from God and all the angels of heaven. Michaelmania is back! :)
Hello all.

For quite sometime I was in depression. I'm not sure exactly how I became happy again but I think apart of it is the fact that Michael is coming back. I am dancing for no reason again, I'm listening to MJ more and he's just making me happy again. I'm very excited that he's on stage again. I'd just like to know has he brought excitement back in your life? Are you looking forward to something now? Has he inspired you to do more in your life? He is inspiring me to once again learn how to dance. I've always wanted to learn how to dance and play the piano, I just never took the time to do so. Though I seriously want to now. :)

Have you all as a fan and a person have been feeling better? Or is it just me? BTW, My close friend says I am on "Michaelin" since he never seen me "Michael-high" before. :) hehehe

you know it's particularly good to see your post, cus i saw how you posted about being depressed. and you talking about now being happy and the timing with Michael mania is significant. it was surprising to see you post about now being out of depression cus i know how hard it is to get out of depression and your post surprises me...until i realise it is timed with Michaelmania. so..not only am i very happy to hear you post this, cus i was thinkin bout u and worried, tho i know we never met, but MJ fans unite, as it should be...

in short, i'm also saying yay for MJ...cus he has this kind of effect on people...and it sure makes me feel better in light of all the copy and paste media news that always brings up 2005, and 'financial problems', and is not as consistent with talking about the sellouts in london.

i get particularly bothered by the media, as most of you on here, prob can figure out, by now..lol...

so when i see posts like yours...i cheer especially loud...not only for Michael, and against the media...but for you and other MJ fans that are lifted out of this heavy condition, that i know all too much about.

Bless you.

and bless Michael.

thanks for posting this thread....

and yes...MJ mania makes me feel purposeful, even when i feel like i have no life. this time it makes me feel purposeful, when, quite frankly, in some ways, i felt my life was on hold.

Michael is substantial to all of us.


and despite my media rant, it all pales in comparison to hearing this good...GREAT news about you.

so why do i bring up the media at a time like this? cus we're talking about the significance of happiness, and not being in depression.

and being made happy and not being in depression should not be reduced to being some one dimensional w*cko phase.

and something happened here for you, that is not a one dimensional ***** phase. you have been relieved from depression.

and i can't stand when anyone belittles such a thing.

we are uplifted. we shouldn't be reduced to something such as a bunch of wackos.

hopefully, people who would detract, can see that Michael mania is more than what some would like for it to sound like.

this is a form of happiness.

and the people who are made happy, are significant people.

you are significant. and your being made happy is significant.
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you know it's particularly good to see your post, cus i saw how you posted about being depressed. and you talking about now being happy and the timing with Michael mania is significant. it was surprising to see you post about now being out of depression cus i know how hard it is to get out of depression and your post surprises me...until i realise it is timed with Michaelmania. so..not only am i very happy to hear you post this, cus i was thinkin bout u and worried, tho i know we never met, but MJ fans unite, as it should be...

in short, i'm also saying yay for MJ...cus he has this kind of effect on people...and it sure makes me feel better in light of all the copy and paste media news that always brings up 2005, and 'financial problems', and is not as consistent with talking about the sellouts in london.

i get particularly bothered by the media, as most of you on here, prob can figure out, by now..lol...

so when i see posts like yours...i cheer especially loud...not only for Michael, and against the media...but for you and other MJ fans that are lifted out of this heavy condition, that i know all too much about.

Bless you.

and bless Michael.

thanks for posting this thread....

and yes...MJ mania makes me feel purposeful, even when i feel like i have no life. this time it makes me feel purposeful, when, quite frankly, in some ways, i felt my life was on hold.

Michael is substantial to all of us.


and despite my media rant, it all pales in comparison to hearing this good...GREAT news about you.

First Off, Tnx for this Thread D. I much appriciate it and am glad to see that you're felling ok.

Second, Will, Very true about what you said. The MJ Menia is back and am actually doing sooo Much better in my studies. and it was hard for me as a 2nd year College stud. but Michael has that kind of POSITIVE Effect on everyone.

Even during the trial, when we heard his name over and over again on the news(Eventhough Negative), Just hearing his name got me feeling happy..(in that unhappy time) Not Happy Happy, but just glad he was alive and well. I was in 10th grade at the time of the trial, and it was the lowest GPA i've ever had for a school year(2.8):bugeyedlol...and i was having a very hard time concentrating. But after the whole thing was BLOWN OUT on June 13th. I was my New self (So to speak). I was Happy and smiling a LOT for no reason. the only time i was like that was b4 the trial even started...like 7 or 8th grade.

And Ofcourse, Michael has this Amazingly Awsome Effect on EVERYONE! Not only fans but EVERYONE(even if they say they dont like him) I call them (In the Closet Fans):D

So for your question D. I'm happy right now, with all the BAD things that is going on in our world.

