Has anyone been conned?

Jul 25, 2011
In michaels heart always xxx
Hi there lovely ppl
Just wanted to say sorry as i havent been posting so much but at the moment i am not so good just was wondering if anyone had been conned at all here is wat happen :-

Its a very long story but basically i had mj tickets of my own but thay where to high for me to go,so i manage to sell them for wat i paid for em,

and then i was looking at tickets on other places and i found these one on gumtree so i txt them as i had lost my voice and thay came back and said £300 i said no as i am a fan and i know that over the top so then thay said £160 and i was like ok great

so i askd for confomation to prove it and thay said thay had tickets already,i said something like hows that thenas i am a huge fan and i know none have been sent out but anyway thay convinces me,see i am a very careing person and thay said the reason why thay was selling is because there mum had died and needed to get rid of the tickets,

so i sent a txt saying im so sorry for ur loss and said if u need a chat i am here,thats who i am i will help or listen to anyone,

so anyways that all happen and he promised the ticket would be sent and i wld get them by monday i think,thay never came and i got another txt can u pay another £80 as my sister wont sell them for that price so i was like ok but can i but £40 and then £40 he said that was fine and that the tickets wld be with me on tuesday i think,bear in mind this has been going on since the 2nd of april,

so that day come and went and asked fror more money at this time this person promise me 100% thay would be here but after 4 promise thay never turned up,

i got another txt saying can u pay another £80,so far i have paid £320 and i said no i want a refund and at first thay said no but i got the police involved,its just all 2 much as it nearly being 2 months and i also got an email saying i could have a refund which thay have seemed to have forgotten about as that is evidence,this has just been a complete nightmare,

goes to show wat can happen,i am a very lovely and friendly person and we started talking on msn,i have his address and bank details but looking back now i was such a mug ,but thats just me,and plus i am very very poorly and that didnt help and im a huge mj fan and thay where good seats,

and today he is txting trying to sell them to me,i am just so angery and very heartbroken,would of been going on for nearly 2 months soon and still the con man keeps txting me ans saying the money will be in my bank,why do that thay must love playing games but to me this isnt a game i have huge medical problems and this i truely dont need at all,the police are involved but sadly thay cant get my money back,so im going though small claims for that,just want it to end,i keep saying just let him keep the money as truely i am on the edge but ppl say fight it but truely where i am at the moment i really cant,i love michael so much and ppl like this makes me so sick,sorry to put this all in here just wanted to know if anyone else has gone though anything like this ,

much love xxxx

Ps i have been here for a while just been very sick thats why i havent posted much xxx
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Please keep us updated!

But the police should have this sorted for you, also theres the small claims court too so you should eventually get your money back!
phone Consumer direct up 08454 04 05 06 and explain your situation.

Good Luck!
Hi there
I have sent breech of contract to this person from consumer rights and i also have all the forms filled in for small claims,just had to wait for a letter my problem is wat if he has given me the wrong address,i just want this nightmare over with,the police have been good thay are just waiting for some information as it seems like the bank i paid bank transfer in has now dissapeared so he has to track it all though my bank,i have serve mh problems and lets say this is not helping at all :-(,thanks very much for ur reply x
It doesnt matter if the bank account has been shut down , If your money has gone into a bank account it is still traceable.
The police must have been in contact with the bank it went in. ( i hope )
Be persistent with your enquiries and keep note of every message this fraudster has sent to you.
They should be able to track the fraudster down with the mobile number you have.
Also have you got a copy or a screenshot of the advert which he placed advertising the tickets ?
I have every txt he has sent me and also the police have all my account details and can see i made 5 payment into his account,it was on gumtree i found him on and i went back there to get the advert but it had gone,i have emails to saying i can have a refund etc that the police have and i have put a copy in my small claims application,i just need it over with,its been going on since 2nd april to long and when u get promised every day the money will be in ur bank etc and never is would wear anyone down loan someone who has serve mental health problems and health problems,just cant believe ppl can be this nasty,just had enough to be honest,i thought there might of been some other ppl,goes to show i am a huge mug :-( x

It doesnt matter if the bank account has been shut down , If your money has gone into a bank account it is still traceable.
The police must have been in contact with the bank it went in. ( i hope )
Be persistent with your enquiries and keep note of every message this fraudster has sent to you.
They should be able to track the fraudster down with the mobile number you have.
Also have you got a copy or a screenshot of the advert which he placed advertising the tickets ?
first of all i,d like to say hope you feel better soon,and i am so sorry this has happened to you,i do hope you manage to get your money back,its just unthinkable how wicked people really are,keep us updated.
i think you should post this persons email address... so nobody else gets conned.

