Hard creepy riddle aka the gull thread

Re: Hard creepy riddle

:lol: no she killed herself...on purpose
Re: Hard creepy riddle

can we have one more hint? u said it was about her background... l none of us really know her bg other then that she as blind at birth... and it deals with her dad.
Re: Hard creepy riddle

well those are some of the most important things:D

but ok um it's very close related to her dad's work:D
Re: Hard creepy riddle

ok so he was a monger... but not fish?

was he a bird monger?
Re: Hard creepy riddle

it doesn't really matter what matters is that he worked...in a certain enviroment:D
Re: Hard creepy riddle

lol ok im trying to figure it out lol. he worked on the water? he wasn't a chef but he owned the resturant?
omg idk!
Re: Hard creepy riddle

yes he worked on the water...but no he wasn't a chef and he didn't own the restaurant:toofunny:
Re: Hard creepy riddle

ok how did the girl kill herself? was he a pirate?

u asked for questions... lol im askin all that comes to mind.
Re: Hard creepy riddle

I can't answer the first one:p

the second no:D
Re: Hard creepy riddle

ok so the father worked on the water... the girl killed herself in the restaurant bathroom after she ate and threw up the gull?.....hmmm

the gull was her mother?
Re: Hard creepy riddle

good cuz I told angeliki I'll save it for her:toofunny:
Re: Hard creepy riddle

that's a compliment right?:cheeky:
Re: Hard creepy riddle

ok then maybe thanks:p

Re: Hard creepy riddle

her father was swimming in the water, working really hard.. Out of sudden the gull came, ate a piece of him and when she tried to eat the gull she ends up eating her dad inside him? :bugeyed

:toofunny: :toofunny: :lmao:
Re: Hard creepy riddle

:lmao: as crazy as it sounds you're closer than you think
Re: Hard creepy riddle

the gull bite her father while he was in/near the water :D

Correct so far? :p
Re: Hard creepy riddle

her father tried to kill the gull while he was in the water? :mello:
Re: Hard creepy riddle

she ate the gull but then regret it, cuz its not normal thing to eat a gull, i hear it 4 the first time :eek:

:fish: ---> literally :D
Re: Hard creepy riddle

:lmao: no

ok hint: you got the part with her dad on the water right...no gull attacks tho:toofunny:
Re: Hard creepy riddle

damn it :D

you men her dad was swimming in the water? so far ok? :p
Re: Hard creepy riddle

no he wasn't swimming:D...he was......on the water:D