Thats Why I come on here or go to YOUTUBE TO watch MJ or other ppl doing MJ impersnations. :cheeky: Most of them good BTW! This is my happy time when i'm in class or at home or @ work. It just NEVER Gets old. And as Michael Fans, We are Family. Like Will said, Even though we dont know each other, we worry and try to help each other as much as we can. And thats A TRUE Family!

I LOVE YOU GUYS *tears tears*...:( Seriously!!!:yes:

And I LOVE MICHAEL:wub: and his Children!!!:D
his concert dates and recent paparazzi outings, certainly has created a buzz with the people that know i am a fan. they constantly come to me with info they have heard or that they want me to clarify for them. all the sudden, I am the go to person in my circle for MJ news and gossip :lol: "hey, did you hear that Michael is ...." "is it true that so and so said this about Michael ??" "did Michael really buy a house in london??" etc.

the whole record breaking ticket sales and news of all the dates that sold out, has put a spring in my step. But all in all, life is still the same.
Re: Has Michaelmania brought excitement back into your life?

you know it's particularly good to see your post, cus i saw how you posted about being depressed. and you talking about now being happy and the timing with Michael mania is significant. it was surprising to see you post about now being out of depression cus i know how hard it is to get out of depression and your post surprises me...until i realise it is timed with Michaelmania. so..not only am i very happy to hear you post this, cus i was thinkin bout u and worried, tho i know we never met, but MJ fans unite, as it should be...

thank you vncwilliam for caring for me. :) I am happy to make a thread about this because I am sure I am not the only fan that feels this way. It's rare when I get to have an idea that fits the general discussion ;)

Anyway God Bless you too! :cheers: And yeah I am glad that we can be strong for Michael and ignore what the stupid media says.
his concert dates and recent paparazzi outings, certainly has created a buzz with the people that know i am a fan. they constantly come to me with info they have heard or that they want me to clarify for them. all the sudden, I am the go to person in my circle for MJ news and gossip :lol: "hey, did you hear that Michael is ...." "is it true that so and so said this about Michael ??" "did Michael really buy a house in london??" etc.

the whole record breaking ticket sales and news of all the dates that sold out, has put a spring in my step. But all in all, life is still the same.

yeah, lol.

i remember writing in another thread that it was good to be Michael's unofficial spokesman for once :D
i suffer from depression too,and michael is the one who has kept me going,since these concerts were announced i have been on a constant high,
nope. same shitty life as ever
I'm happy for Michael I really am but how's that gonna change my life?
yeah absolutely!!
before all of this I was so SICK of school and just tired..
I didn't listen to AS MUCH MJ as I do now again...just because I often felt sad listening to him thinking "will I ever see this man??" especially when watching concert footage..now I find myself watching even the ametur footage on youtube to get the feeling of watching him live..

And now I have inspiration to work the last couple of months in school cause the summer is gonna be THE BEST summer of all time!!!
Never seen him before but I've dreamt about it since I was 5.
so when he announced it, I shook like a leaf
Definitely. I feel that I am much happier, it may also have something to do with it being summer. Every time I'm in a sad mood I simply just think of Michael live this summer and I'm immediately happy again. I also feel that there is a better atmosphere in here, people are happier and there's alot of knew new members.

It is a totally new beginning, and it's just great to be Michael Jackson fan at the moment. Michael seems happy and full of energy, it goes on me.
It's a fantastic time Michael returns .. In these dark times of financial crisis and major problems around the world people are missing a sign of hope and Michaels lyrics gives you that. Michael's lyrics are powerful, moving and motivative. We need Michael now.

My friends and family have also noticed that I seems to be more happy. I feel that I have more energy and I feel like there's nothing I can't do! :D

Wonderful thread btw :angel:
yeah absolutely!!
before all of this I was so SICK of school and just tired..
I didn't listen to AS MUCH MJ as I do now again...just because I often felt sad listening to him thinking "will I ever see this man??" especially when watching concert footage..now I find myself watching even the ametur footage on youtube to get the feeling of watching him live..

And now I have inspiration to work the last couple of months in school cause the summer is gonna be THE BEST summer of all time!!!
Never seen him before but I've dreamt about it since I was 5.
so when he announced it, I shook like a leaf

I totally feel ya. Im finishing high school this summer and soon all the exams starts, but I feel ready! I have the energy needed and I want to do it the best I can. I know that if it wasn't because I knew Im going to a Michael concert right after my exams are ending I probably wouldn't have so much energy and wanting to do it. But Michael gives me this engery 'cause his making my biggest dream come true :wub:
Yes Yes Yes ! of course
He brough happiness and excitement back to me. I felt like I was off fan for a while till last year I m on again. I dunno why I see him a lot of old performance VDO, come online for registered in fan board, and browsing his news, pictures and just hope he 'll perform again someday. All that I just hope coz he is 50 years old man and he devoted himself to his kids so I felt like he will not come back until the day he announce for London show, things has changed. Now my life is better than last year that I faced a lot of problem , no power to do thing, etc but now its not.. I m happy I feeling a lot of excited and have dream :) again
i am hyped since the concerts were announced:wild:
I am actually always in Michaelmania, no matter if he is low profil for months or years...but now i feel something extra of course. And i started to listen to his songs again....haven`t done that also for a while.
Well it certainly made me come back to this forum. I was getting really sad about him doing nothing. Forums were making me even sadder...Yeah I'm happier now :D. And I'll be even happier when I'm actually at the concert!
Its so sad to hear so many people suffer depression on this forum... I never realised! =( I'm glad Michael has made you all feel better! :) Maybe getting some professional help would be great too? All the best! xox
GREAT thread!

