Has it really been a whole week?


Proud Member
Nov 12, 2008
Is it just me or has the last week gone by really quick, with regards to Michael's death?

Has it gone slow for you?

It only felt like yesterday I woke up to see BBC News and the massive headline "MICHAEL JACKSON IS DEAD" with statements from Madonna and people underneath. :(

How are we going to cope? Next week I'll be like "it's been 2 weeks now..."
Yeah, it feels like he only passed away 2-3 days ago. I can't believe it's been one week already.
I've had tears for 7 days straight...
After 7 days, I STILL find it hard to believe he's gone.
Poor Michael!
to me it went somehow quick..i mean when i write this now this time one week ago he was still with us, oh this hurts so much:(
i cannot believe i woke up this time last week without a care in the world; to be fair,michael wasnt the main thing on my mind because i knew it was pay day for me so I was really happy about that

i was just devasted when i found because i wasnt prepared for it.
Even I still can't believe its been a week already. But now I really think I have come to terms with his death. I notice that right away when I had woken up several hours ago. I had felt nothing but this great sense of peace. I had never felt such peace before. I really do believe that it was Michael coming again to tell me that he really is alright and he is at peace now. And he really does want me to remember of how he was in more happier times and not where he is now. Because the one thing I can't really cry over him now. And that was all I've been doing most of the week. There is probably no MJ fan on this planet that has missed him more than I did. All I did during most of the past week was just stay in my MJ room and in bed. Because sleep was the only thing that gave me any comfort. Because when I was awake I felt like a total zombie. I couldn't eat nor did I feel like doing anything else but just stay in my bed and sleep. And just listen to him and be in my MJ sites. But now I am not like that anymore now. I will always forever miss and love him. Because not only was Michael was my great eternal love he was also like a father to me.
I can't belive also that is already one week since his death..but cry and cry day,I hope the pain will go away someday
longest week of my life!

It seems like Michael has been gone for years.
It still doesn't feel real and this has been the fastest week of my life! I still can't sleep properly or eat as usual. Ive actually made myself sick from the mourning, just don't feel my self. I feel empty inside and ANGRY at certain media channels, papers and news. I don't want to talk to any friends or go out. I don't know what is wrong with me, I'm usually so happy and positive even in worst times. I don't know what it feels like to loss someone you love to death. No one that I have loved and known has died, thank God. This is the first time Ive experienced it.
I still don't believe it but every day he is another day away from ever coming back...like I thought there was a chance that he might have survived but every day there was less and less chance of it happening...

He really has gone.
Yeah, this week has gone quite fast.. though on the other hand the whole Friday when I heard the news seems so distant, kind of, and surreal.
i cant believe its been a week since Michaels passing. I still cant believe that he is gone from us.
to be honest i cant really believe he's gone yet... everytime i hear someone say something about his death I do a double take and then remember hes gone. and with all this stuff from this is it coming out it makes me all the more sad. he had so much more to give...

this truly was the week the music died... again.
i now know how the world must have felt when we lost freddie mercury.
i now know how the world must have felt when we lost john lennon (made all the more tragic in that it was murder).
i now know how the world must have felt when we lost buddy holly.

there is that small part of me that hopes he's just pulling one of his "stunts", that the whole thing is a ruse, and that he really is still with us - just in disguise as the mayor from ghosts. haha

if only.
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I can't believe it's already been a week, it seems as if it just happened :( it still seems so surreal to me that it happened at all
i cant believe this time last week i was drowning in tears so to speak

i miss you michael :(
yes, I don't even remember what I was doing during this week...I was just...in pain that's all I remember, I miss him so much but I feel he's in heaven...he's in his neverland doing all he could't do on this earth.
I can't believe it's already been a week. I just wish I could stop time. I don't want to go "It's two weeks ago", one month, two... I don't want him to be a part of the past. I almost threw up right now. This is so surreal. I can't believe he's gone, I just can't. So we've been hurting this much for a whole week already?
I have never cried this much, ever.
This really is one of the worse weeks in my life. Not just Michael, but alot of other things have happened. June has not treated me to well at all.