Has any movie made u cry?

Jul 25, 2011
lost, lonely & scared... wanna live with Michael i
there r 3 movies which makes me cry badly anytime i watch them

"Pay it Forward"
"Bridge to Terabithia"
and "my girl"

nothing but death of a child in a movie can make me feel so so so sad and blubber.


"Passion of the Christ"
and "the 2ndhanded lion"

how about you? what thing in a movie makes u cry?
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Yah, I cry during movies all the time, lol.

Edward Scissorhands gets me every single time...it's my favorite movie and I've watched it about 300 times but I still cry. I know it's a fairlytale and all, but it's beautiful.
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IDK the last time actual tears came from my eyes.. But I have gotten water eyed. Usually its that klunk feeling in the throwt..
hmm usually movies with a good story or brilliant acting can send me to the tissue box when things turn sad.

of the ones already mentioned I say yeah to:
I am Sam
Pay it Forward


Life is Beautiful
Schindler's List
Lord of the Rings (all three had at least one scene that got me crying The worst one being the third film... cause I knew what was going to happen having been a big fan of the books and I knew my fav character was about to die :( )
Dead Poets Society
Hotel Rwanda
Angels in America
The Color Purple
Children of men

I know there are other's I just can't think at the moment :lol:
Ohhh there are tons of movies that made me :cry:. from disney movies(yes cheesy) to romantic movies etc....

The Fox and The Hound..( The fox leaves at the end..omg :cry:)
The Lion King(when Mufassa died :( )
Sam I am
Boys in the hood ( when Ice- cube's characters brother gets shot and they take him to the house and then his girl and the baby and his mother see him on the couch dead bleeding) :cry:

Um... The most I have ever cried was when I watched.. I am Sam.. It killed me.. I was laying down and I boo hoo'd so much I was choking.

Anything remotely sad makes me cry.. or anything too happy.. lol
The Lion King, Ladder 49 - I Cried like a baby, Wall-E, The Guardian, We Are Marshall, The Great Debators I think, The Passion of the Christ of course, .. if I think of anymore, I'll tell you.. all the movies I told you by the way, I recommend you all to see! :)

mjbabe, you reminded me.. The Fox and the Hound made me cry too, I can't even watch it ever again after that one time, it's so sad to me :(
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^^ Aww I know... That song at the end is what gets me sad, how about you??I think it goes somthing like this "Goodbyeeeeeee, and this time its forever , and You'll be in my heart" idk that song was something similiar to that..and then i think that lady who owned the fox was talking while that sad song was playing..*tear*..
There are so many... I'm a very sentimental person.

The Braveheart
Rain Man
Schindler's list
Edward the Scissorhands

and romantic films like Ghost, Titanic, Pretty woman, etc. :blush:
Bambi (When Bambi's mother dies)
Free Willie (When everyone was banging on the glass and scaring Willie)
The Elephant Man
Old Yeller
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I cry pretty easily on movies.... though now my mind came only these:

The Lion King
World Trade Center
In the end of Return of the King (Lord of the Rings)

For some reason tears came to my eyes while watching Dark Knight. I don't think it had anything to do with the movie though.
And while watching Titanic I have never cried at all :eek:
Many have what comes immediately to mind...

1.) "The Notebook"

2.) "Forrest Gump"

3.) "City Of Angels"
oh there are alooooooooooot but at the moment I remember these..
A.I.(When the woman is leaving the boy robot and he's begging!)
Star Wars(episode II when Padme reveals her true passion to Anakin b4 they going to die)
Big Fish!
The passion of Christ
I don't really like it when movies make me cry but these are the ones I've seen that come to mind

The Passion of the Christ
The Fox and the Hound
Terms of Endearment
i will add some more

the bucket list

Mjbabe21 i am another one who crys all of the time for Disney movies :lol:

the lion king
fox and the hound
cant think of any more right now