I'm very happy for him! Though I can't go to his concert,u all know that the tickets sold out in 1 day! & I couldn't buy them,I'm from Kazakhstan,but there were our country in MJlive.com,but there's no tickets! =( But I'm very happy for all those who has the chance to see this increadable,magical ANGEL Michael! The Greatest Performer,singer,dancer,entertainer,the MEGASTAR! I adore you,Michael!
In a way yeah. In the entertainment part, but I still got things in real life I have to get sorted out, cause they can get in the way of letting u enjoy something like this.
Hello all.

For quite sometime I was in depression. I'm not sure exactly how I became happy again but I think apart of it is the fact that Michael is coming back. I am dancing for no reason again, I'm listening to MJ more and he's just making me happy again. I'm very excited that he's on stage again. I'd just like to know has he brought excitement back in your life? Are you looking forward to something now? Has he inspired you to do more in your life? He is inspiring me to once again learn how to dance. I've always wanted to learn how to dance and play the piano, I just never took the time to do so. Though I seriously want to now. :)

Have you all as a fan and a person have been feeling better? Or is it just me? BTW, My close friend says I am on "Michaelin" since he never seen me "Michael-high" before. :) hehehe

Definitely. I'm thrilled, too. It's such a throwback to the "good old days". It brings back many fond memories of when all being a MJ fan was about standing in line to either buy concert tickets or albums.

The day I woke up at 3am to buy concert tix for the O2 was A THRILL. Seriously. What an adrenaline rush!!!! :wild:

I hope Mike keeps it going.
It has, sure! It's been a long time coming and I was waiting for this moment for a very long time... all my life. Finally It has happened and I get chills anytime I think about it. Of course life goes it's own way and everyday we face different struggles etc. but /This Is It/ concerts are one of these things that made me feel I really live! Seeing Michael in person, watching him perform and listening to his new music are definitely remarkable and beautiful moments.
I have a really hard time at school, basically the 'cool' people making comments :lol: at one point i was so paranoid i was snapping at everyone. They feel the need to make people uncomfortable just because they have different interests/styles etc. They just follow the crowd. School is really not a happy time anymore, i used to like it but now i dread it. In situations i just think, what would Michael do?
But yeah, everyday at 3 oclock when i get home, i just slam on a MJ dvd and everythings fine, :D MJ brings excitement whenever i listen to him/watch him... but finding out i am going to see him live is the best feeling ever, i just don't care at all what anyone thinks :D they're jealous :p
I also love this website, i love it when everyone just gets along :) it's nice.
I am very excited about the coming concerts.

I can't wait til July.
I've always been excited regarding my Michael fandom, but I'm HYPED now!
aww thank you 8701girl
:lol: it's not all that bad, just ignorant people ya know. o well they don't have MJ to look forward to, i do ^_^ :)
Hello all.

For quite sometime I was in depression. I'm not sure exactly how I became happy again but I think apart of it is the fact that Michael is coming back. I am dancing for no reason again, I'm listening to MJ more and he's just making me happy again. I'm very excited that he's on stage again. I'd just like to know has he brought excitement back in your life? Are you looking forward to something now? Has he inspired you to do more in your life? He is inspiring me to once again learn how to dance. I've always wanted to learn how to dance and play the piano, I just never took the time to do so. Though I seriously want to now. :)

Have you all as a fan and a person have been feeling better? Or is it just me? BTW, My close friend says I am on "Michaelin" since he never seen me "Michael-high" before. :) hehehe

Wow yeah.. I was in a similar situation. I feel inspired, motivated, encouraged, stronger, happier, ecstatic like never before! I became interested in my old hobbies again and started new hobbies.. explored new opportunities.. I'm not afraid to try new things now and I'm excited to meet new people. I want to play the piano again and I want to get into guitaring (electric and acoustic) and I want to just sing and learn how to dance. :D Lmao and I'm just more open about my interests (him included) to my friends and family now.. regardless of what they say.

I've been stressed out and frustrated on the other hand though.. despite the excitement. People have been putting me down or discouraging me. I don't want to let that get in the way of me.. finally doing something I want to do.. doing things for myself.. and enjoying life. This is a chance for me to take a huge responsibility and make my own decisions. It's definitely life-changing.