Im really sorry someone did that to you. Its ridiculous
gumtree is full of conartists

Once the guy failed to send tickets and asked for more, you should have declined. These are professional con artists.

Because of the scale of the problem out there, that is why viagogo was used to help fans exchange tickets and avoid touts and straightforward fraudsters.

Infact online if you don't know anyone, use a credit card. Atleast you would get them to sell it to you via Paypal, because then you have protection.
Since he still texts you, act or get someone to act that they want to buy a ticket but want to send it by western union.

Now, the police has a process where they have caught fraudsters going to pick up money in western union. Your police station can work with western union so that the moment someone goes to pick up that payment, the branch has a message and it immediately calls your local police who in turn dispatch a local unit to catch the guy at that place.

If you suggest it to your police station investigating the issue, it would save you the hassle because i believe the guy gave you a wrong address. Those people never use their real addresses.

Alternatively, you could alert your bank and their bank of the fraud and see if police can do the sting via the bank. If you get a colleague to ask for a ticket, see what bank details they send you to bank into, and then if they are different, police and the bank have to look into whether fraudulent accounts are being set up by the guy and can set up a sting operation.
The problem with a bank is that such guys go to cash machines to withdraw, which makes it harder to catch them. Western Union is the best avenue because they walk into a place and have to identify themselves first and also wait for the payout. Because they are greedy for money, they will accept.

The reason he sends you text again is he must be conning many people, he can't keep track of his con. And police have acted on situations where there is a possibility that several others are being conned.

Your police has the power to get the bank to provide a statement of the amount of cash flowing into the accounts you identify, to see if there is a pattern of others being conned, since you have reported a case of fraud and there is reasonable suspicion that others are impacted by the con.
hi there rsw22
It wasnt as easy as u said there,for me i am very poorly and bascally i was taken advantage of as i believe honesty in ppl and i never thought he wld lie about his mum dieing,just the way its been put is like u r kinda having ago at me,that is how it comes across to me :-(,and to the txts he is just plain nasty as he gets my hopes up everyday and then doesnt follow though,he is a nasty bit of work with no feelings at all,the police have all the details at the moment and are investigating everything,i just have to go though small claims to get my money back,as he has a mobile number i am guessing the police could track him though that to,personally cause i am sick and in a bad way i have said to close family that i just want to let him keep it but its them that wants me to carry on,my problem i am to trustworthy and i open my heart to anyone and i also get treated like a mug,i have already and continue to beat my self up about it all,if i was well i wld go to wear he lives and find him but i cant,just hard not being able to do anything grrrrr
So sorry to hear that you were conned! Hope you get your money back! And then only buy tickets from viagogo (or ticketmaster/seetickets if they release some more).

There will be LOADS more scams of that kind. Especially if it comes to Michael!

So everyone should be really, really careful! And NEVER pay anyone on gumtree or ebay without having confirmation of the authenticity of the tickets.

Hope you are feeling better soon!
So sorry to hear that you were conned! Hope you get your money back! And then only buy tickets from viagogo (or ticketmaster/seetickets if they release some more).

There will be LOADS more scams of that kind. Especially if it comes to Michael!

So everyone should be really, really careful! And NEVER pay anyone on gumtree or ebay without having confirmation of the authenticity of the tickets.

Hope you are feeling better soon!

Actually even if you get a proof (mail, screenshot...) how would you know that it's "real" and not taken from some other auction or just photoshopped. Even if it looks authentic, you never know if the seller will really send you the tickets. So any kind of a proof is just useless, as it just provides false security. Best thing to do is just rely on common sense and ask the seller the kind of questions like whetherone could pick up the tickets in person, have their mobile number, possibility to pay by paypal (as you can claim your money back if the tickets aren't sent out) etc. At the end it's to decide if one should trust the person or not...anything else isn't really helpful. Why am I saying this? Unfortunately I was scammed once and everything looked legitimate.
Actually even if you get a proof (mail, screenshot...) how would you know that it's "real" and not taken from some other auction or just photoshopped. Even if it looks authentic, you never know if the seller will really send you the tickets. So any kind of a proof is just useless, as it just provides false security. Best thing to do is just rely on common sense and ask the seller the kind of questions like whetherone could pick up the tickets in person, have their mobile number, possibility to pay by paypal (as you can claim your money back if the tickets aren't sent out) etc. At the end it's to decide if one should trust the person or not...anything else isn't really helpful. Why am I saying this? Unfortunately I was scammed once and everything looked legitimate.

Very true. I figured sending the confirmation e-mail will ease you a little but you won't be fully convinced. In the end, it's really up to your trust level in the individual.
Unfortunately what this comes down to is that people should only really buy off ticketmaster, seetickets, viagogo etc or friends. People are definitely ruthless when it comes to money.
I hope you get things sorted. X
Did you pay by credit card? If so there is a chance that your credit card company may be able to refund you as you have spent over £100, & they may class it as goods paid for & not received. I think it may count if you used a debit card too. It's worth giving it a go..
hi there
I paid by bank transfer which i have never done,i wanted to do paypal as i do everything paypal but he sis he didnt have an account :-(,i have sent off the small claims forms and the police are innvestiageting it,just want it all to end :-( x
I have yep done everything i can,but as thay see it (my bank)i paid this person so my bank doesnt see fraud,its crazy hun,and for me its just pure hell :-( x

your bank should be able to do a charge back as you haven't received your goods which you paid for.
the merchant may dispute a chargeback with the assistance of their acquiring bank. The buyer (you) and issuer mediate in the dispute process, following rules set forth by your bank or . If the buyer (you) prevails in the dispute, the funds are returned to you.
Reason -
Quality , Consumer claims to have never received the goods as promised at the time of purchase.
Hi there
just wanted to let u know that for some reason he txt me today ,say sorry i havent been in touch been away money will be in ur account at the end of the week,he makes me so made as seriously he has promised over 50 times and the fact he has been away well that is properly on my money and the other mens money grrrrrrr argggg
I almost got conned once buying Chuck Berry tickets.

This scammer actually bought a quarter of a page advert in the Mail on Sunday advertising tickets to see Chuck Berry at the Hackney Empire. I ordered with him but had a bad feeling about it - I'd got through instancy, he hadn't told me which seats I'd got etc. He said he was the promoter.

I rang back about an hour later and told him forcefully that he was to cancel my order immediately.

I later found out that he had indeed been a scammer. He'd had inside info on the Hackney dates but was also selling tickets for an entirely fictious concert at the Royal Festival Hall.

When I telephoned the Hackney Empire and told them what had happened, they apologised and gave me front row seats.


What I found most difficult to understand about the whole thing, though, was why the Mail on Sunday would allow a one man operation with no link to the Hackney Empire to place a large advert in their newspaper for tickets to see Chuck Berry at the Hackney Empire. Surely they check!?
Hi there
just wanted to let u know that for some reason he txt me today ,say sorry i havent been in touch been away money will be in ur account at the end of the week,he makes me so made as seriously he has promised over 50 times and the fact he has been away well that is properly on my money and the other mens money grrrrrrr argggg

I wouldn't hold your breath. Tell him when the money is back in your account, you can contact the police & your bank to end their investigation. Hopefully telling him again that the police are involved may spurn him on a bit quicker.
Hay hun
he knows all about the police andalso the fact i have startedsmall claims proceedings,wat i dont get is why txt me and say ur money will in ur bank no word of a lie since 2nd april all there has been promises thios person is so evil,just cant take it truely as i am so unwell and he knows that cause he befriended me in the begining,i havent got back to his txt yet as i dont know what to say as i am forever seeing the police are involved just cant believe he has been away,how dare he,i cant believe the stress i have been going though and he goes away for a break omfg and twisted well done on going with wat ur gut said xx

I wouldn't hold your breath. Tell him when the money is back in your account, you can contact the police & your bank to end their investigation. Hopefully telling him again that the police are involved may spurn him on a bit quicker.
hope you'll get your money back...
i'll pray that everything will end for you soon...
i'm very sorry it happened to you and hope you'll get well soon:)
i'm buying ticket from an mj fan and i hope to get the ticket soon. she seem like a good person.
she also gave me her details and i called her and she sounds very nice,
but you can never know so be careful next time.always buy things from sites you know and get to know the person first...
hope you'll get tickets soon good luck with everything hopefully it will all end soon..

thanks for letting us know so others can watch out:)
Also dont let this fraudster off the hook just because he refunds you( if it happens ).
Work with the police and bring this p**** to justice!!